This Guy Stands Me Up and Texts Me A Month Later


Well-Known Member
Guys never cease to amaze me. :lachen:

Almost exactly a month ago, I met a guy at a restaurant. Long story short, we attempted to set up a first date two times, but our schedules kept on colliding (or so I thought). Our third attempt was looking to be successful and was scheduled for a Saturday. We had even been talking up to within an hour of the date. But then he stood me up. No call. No text. Nothing. So the next day, Sunday, I texted him about it and that was that. Didn't hear from him.

To give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe something had happened to him, I called him on Monday. I mean, this guy had been talking :blah: :blah: about how he was genuinely interested, so I really began to wonder if something did happen. When I called that Monday, he answered. I asked if he was okay. He said yes. I asked him what happened. He said his phone was off from the hour before our scheduled date until the morning I called him. (Sketchy alert :rolleyes:.) So, I left it at that. I said okay and that I had to go. Didn't hear from him again nor was I expecting to.

So, now it's a month later, and this guy texted me yesterday saying "Hey. How have you been?". I was like :perplexed and then :lol:. I didn't bother responding. Now this morning, he texts saying "Hi. How are you?". I rofl-ed :lachen:. He has yet to acknowledge that he stood me up, and I don't feel like breaking it down to him. Maybe he's lonely and started going through his phone for who to contact.
Some guys like to play a lot of games for whatever reason. This one I never understood. Chase you, ignore you, disappear, chase you, ignore you, disappear :nono:

Maybe they never figured out what to do after the chase :ohwell:

Glad you didn't respond.
He most likely has a personality disorder. I've have experienced this and have seen it happen to women. They stand you up, then simply call you out of the blue as if nothing happened. I'm not a psychologist but from what I studied they are sociopaths and/or psychopaths...having no remorse, being selfish and having the ability to change personalities to suit the situation.

Best thing you can do is WALK AWAY unless you want a lifetime of heartache.
This has happened to me more times than you would imagine. You did the right thing. I also block them so that they can't call or text anymore..
Wow, he had a lot of nerve.

I love the block feature that I can use for my Verizon Wireless account (sure does come in handy).
he stood you up because he already had plans with someone else. he weighed his options and chose option B instead of you. so now, he done screwed option B, and it wasn't what he thought, so now he diggin you up.

there is an app that i love and it's called Mr. Number. Block da bastid n don't give him no more air time.
loolalooh I love your response:yep: That's how I was when I was single. Guys used to tickle me with their shenanigans! :lachen: I didn't pay that crap no mind. On to the next......
Some men are just too much. Good reaction OP :lachen:

There are some really creaxy dudes out there would are just trolling for wormen with low self esteem to mess with.

I have something somewhat similar happened to me.

He did not stand me up for a date or anything he was just too laid back about stuff in the disguise of being busy. He talked the good talk but I never ever believed he was serious.

As usual dude disappeared for a long time and then called me up out of the blue to go out to dinner. I dont told him nope because I was dating someone. The back story being months before he had met my then SO (current DH) when we were on our very first date (DC is so small sometimes). So months later he said he was surprised I would really want to date that guy because he thought I wanted someone like him (a manly man :spinning: not a pretty boy like DH) :lachen: I couldnt stop laughing. Nice try. I just said good luck with life.

About a year later I saw his number come up on my phone . I didnt even know I still had it. I hit ignore then went in and deleted while laughing to myself. But then I was already married for several months living in another state.
ThatJerseyGirl said:
he stood you up because he already had plans with someone else. he weighed his options and chose option B instead of you. so now, he done screwed option B, and it wasn't what he thought, so now he diggin you up.

there is an app that i love and it's called Mr. Number. Block da bastid n don't give him no more air time.

This right here. No psycho no socio....just game all day every day and who ever is dumb enough to play will get played. From what I hear these days from men, they think women in general are just desperate and that most will put up with anything just to have a piece of them. I'm sure his attitude was just that, and if you dont take the bait...some other chick will. And the games continue.

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He most likely has a personality disorder. I've have experienced this and have seen it happen to women. They stand you up, then simply call you out of the blue as if nothing happened. I'm not a psychologist but from what I studied they are sociopaths and/or psychopaths...having no remorse, being selfish and having the ability to change personalities to suit the situation.

Best thing you can do is WALK AWAY unless you want a lifetime of heartache.
Nah, his personality disorder is his girlfriend or wife.
ThatJerseyGirl said:
he stood you up because he already had plans with someone else. he weighed his options and chose option B instead of you. so now, he done screwed option B, and it wasn't what he thought, so now he diggin you up.

there is an app that i love and it's called Mr. Number. Block da bastid n don't give him no more air time.

