Those that purchase Henna from fnwl


New Member
How much do you pay? I was about to place an order, but their shipping and handling fees are crazy. My order totaled $17, but they arecharging an extra 17.30 for shipping and handling and a small order fee. that's crazy! is that correct or did I do something wrong?

They give you like four UPS shipping options and you may have accidently selected the most expensive one (UPS next day, which is very pricy indeed). I paid about $6.50 UPS standard when I ordered. Give them a call if you made mistake in choosing the wrong shipping class . . .
no, i picked the cheapest. it was 7.30, a 5 dollar small order fee and the rest was for handling. did you get all of those fees when you placed your order?
felicia said:
no, i picked the cheapest. it was 7.30, a 5 dollar small order fee and the rest was for handling. did you get all of those fees when you placed your order?

I've ordered other stuff (not henna) from them and the order wasn't small but I do remember think WTW when checkout time came.
sareca said:
I've ordered other stuff (not henna) from them and the order wasn't small but I do remember think WTW when checkout time came.

imma have to pass then. that's crazy! the s&h is more than my freakin order.
felicia said:
no, i picked the cheapest. it was 7.30, a 5 dollar small order fee and the rest was for handling. did you get all of those fees when you placed your order?

Yeah, I was pretty surprised when I placed my order with them. Next time I will be ordering at least $20 to avoid that stupid $5 small order fee.
My subtotal was $20, shipping, handling, and the small order fee was $13.

ETA I read that wrong...shipping and handling was $8, no small order fee.
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they suck! :lol: but i'll probably end up ordering from them a little bit down the road when i have more money.
felicia said:
they suck! :lol: but i'll probably end up ordering from them a little bit down the road when i have more money.

They're the only people I've found that sell unscented amla oil. *sigh* What's a girl gonna do?
Wow, I did't even KNOW there was a "small order fee"! My order totaled about $25.00 or so (henna, amla oil, neem oil, some other stuff). My shipping was around $7 or so. . .
Neroli said:
Wow, I did't even KNOW there was a "small order fee"! My order totaled about $25.00 or so (henna, amla oil, neem oil, some other stuff). My shipping was around $7 or so. . .
what do you use your neem oil for? i was going to get some neem powder. i guess it'd be cheaper for me to just order more stuff since my order total's 34 with just the three items.
sareca said:
They're the only people I've found that sell unscented amla oil. *sigh* What's a girl gonna do?

i know. that's how they get ya. sell their stuff real cheap and kill you with the "fees" at the end.
felicia said:
what do you use your neem oil for? i was going to get some neem powder. i guess it'd be cheaper for me to just order more stuff since my order total's 34 with just the three items.

I use the neem oil to massage before applying my henna. It stinks to high heaven but feels good on the scalp. I massage it in then apply henna, cover with plastic cap for at least an hour. Neem is a standard hair cleanser and disinfectant used by indian women. I likey a lot, even with the smell . . .

Yall really got me curious about the high shipping because that was not my experience. I just checked and theier policy states:
"We do not impose a minimum order requirement. Thank you for understanding, however, that we must add a $5.00 surcharge on orders that are $20.00 or less, after any discounts are applied."

So basically, if your order is more than $20.00 the shipping should be pretty standard. I mean, I paid no more than $8.00 for a $25 order. Perhaps they have changed their policy?

Believe me, if their S&H had been outrageous, I'd have scoped it immediately 'cuase I'm the queen of deals -- I say frugal, my hubby very gratefully will tell anyone his wife is "cheap" . . .
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Wow, I'm glad I didn't get slapped with that "small order fee." I was planning on buying a one pound bag of henna and maybe some alma powder, but I decided to restock on henna locally instead. Thanks for the heads up. ;)
I order from fnwl fairly often. But once I found out about the small order fee, I made sure whenever I ordered from them my purchase was at least twenty dollars. Yeah, the fees and the shipping and handling can get crazy over there.

ETA: Where the hell is my henna, btw? I think I'm going to have to call them tomorrow. They usually ship things really fast, so this is strange.
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Cichelle said:
I order from fnwl fairly often. But once I found out about the small order fee, I made sure whenever I ordered from them my purchase was at least twenty dollars. Yeah, the fees and the shipping and handling can get crazy over there.

ETA: Where the hell is my henna, btw? I think I'm going to have to call them tomorrow. They usually ship things really fast, so this is strange.

Yeha, I'm waiting on my order too!
I think they closed for the labor day weekend, so that slowed things up.
WomanlyCharm said:
Yeha, I'm waiting on my order too!
I think they closed for the labor day weekend, so that slowed things up.

I wondered what the deal was when I tried to get on the site this weekend and it was down. :ohwell:
I just got on the fnwl site and tracked my order. It was supposedly on the UPS truck to be delivered today, but umm, I never got it. (UPS came here today and delivered something else, too!) Anyway, I'm hoping to receive it tomorrow. :)