Relaxed Heads- can we wash/co wash everyday???

gissell, you sure do have a lot of hair to deal with. I'm full CBL so I wash whenever I feel like it. Sometimes it's everyday or sometimes it's every other day. I just got my hair relaxed, and this whole wait 72 hours rule is cramping my style, and my hair a so dry. I'm afraid to use a water based product too because I don't want to revert the perm.

LL-- Since this is going to be your first co/wash after Relaxing, what are you going to do/use?
LL-- Since this is going to be your first co/wash after Relaxing, what are you going to do/use?

I decided that I shouldn't cowash just yet. I want to use a chelating poo to make sure all the relaxer is out of my hair. But I've fallen in love with VO5 Moisture Milks in PassionFruit smoothie. It's the only conditioner that feels right on my hair. My hair doesn't feel dirty with it. I treid White Rain and it made my hair feel stripped!!! Like a cheapie shampoo, yuck.

After tonight's shampoo wash I will begin cowashing daily again. I love it and my hair loves it, especially my ends. I'm retaining soooo much more length it's extroadinary. Breakage almost isn't even a word in my vocabulary anymore.
I decided that I shouldn't cowash just yet. I want to use a chelating poo to make sure all the relaxer is out of my hair. But I've fallen in love with VO5 Moisture Milks in PassionFruit smoothie. It's the only conditioner that feels right on my hair. My hair doesn't feel dirty with it. I treid White Rain and it made my hair feel stripped!!! Like a cheapie shampoo, yuck.

After tonight's shampoo wash I will begin cowashing daily again. I love it and my hair loves it, especially my ends. I'm retaining soooo much more length it's extroadinary. Breakage almost isn't even a word in my vocabulary anymore.

I am 16 weeks post. I have been cowashing for about the last 6 weeks. I have never stretched past 8 weeks until now. During the week, I cowash maybe twice. On the weekends its every day. During the week I pull in a bun or french braids. On the weekend I do a wash and go style. Hence, why I wash it everyday on weekends. Wash and gos only last me a day before the poof sets in.

BTW, in my 6 week experience with cowashing I found that I can deep condition less because I am constantly conditioning. I also found that I alternating between a moisturizing and protein conditioner helps. I don't use products with cones in it. And heavy conditioners like ORS leave a waxy buildup feeling. That's way too heavy for daily use.

Also, on wash days (once every 7-10 days), I use a sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner in one. I found using plain old shampoos are too harsh. I still use a conditioner afterwards.

I will experience my 1st cowash since a while tomorrow night....I will let you know how it goes.
BTW, in my 6 week experience with cowashing I found that I can deep condition less because I am constantly conditioning. I also found that I alternating between a moisturizing and protein conditioner helps. I don't use products with cones in it. And heavy conditioners like ORS leave a waxy buildup feeling. That's way too heavy for daily use.

Also, on wash days (once every 7-10 days), I use a sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner in one. I found using plain old shampoos are too harsh. I still use a conditioner afterwards.


what are your cowash conditioners?
First, I understand that your natural sebum oil is the best ingredient for your hair, and washing daily makes it nearly impossible for enough to build up on your hair to produce the best results. But there are alternatives to still allow for beautiful healthy hair. I have wondered if frequent washing actually makes your scalp OVER produce oil - which might work to the benefit of 4A/B hair such as mine that needs it? Hmm. Just a thought...

Anyway, with that said, I am relaxed, and I wash pretty much every day. :) Everyone's jaw drops when I tell them that, but I love to do it and love my hair. I either wash w/ CON shampoo, co-wash, or rinse with plain water. Love the feel of the water on my scalp, love the smell and feel of soft, smooth,fresh clean hair.

I just make sure that I am using very moisturizing products for the most part, and when I air-dry use plenty of moisturizing agents, and seal. I have never had a negative experience with this process. Over time, I have learned to know exactly what my hair needs by touching it when wet or dry. Also, this helps a bit sometimes when I haven't had time to DC properly. And I can do any style afterwards with no problems, either I air dry in a bun, or wet set under the Pibbs, or blow dry with my T3.

