This itch is driving me craaaaaaazy.. aaaaaaaah


New Member
After taking vitamins and I started covering my hair at night, my scalp began to itch. I'm not familiar with this so I was like Ohhhhh laaaawd, this is the best I've ever treated my hair so why is my scalp irritating me. Once it got so bad, I just took off my scarf and threw it to the floor and scratched my head intensely. I just really needed to relief myself :lachen:

The next day I washed it, and I just put in leave-in conditioner. At night I sealed it with oil, and went to sleep (with the scarf) Again my hair itches. I decided to do some research, and turns out it can be a ''growth itch.'' I must say, I'm relieved. But it's still driving me crazy. I'm trying hard to get used to the feeling, I just can't. It's really really annoying.

Anybody go through this? What did you use? .. My scalp is clean, so I duno what else it could be. Is this even normal... I'm still confused why new hair growth itches. If anybody can explain that, I'd really appreciate it.

ETA: OR if you think it's something else... please do share.
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I had major itching in the beginning and was told on this forum that no itching is really normal. LaFemmeNatural cured my itch when she said that the eucalyptus oil that I was using on my hair was probably causing it....after I stopped using it my itching subsided. So if you think it's growth that's great but you should just ensure that you are not allergic to something that you are using as well.
I had major itching in the beginning and was told on this forum that no itching is really normal. LaFemmeNatural cured my itch when she said that the eucalyptus oil that I was using on my hair was probably causing it....after I stopped using it my itching subsided. So if you think it's growth that's great but you should just ensure that you are not allergic to something that you are using as well.

Thanks for your response.

I don't think it's the oil because when I don't cover my hair.. I'm fine. It's when I do, that the tingling sensation/itchy feeling begins.
Are you using a new product that u might be allergic to? If not and you know that ur scalp is clean, I'd say it's growth itches. I have this too.

Also, when I first start using JBCO, I had the itchies bad but I learned that the JBCO was in the process of cleaning my scalp, after a while I didn't have that problem anymore. HTH
Are you using a new product that u might be allergic to? If not and you know that ur scalp is clean, I'd say it's growth itches. I have this too.

Also, when I first start using JBCO, I had the itchies bad but I learned that the JBCO was in the process of cleaning my scalp, after a while I didn't have that problem anymore. HTH

Yup.. I'm using JBCO.

Maybe your head is sweating under the scarf... I know that when my head sweats and i have product in it i itch a lot. Try sleeping with a very very thin scarf or maybe a mesh one.
Thanks for your response.

I don't think it's the oil because when I don't cover my hair.. I'm fine. It's when I do, that the tingling sensation/itchy feeling begins.

Also, when your head is covered product is easily forced to settle on your scalp whether from heat that makes it flow that way or just your hair being pressed down against it. I itch like mad if I put on a plastic cap with conditioner on my head and go to bed like that. But if I put conditioner on and wear it all day, coz I was DCing and forgot to wash of due to chores, I won't itch as much as I would if I had been wearing a cap.

I'm of the school that no itch is good. I'm yet to find a scientific book that equates itching with growth or healthy follicles. But there are those with proof that it implies growth so, more power to them.
Yep the JBCO makes my scalp itch like mad.
I used to think it was the feel of my hair growing, but I know it only happens after using JBCO.
My head itched like mad when I used JBCO and I equated it with being allergic to the oil. I was mad because it worked really well in smoothing my NG. I read somewhere that the scalp should not itch more than twice a day, anymore than that and its off balace. It may need to be washed or the scalp is rejecting a product. I find I itch a little more when I am so many weeks post because my scalp is not getting any air so I try to keep my hair uncovered as long as possible

Last week I tried a new conditioner mixed in another old faithful and my scalp itched. So no more of that conditioner will be used. You may have to chalk it up as a loss because excessive scratching of the scalp can cause damage.
I don't think there's any such thing as "growth itch". It sounds like you're allergic to something.

I think someone somewhere made that up (wishful thinking) when they were anxious for some hair growth.
I don't think there's any such thing as "growth itch". It sounds like you're allergic to something.

I think someone somewhere made that up (wishful thinking) when they were anxious for some hair growth.

:lachen: I have definitely been wishful thinking, it seems like I do need to change something before I pull all my hair out.
Leave one item out each time you wash and treat your hair. If the itch stops, you will know the cause.

Is your hair relaxed or natural? It looks really nice.
Leave one item out each time you wash and treat your hair. If the itch stops, you will know the cause.

Is your hair relaxed or natural? It looks really nice.


Natural, and yeah that sounds like a good idea.

Girl, don't worry. I know it's frustrating but you'll figure it out. Many of us have been through this.

Thanks for the words of encouragement :grin:

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

My head itched like mad when I used JBCO and I equated it with being allergic to the oil. I was mad because it worked really well in smoothing my NG. I read somewhere that the scalp should not itch more than twice a day, anymore than that and its off balace. It may need to be washed or the scalp is rejecting a product. I find I itch a little more when I am so many weeks post because my scalp is not getting any air so I try to keep my hair uncovered as long as possible

Last week I tried a new conditioner mixed in another old faithful and my scalp itched. So no more of that conditioner will be used. You may have to chalk it up as a loss because excessive scratching of the scalp can cause damage.

To the bolded, thanks, I never thought why my scalp will itch more just before a relaxer which when I have @ 13 weeks of new growth. Cramp city up there.
Ok, I have the itchy scalp. Yuk... I've been using Vatika Oil, but my scalp is so irritated I have to wash it out after three days...

Baking soda works really well on itchy scalps.

Also, my stylist recommends Listerine (or any generic mouth wash) for scalp issues. She says this works because the active ingredient is salicylic acid and it cleans up any yuckiness. You put the Listerine on a q-tip and then apply anywhere that itches. It has to be the brown kind though, not mint or any other scented kind. Those have sugar in them and can cause the scalp (and hair) to be sticky. I've never tried this personally but she is an awesome stylist so I trust her advice.
lol I forgot to update Ya'll.

I think nonie got it right when she said it was the cap.

I used to sleep with a cap.

But I sleep with a silk scarf now... my scalp gets some air.

It's all goooooooood, no more itiching :grin: