This Is Very Important to All the US Citizens


New Member
Our Goverment is getting trying to get the FDA more involved in the sales of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. A Senator from IL is trying to pass a bill that expand the authority of the FDA. What Sen. Richard Dublin is allegedly misinforming his colleagues in the Senate by claiming that dietary supplements are dangerous and that the FDA does not currently have adequate regulatory authority.

Please take action. You can either call your Senators' offices by calling the Capitol Hill switchboard @ (202)224-3121 or at their local office.You can also e-mail them.

If you go to either or, click on 'Take Action Now' and they will explain in greater detail and redirect you to the National Nutritional Foods Association's website. The proposed bill you want oppose is S. 722, which you can read for yourself. Enter your zip code in the appropriate spot and they let you know who your Senators are. Follow the instructions. I just finished while I was typing this up. It takes less than 5 mins.

I am sorry for the long post, but there are too many women here that purchase supplements, not only for hair, but for overall health. A vitamin a day may keep the doctor away is my motto. The majority of women here use dietary supplements and do so with much knowledge. Those who don't know, have no choice but to learn on this board. And this applies to everyone, not just those of us who take 20 different vitamins and supplements 3x a day. It seems everyone here takes at least a multi-vitamin. One of the things I love about the LHCF Ladies is the wisdom and knowledge given about supplements. Don't let them play us cheap. Most people make informed decisions. If you are not sure if you want to take action, just remember Ephedra (an ancient Chinese herb).

Hell hath no fury like a woman without Biotin, Ultra Nourishair, MSM...........
Thanx for this info Cleo. At Vitamin Shoppes, they are handing out literature on this encouraging people to write to their senators in opposition.
Thanks for the "heads up", I'll go to one of the sites now and see what's going on. They've taken prayer out of school, they can at least let us keep our vitamins. I guess they don't want us to have anything that's good for us.
CICI24 said:
Yep I already sent my letter out. I believe the Medical world is pushing this IMO

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And what's funny is I take a lot of Herbal remedies and they always say "these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA" The never wanted to take the time or spend the money on the research. But now that SALES are booming and steering people away from conventional drugs, now they wanna have at it.