Alter Ego targets a few of their shampoos/conditioners as "Frequent Use" or "Daily" shampoo/con products. I have always been curious about trying, but have yet to do so. I typically wash in the AM or evening w/ a VERY moisturizing shampoo that gives great slip, then condition, then bun w/ a moisturizing agent, and tie down w/ scarf. My hair is well trained now, and it works great for work. I feel like my hair is very healthy with this process. I keep saying I'm going to do a braid out or twist out or something besides a bun, but I am always too tired to try something different.
A few years ago I washed everyday just to prove that old wives tale wrong. I think it's most important to find a shampoo that works for your hair and moisturizes. I was able to wash everyday using CON the green label. Now I wash every 3 days and if my hair feels a little on the dry side i'll co-wash for moisture. But when co-washing I usually rinse my hair really well before putting in the conditioner to rid it of product and any dirt. I think it's about finding the right products.... I recommend giving it a try. You'll find a system that works for you.
I co-washed for the first time last night (i'm a newbie to the site) and I must say I'm not loving it. My hair feels a little rougher than it did. Before I co-washed it felt soft because I had washed it on Saturday but now it's just kinda BLAH. I think I will just stick to washing and deep conditioning weekly.
I co-washed for the first time last night (i'm a newbie to the site) and I must say I'm not loving it. My hair feels a little rougher than it did. Before I co-washed it felt soft because I had washed it on Saturday but now it's just kinda BLAH. I think I will just stick to washing and deep conditioning weekly.

Welcome EricaKane!!!!:bouncegre

I'm sorry you didn't have a positive experience from co-washing. Just curious, what products were on your hair when you co-washed and what conditioner did you use to do your co-wash? Also, when is the last time that you clarified?
First, I understand that your natural sebum oil is the best ingredient for your hair, and washing daily makes it nearly impossible for enough to build up on your hair to produce the best results. But there are alternatives to still allow for beautiful healthy hair. I have wondered if frequent washing actually makes your scalp OVER produce oil - which might work to the benefit of 4A/B hair such as mine that needs it? Hmm. Just a thought...

Anyway, with that said, I am relaxed, and I wash pretty much every day. :) Everyone's jaw drops when I tell them that, but I love to do it and love my hair. I either wash w/ CON shampoo, co-wash, or rinse with plain water. Love the feel of the water on my scalp, love the smell and feel of soft, smooth,fresh clean hair.

I just make sure that I am using very moisturizing products for the most part, and when I air-dry use plenty of moisturizing agents, and seal. I have never had a negative experience with this process. Over time, I have learned to know exactly what my hair needs by touching it when wet or dry. Also, this helps a bit sometimes when I haven't had time to DC properly. And I can do any style afterwards with no problems, either I air dry in a bun, or wet set under the Pibbs, or blow dry with my T3.

Alter Ego targets a few of their shampoos/conditioners as "Frequent Use" or "Daily" shampoo/con products. I have always been curious about trying, but have yet to do so. I typically wash in the AM or evening w/ a VERY moisturizing shampoo that gives great slip, then condition, then bun w/ a moisturizing agent, and tie down w/ scarf. My hair is well trained now, and it works great for work. I feel like my hair is very healthy with this process. I keep saying I'm going to do a braid out or twist out or something besides a bun, but I am always too tired to try something different.

Lovie, you are my girl! I wash my hair everyday tooo! My family looks at me crazy. And I haven't had enough guts to tell my friends because they would tell me I'm nuts too. I only told my boyfriend because he supports all of my efforts to look beautiful. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that my scalp over produces oil. I used to have a dry and flaky scalp and now it's not even a problem. It's been a month or more that I've been washing everyday. I still have CON green label 2 32 ounce bottles and 1 18 once bottle totally full, and about 4 ounces of CON red. My roots never have to be moisturized. Even when i stretch. I just ended a 12 week stretch as you know from the Phyto thread and I beleive that I was able to retain length from root to tip from the oil on my scalp and the conditioner on my ends. I would wash my hair and only about 2-5 shed hairs would come out. Breakage is barely a word in my vocab. Especially after my relaxer.