Cosign. I wouldnt have texed or called him the next day either. He has the nerve.
at the bolded, keep doing the right thing don't respond

Guys never cease to amaze me. :lachen:

Almost exactly a month ago, I met a guy at a restaurant. Long story short, we attempted to set up a first date two times, but our schedules kept on colliding (or so I thought). Our third attempt was looking to be successful and was scheduled for a Saturday. We had even been talking up to within an hour of the date. But then he stood me up. No call. No text. Nothing. So the next day, Sunday, I texted him about it and that was that. Didn't hear from him.

To give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe something had happened to him, I called him on Monday. I mean, this guy had been talking :blah: :blah: about how he was genuinely interested, so I really began to wonder if something did happen. When I called that Monday, he answered. I asked if he was okay. He said yes. I asked him what happened. He said his phone was off from the hour before our scheduled date until the morning I called him. (Sketchy alert :rolleyes:.) So, I left it at that. I said okay and that I had to go. Didn't hear from him again nor was I expecting to.

So, now it's a month later, and this guy texted me yesterday saying "Hey. How have you been?". I was like :perplexed and then :lol:. I didn't bother responding. Now this morning, he texts saying "Hi. How are you?". I rofl-ed :lachen:. He has yet to acknowledge that he stood me up, and I don't feel like breaking it down to him. Maybe he's lonely and started going through his phone for who to contact.
Honestly, I don't think it matters what happened....if he had another date, forgot, has a social disorder, wife, girlfriend or anything else.

Bottom line, he and op made plans. A good man, is a man of his word and honors that--or he has the courtesy to call and say he can't make it.

Old boy couldn't be bothered to do that. He is a turd in the toilet of life, not worth the effort it took me to type this post.
Honestly, I don't think it matters what happened....if he had another date, forgot, has a social disorder, wife, girlfriend or anything else.

Bottom line, he and op made plans. A good man, is a man of his word and honors that--or he has the courtesy to call and say he can't make it.

Old boy couldn't be bothered to do that. He is a turd in the toilet of life, not worth the effort it took me to type this post.

I love the way you put this, especially the bolded. :yep:

I really don't know why he stood me up and haven't thought much about why beyond that Monday when I was genuinely concerned if something had happened to him. The second he said "my phone was off ...", I zoned out and called it a day. :lachen:
I think you are overreacting op. you need to give him the benefit of the doubt. Go on a date with him. Have some fun. Don't be so suspicious and uptight. His phone may have actually died. No wonder some of you all don't have a man. SMH.




Joking! :lachen::lachen:

What a jerk.
Honestly, I don't think it matters what happened....if he had another date, forgot, has a social disorder, wife, girlfriend or anything else.

Bottom line, he and op made plans. A good man, is a man of his word and honors that--or he has the courtesy to call and say he can't make it.

Old boy couldn't be bothered to do that. He is a turd in the toilet of life, not worth the effort it took me to type this post.

A turd in the toilet of life...I love it!!!

Keep ignoring him, loolah. He's a jerk. I mean, really....he couldn't come with anything better than his phone was off the hook? I know elementary-aged children who could come up with a better lie.
I asked him what happened. He said his phone was off from the hour before our scheduled date until the morning I called him. (Sketchy alert :rolleyes:.)

What he really means: "I was with my girlfriend over the weekend."

So, now it's a month later, and this guy texted me yesterday saying "Hey. How have you been?".

What he really means: "My girlfriend and I got into an argument, I need a boo thang for the moment. Let's see if loolalooh will take a bite."

Now this morning, he texts saying "Hi. How are you?".

What he really means: "Hmmm, loolalooh didn't respond. I'll try again to see if she'll fall for the okey-doke."
he stood you up because he already had plans with someone else. he weighed his options and chose option B instead of you. so now, he done screwed option B, and it wasn't what he thought, so now he diggin you up.

there is an app that i love and it's called Mr. Number. Block da bastid n don't give him no more air time.
Call Control app is even better. You can set it up to where your phone won't ring when the blocked person calls, it will hang up on the blocked person instead of going to your voicemail, AND you won't get a notification for the missed call or text of the blocked person. :yep:
Poohbear? Oh yea? Imma hafta check that out. But I like Mr Numba cuz u can see when they attempt to call you and u can set the option to go into voicemail or hang up. At least it will tell u when they tried to call. That app works on my verizon phone, not my iphone. For iphone, i just go to the att website under smart limits.
he stood you up because he already had plans with someone else. he weighed his options and chose option B instead of you. so now, he done screwed option B, and it wasn't what he thought, so now he diggin you up.

there is an app that i love and it's called Mr. Number. Block da bastid n don't give him no more air time.

It's times like these that I know I'm young :lol: Cause I needed you to decipher that for me. I was as lost as OP.