This goes out to and inspired by ALLANDRA....

YOUR Welcome Ladies!!!!!!! yes the video is quite stunning!!!!! Glad you all likeed it!!
WOW 5 stars:grin::grin:.....ok Back to the originally scheduled program..........

Yes ........5 Stars are soooooooooooooo deserved

Naturals and Transitioners..........I have to give it up to ya cause :

1- going from one stage to another to grow out the relaxer is quite honorable and shows your strength, determination and amazin CREATIVITY

2- then, there was a comment in the YOU TUBE vid that struck me and I have to say inspires, humbles and challenges me all at the same time........that fact that spirals are very powerful ( in a general, mathematically, religious and philosopically sense) and it made me think of alll the times I have seen a natural and her hair is free flowwin and light and airy, I am always in awe.... IN AWE BEcause it is AWESOME to see a women BOLDLY walk with her Natural Beauty


what black woman don't know that they hair is power each string of hair is a spiral and an a ancient religion and some religion around the world spiral means power that why when you see a woman with natural hair you fell the power that come from them i also went to a mostly white school and i remember how much they love me and my sister hair and they wish their hair was like ours the only people who seem to have a huge problem with black hair is blacks people.
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