Washing feels sooo good. I almost broke down in the 72 hours post relaxer that I couldn't wash my hair. It's such a habit now. I'm essentially on the same regi as you right now with the exception of products I'm sure.
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My hair is too thick to co/wash everyday and takes a while to dry. I don't wear fake hair and I can't walk around with a wet/moist head. So this is the only reason why I couldn't do it everyday.

I did do it last night right after work @ 6pm, added my leave-ins.. let my hair air dry, by 11pm it was still damp in the middle but I had to go to bed so I braided it up (for a braidout) and it was dry by morning. So occasionally works for me.
I still have CON green label 2 32 ounce bottles and 1 18 once bottle totally full, and about 4 ounces of CON red. My roots never have to be moisturized.
I am laughing that we both have stockpiled CON in our closets.:shopping: I think I have 3 32 oz bottles of green, and 1 32 oz of red, and 1 shampoo bottle that I keep refilling. And I am slapping my hand from buying any I may see online, because there has to be a better way to life. :nono: I am always in search of the CON replacement poo for frequent washing. Quick off topic comment, yesterday, I bought & tried Keracare Hydrating Detangling when I washed. Had to do a double check on the bottle. It feels VERY MUCH like CON. Something to keep in mind down the road. The ingredients list is not attractive to me, however, so I am still searching for when CON is gone. But I did like the finish, seemed..silkier? Anyway.

I just ended a 12 week stretch as you know from the Phyto thread and I beleive that
I was able to retain length from root to tip from the oil on my scalp and the conditioner on my ends.

I totally agree with this theory. It makes sense. You said you are using different products, maybe its also the moisturizing agents always on your scalp too. You know how they say if you have acne, dont overwash your face, because your skin will overproduce oil to make up for the dryness? The fact that you're noticing extra sebum oil production from "overwashing" is a good thing for a drier scalp that needs the extra sebum protection. Hey, I just remembered, I had another friend who had this problem, and daily co-washing made it go away after a few weeks. Yes, it makes sense.

Washing feels sooo good. I almost broke down in the 72 hours post relaxer that I couldn't wash my hair. It's such a habit now. I'm essentially on the same regi as you right now with the exception of products I'm sure.

I completely feel your pain on this one. I saw that post in the other thread and chuckled to myself because I can definitely relate to the impatience there. :)
My hair is too thick to co/wash everyday and takes a while to dry. I don't wear fake hair and I can't walk around with a wet/moist head. So this is the only reason why I couldn't do it everyday.

I did do it last night right after work @ 6pm, added my leave-ins.. let my hair air dry, by 11pm it was still damp in the middle but I had to go to bed so I braided it up (for a braidout) and it was dry by morning. So occasionally works for me.

Mrs. Johnson -
I love your avatar picture. LOVE LOVE LOVE the curls and length!! :love:

I understand about the no moist/wet head rule - I don't wear peices either (but I used to and this was convenient in college as a protective style).

Now when I airdry, it is usually draped with a towel to help soak moisture, then smoothed into some version of a bun w/ mango butter or a Phyto leave in. The edges and top part of my head dry fairly quickly, but sometimes when I get home and take it out, it is still damp near the scalp or middle of the bun. If I let it air dry without a bun it would be....HAKUNA MATATA... :hair:..and the flat iron would come OUT with a quickness.
I'm finding I need to do something, I'm not sure if its co-washing or rinsing almost every day or every other day because I'm running every morning and I sweat like a race horse.

Before I was wearing my natural hair in braids and was rinsing in the shower, sometimes co-washing and then slapping on my wig for work.

