This Right Here Is What...

She is rude. People sit there and listen to that? Also not every woman has what has been traditionally seen as feminine characteristics. Nothing is wrong with that.
I had to fast forward to see if she was ranting for the entire 10 minutes. Just when she’d reel it back in she’d lash on back out lol
Makes you not want to go to church.
I m so disgusted right now.

I am unable to view the (what I'm guessing is a video) for some reason, but don't base your precious relationship with God on any other person on this earth. Even God said do not put your trust in man. You build your relationship with Christ directly with Him. Think of the church as a place to go to help you learn how to study the scriptures so that you can continue to build your personal relationship with Christ and don't ever give Satan a foothold anywhere in your life. He will use it to "turn you off" from God before you realize what's happening.

Walk in love and be blessed.
Makes you not want to go to church.
I m so disgusted right now.

The important thing to remember is that this person in the video is not God. Neither is she 'The' Church nor does she represent the Church as Jesus does. By allowing what she says and how she behaves to be the basis to make your decision to stay away from Church is making her your leader and your God. She / they have won; you're the one who loses out as you are allowing them to 'control' your feelings of offense and to lead you astray from God's loving arms to protect you from such.

When you see someone or something that is unlike God, the red flag is for you to stay away from that person and / or thing and to move all the more closer to Jesus. Jesus is always waiting with arms wide open to embrace those who 'run' to Him and not take heed to nor be mislead by the offenders of God's Truth.

This person in this video has to answer to God for her pride and brashness. Let that be so, it will happen.
The important thing to remember is that this person in the video is not God. Neither is she 'The' Church nor does she represent the Church as Jesus does. By allowing what she says and how she behaves to be the basis to make your decision to stay away from Church is making her your leader and your God. She / they have won; you're the one who loses out as you are allowing them to 'control' your feelings of offense and to lead you astray from God's loving arms to protect you from such.

When you see someone or something that is unlike God, the red flag is for you to stay away from that person and / or thing and to move all the more closer to Jesus. Jesus is always waiting with arms wide open to embrace those who 'run' to Him and not take heed to nor be mislead by the offenders of God's Truth.

This person in this video has to answer to God for her pride and brashness. Let that be so, it will happen.

I understand what you are saying . Unfortunately the reality many churches are not about scripture. They are more focused on the "Ministry" rather than God. Sadly those who looking to find a church are no being bombarded by these charlatans. These people are trying to outshine God in a House of God.
I'd guess you're speaking rhetorically...but I will say this: I don't think the chuych folk love or enjoy being talked down to.. but because they're reverent to the people that they believe God has placed to guide them( like Moses and the Israelites. :yep: ) they let it play out.
In due time and in His own way, Father God always deals with those leaders who think they can talk to people any way they want because they're in a position of "power" Not all "rebukes" are sanctioned by God. He's not sleeping...

That's the question. Why do people enjoy being talked down to by "Passa" or "Firss" Lady.
I understand what you are saying . Unfortunately the reality many churches are not about scripture. They are more focused on the "Ministry" rather than God. Sadly those who looking to find a church are no being bombarded by these charlatans. These people are trying to outshine God in a House of God.
Juanita's behaviour in this video is far beyond wrong. She is demanding to be 'served' when Jesus' clearly says and He always demonstrated that it is those who lead are the ones to serve. Jesus spent His entire 'walk' upon this earth, serving the lives of humans with all of His heart, with the Ultimate of giving up His life and 'Kingship' upon the cross for all to see and mock Him. He took the shame of our sins all upon Himself.

So indeed, Juanita is way off the path and heart of Jesus. She needs to sit still and be quiet. If she had behaved as such in my presence, I would have fully interrupted her tirade and made her apologize or leave.

As for those who are being 'bombarded', we've all been given the beautiful gift of 'free will'. We don't have to allow any 'charlatan' to have rule over our heart and souls. We all have that 'free choice' to leave such and to seek a place of pure worship, to secure ourselves with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to make us more and more like Jesus and not allow the crudeness of man to hinder our relationship and trust in God.

God bless you. I do understand. :yep: Even more, God understands and is handling those who misrepresent Him.
Amen to that...

As for those who are being 'bombarded', we've all been given the beautiful gift of 'free will'. We don't have to allow any 'charlatan' to have rule over our heart and souls. We all have that 'free choice' to leave such and to seek a place of pure worship, to secure ourselves with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to make us more and more like Jesus and not allow the crudeness of man to hinder our relationship and trust in God.

God bless you. I do understand. :yep: Even more, God understands and is handling those who misrepresent Him.