I didn't realize how often I had to wash it until I got my BKT. Now that I'm not hiding my hair any more I have to think about washing my hair every day before I go to work. I have a styling solution (thank you SelfStyled). But I'm not sure my hair will like being co-washed every day or washed for that matter. I know it needs to be rinsed at least. :scratchch

The good news is that it is not reverting. I just have to figure out my new reggie....
Mrs. Johnson -
I love your avatar picture. LOVE LOVE LOVE the curls and length!! :love:

I understand about the no moist/wet head rule - I don't wear peices either (but I used to and this was convenient in college as a protective style).

Now when I airdry, it is usually draped with a towel to help soak moisture, then smoothed into some version of a bun w/ mango butter or a Phyto leave in. The edges and top part of my head dry fairly quickly, but sometimes when I get home and take it out, it is still damp near the scalp or middle of the bun. If I let it air dry without a bun it would be....HAKUNA MATATA... :hair:..and the flat iron would come OUT with a quickness.
I need someone to come and hide mine! LOL
First, I understand that your natural sebum oil is the best ingredient for your hair, and washing daily makes it nearly impossible for enough to build up on your hair to produce the best results. But there are alternatives to still allow for beautiful healthy hair. I have wondered if frequent washing actually makes your scalp OVER produce oil - which might work to the benefit of 4A/B hair such as mine that needs it? Hmm. Just a thought...

Anyway, with that said, I am relaxed, and I wash pretty much every day. :) Everyone's jaw drops when I tell them that, but I love to do it and love my hair. I either wash w/ CON shampoo, co-wash, or rinse with plain water. Love the feel of the water on my scalp, love the smell and feel of soft, smooth,fresh clean hair.

I just make sure that I am using very moisturizing products for the most part, and when I air-dry use plenty of moisturizing agents, and seal. I have never had a negative experience with this process. Over time, I have learned to know exactly what my hair needs by touching it when wet or dry. Also, this helps a bit sometimes when I haven't had time to DC properly. And I can do any style afterwards with no problems, either I air dry in a bun, or wet set under the Pibbs, or blow dry with my T3.

Alter Ego targets a few of their shampoos/conditioners as "Frequent Use" or "Daily" shampoo/con products. I have always been curious about trying, but have yet to do so. I typically wash in the AM or evening w/ a VERY moisturizing shampoo that gives great slip, then condition, then bun w/ a moisturizing agent, and tie down w/ scarf. My hair is well trained now, and it works great for work. I feel like my hair is very healthy with this process. I keep saying I'm going to do a braid out or twist out or something besides a bun, but I am always too tired to try something different.

I need to read your threads because I'm finding a need to something very similar to what you are doing with the nearly daily washing / rinsing.... I love working out, I don't want to sacrifice it or my hair so I have to figure this out. I don't think I have the right blend of products just yet.
:yep: Back in the Relaxed days.. I co-washed every other day.. My hair got to a few inches above my bra strap..My hair was actually at a stand still until I started CO washing..HTH
I need to read your threads because I'm finding a need to something very similar to what you are doing with the nearly daily washing / rinsing.... I love working out, I don't want to sacrifice it or my hair so I have to figure this out. I don't think I have the right blend of products just yet.

Hey there ATL -
Understand the challenges there, that actually may have been why I began getting my hair wet daily - I hated having sweaty scalp dry, and even when I tied it up to hold it down, it still felt ...not fresh. :)

What products are you using? Now that you are not hiding your hair, how do you style? BTW, the new siggy pic is GREAT! :yep:
i do during the summer, but u gotta be careful which condish u use, otherwise u may get tangles. make sure you detangle your hair daily and seal with oil.

We use costco brand moisturizing condish for our CW's. my hubby has CW everyday for 4 years and grew his hair from bald to past bra-strap ( he wears no bra :lachen:). He relaxes his head 4x a year with bantu lye.
Hey there ATL -
Understand the challenges there, that actually may have been why I began getting my hair wet daily - I hated having sweaty scalp dry, and even when I tied it up to hold it down, it still felt ...not fresh. :)

What products are you using? Now that you are not hiding your hair, how do you style? BTW, the new siggy pic is GREAT! :yep:
This is a new style for me so at first I was wearing it out after hiding for a year.. Then I figured that was not good so I am going to start bunning basically to keep my manipulation down to a minimum.

I plan to tie down and air dry in a bun and wear a cute phony pony.

Now I just have to figure out what products to use on which days, and when to DC. I can't use products with Sodium Chloride (salt) in them because of my BKT. I need moisture and occasional keratin protein / moisture DCs.
ETA: I'm a fine 4 a/b with a textlax and a BKT. So I'm getting used to being straight vs. natural. ITA with the fresh feeling scalp. I feel icky all day if I workout and don't rinse or something. I am worried about making my hair weak though. I seemed to have shed more than usual with my last wash. I used a new shampoo conditioner combo. Organix Shea Butter Smoothing shampoo & condish.
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This is a new style for me so at first I was wearing it out after hiding for a year.. Then I figured that was not good so I am going to start bunning basically to keep my manipulation down to a minimum.

I plan to tie down and air dry in a bun and wear a cute phony pony.

Now I just have to figure out what products to use on which days, and when to DC. I can't use products with Sodium Chloride (salt) in them because of my BKT. I need moisture and occasional keratin protein / moisture DCs.
ETA: I'm a fine 4 a/b with a textlax and a BKT. So I'm getting used to being straight vs. natural. ITA with the fresh feeling scalp. I feel icky all day if I workout and don't rinse or something. I am worried about making my hair weak though. I seemed to have shed more than usual with my last wash. I used a new shampoo conditioner combo. Organix Shea Butter Smoothing shampoo & condish.

If you like, I can check some of my favorite conditioners to see if there is Sodium Chloride in the ingredients list and share what I find. I dont think I will ahve time to write all the ingredients, but I can at least share product names for your google purposes. :) I have been trying HARD to simplify (at one piont I had about 15 full bottles of co-wash conditioners :nono:) but I still have a few left. I understand that you have to be careful with the BKT.

Off the top of my head, I do really like Aubrey Organic GPB and Honeysuckle Rose for overnight poo then rinsing in the AM, I doubt that has SC in it.
If you like, I can check some of my favorite conditioners to see if there is Sodium Chloride in the ingredients list and share what I find. I dont think I will ahve time to write all the ingredients, but I can at least share product names for your google purposes. :) I have been trying HARD to simplify (at one piont I had about 15 full bottles of co-wash conditioners :nono:) but I still have a few left. I understand that you have to be careful with the BKT.

Off the top of my head, I do really like Aubrey Organic GPB and Honeysuckle Rose for overnight poo then rinsing in the AM, I doubt that has SC in it.
Thank you!....I am a recovered PJ, I have lots of products on hand...:giggle: I am going to move my AO HSR, WC and GPB to the front of my rotation. :yep: You are right, they do not have SC in the ingredients. I also have two huge bottles of Giovanni Smooth as Silk, the poo has SC in it but the condish does not.

I need to have a Joico Kpak sale!! :cry:
Yes, sodium chloride is a killer. If it's in my ingredients at all it's got to be in the lowest part of the ingredients. Sometimes manufacturers put them in conditioners!!! Can you believe that?
Thank you!....I am a recovered PJ, I have lots of products on hand...:giggle: I am going to move my AO HSR, WC and GPB to the front of my rotation. :yep: You are right, they do not have SC in the ingredients. I also have two huge bottles of Giovanni Smooth as Silk, the poo has SC in it but the condish does not.

I need to have a Joico Kpak sale!! :cry:

Uh, Atlanta... I will take some of 'dat Joico off your hands. I just hate to see you suffering so! :grin: