This chick is mental.... tell me this isn't a LF

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I was on another board and supposedly this chick was being "outted" for being a fraud. She claims her hair is real and her eyes.LMFAO are real. She's some type of guru for I don't know what age group. I don't really care to discuss the drama on here, but a lot of people on this other board were saying her hair looks real. NOW... check out the 6:07 mark where she is professing her hair is real, and tell me you don't peep the lace. I can't be crazy and I am good at spotting weaves and wigs, and LF are the easiest because of the hairline. She almost had me fooled with the dim lighting til she did that close up. Peep it and feedback please

YouTube - Update and addressing the Gossip

6:07 mark. Really look into that hairline lol cause it goes quick. Pause if need be.
I know exactly who your talking about, it funny cause her older vids look like it's really her hair. I just feel bad for everyone who bought her products thinking that's what she's been using her entire regimen.

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Yeah I've seen her YT channel...and I think there have been other threads about her before on here. I really don't care if her hair and her eyes are real, I just can't take her videos. I can't explain it, they are just..... weird.
Ms. Neish Neish
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Yea it's just funny to me. What is wrong in the world when people have to do things like this? Why do you need some fake internet persona? What is wrong in your life? **** that's a wig point blank. Lots of people wear them...who cares, do you and do you proud.

IDK why this irks me but it does. I'm bored y'all forgive me.
Just ignore her. If it helps her sleep at night, then faking it she will do.

girl what makes you think i pay attention to her lol? :grin: I was on another board and she came up. I watched the vid and saw what I saw. I am not into makeup. I got my peeps I watch on YT. I'm just saying does anyone else see the lace?:lachen:
LOL I knew it was going to be her. No comment on the hair...but if she is selling hair products and attributing this "growth" to it, then she needs to come clean.

Her eyes are fake for sure, the contacts are noticeable and in even in one of her own videos she forgot to put her contacts in. Why lie? From another board:
Taneshasadvice Eyes

Wear your contacts, enjoy the look they give but why wear weave and contacts and LIE as if they are real to be this "exotic mixed" girl when you're pretty as you really are?

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You know maybe she is mental. That kind of behavior reminds of that kelly girl from real housewives.....She might not think she is lying, she might have lost her grasp on reality..
She is a pretty girl. There are tons of women on this very site who have hair just as long, if not longer, than hers so it's plausible that it is all her own hair. What is wrong with people on that other board where they feel the need to "call out" a random youtuber to convince her to prove that her hair is real?

Why does it matter? If people are so offended by her and think she is lying, why keep watching her videos?

They must really have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives to devote so much time and so many threads trying to figure out if her hair is real.

For the record, I do not see any lace.

I've had people accuse me of wearing a wig since they did not believe that my curly hair was my own. I completely understand her point.

With respect to her eyes, the photos above clearly show that she uses contacts. I am not a subscriber so I do not know anything about the claim that her eye color is lighter than pictured above.
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^^ I don't think its that its not plausible its that she shows you the lace while saying the words "it grows out of my scalp" I don't really care if its real or not but it seems wrong to sell things to newbies when you are bold-faced lying.....I am glad I never crossed paths with someone like her when I first started this journey....
Ok we all know or should know brown contacts are very ugly and noteciable. they are the hardest to blend IMO.

Natural i agree especially the website they have dedicated to hating these gurus. That was too much and I had to click the red x. Like I said I don't watch this chick it was my first time seeing her tonight, but in this particular video i posted, and her straight face, at the 6:07 mark, you can CLEARLY see the lace. That's a wig point black period no matter how you spin it. I can't speak on older vids or what her hair used to look like, but in that video above. It's a lace.
Maybe she put on brown contacts?
Her blue contacts are very obvious. Contacts usually have a weird "dead eye fish" effect. One color, one dimensional when eye color is usually made up of many pigments (which is why the contacts claiming to give a more realistic effect blend colors)

It's really interesting to see, dunno much about her but I have seen her posted here before and on BHM this very topic came up.

Again, if she IS selling a product and claiming that "this gave me this awesome growth/health etc" and it's fake then that's just low.
:blush: I used to subscribe to her! Ok, the hair is one thing, but I know she's not trying to front with those eyes. You can always tell they are contacts if the pupils are large.
The infamous Taneshasadvice, lol. She's such a pretty girl and I actually thought it was her hair until the fish tail braid tutorial
YouTube - How To Make A Fishtail Braid

Shima and Taneshasadvice both come across as delusional. Those are the only
youtubers I believe lie about their hair being real....or the only 2 I've noticed.

ETA Happy New Year and I fixed the link.
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Also at the 6:07 mark she almost slipped up and said INDIAN. She goes "This is IND- 100% my hair" I showed my mom and sis and they can't really tell either. I guess I must be just that good at spotting fake hair lol.
Tanesha is a delutional liar. That is not her real hair but the weave she uses is really good. My problem w/ her is that she uses too much make up, her accent keeps changing, her showoff videos which makes her pathetic. She is a pretty girl but I also believe she has some self hate issues (changing her last name to a italian last name and wearing foundation that is 3 shades lighter than her actual skin tone).

This thread will get close soon b/c its going to ugly real soon.
Ms N for some reason that link doesn't work for me.

And make me over your vid is loading now. I'ma need a close up.
Just because others do it, doesn't mean it's okay to sell products based off of lies. The mentality of just brushing it off and giving people "passes" cause "it helps them sleep at night" is just further permitting the issue. If everyone gives them a pass, then they're just gonna keep being dishonest. People like that need to be busted. And if you realize that someone is lying, I don't see the problem in bringing that concern to the surface. It doesn't mean you don't have a life. It just means you care about the impact it could have on other people. Just like I wouldn't want a tobacco company claiming to have "healthy cigarettes" and selling them to consumers, when really they're just as dangerous if not more.
I can't tell her hair is fake but I'm new to this so forgive me. However, I was just checking out a few of her videos just to see what she's like maybe subscribe but she said she cut her hair all the way up to about APL and it grew in two months all the way to her waist. riiiight. She's a pretty girl though.
Awww well I see it Glam. and YES that is her.

this came from the one site:

Ok, I was going to leave this girl alone and mind my own business. But I recently came across her channel again ( have known about it for a while now, but I was always too disgusted to watch her videos) and this is really pissing me off about her. The fact that she walks around flipping that lace wig and making her subscribers think that its real. I have known Tanesha for 6 years now and That is not her real hair! And for those of you who don't know what a lace wig is, google it. Its a wig with a thin layer of mesh instead of tracks that blends in with your skin giving the appearance of real hair. I know she is wearing a lace wig because myself as well as my friend use to go to school with her and she was always buying wigs and weaves and trying to trick people into believe its her real hair. One minute her hair is short and the next her hair is long! Her natural hair texture is a very kinky 4a. So don't buy this bull about her hair being naturally like that. In reality it is a full lace wig she is wearing. Its a very good looking lace wig! I will compliment her on that, but its a wig none the less.

You all probably figured this one out, but she is an extremely self hating black woman. She wants to believe that she is Italian (hence the pseudonym "Telagotti", her real name is Tyndale) and she will do anything to appear less "black". Even lying about her contact lenses being real as well as lying about her hair. She is NOT a nurse, but a CNA (certified nurses aide). For those of you who do not know what that is, its far from being a glamorous job! She was always extremely unfocused in school, so much so that I wonder how she even passed the certification exam to become a CNA!

This girl is a pathological liar! The BMW that she boasts as being her own, is RENTED! She does not live in a mansion, but rents a house! My other friends who are closer to her say that she has huge amounts of credit card debt because of her excessive spending! Which is why she created that haircare line. And while we're on that note, I pity the person who bought that load of nonsense, those products are no different from dollar store shampoos. Read the ingredients of the shampoo. One of the first ingredients is Sodium Lauryl Sulphate! This stuff strips your hair of all its oils and nutrients. You're better off washing your hair with a billo pad! Don't even let me get started on that scam she was pulling with her boyfriend (who works in a grocery store!!).

Here is something that I am sure not many of you have figured out. You know when she says she is "busy" and can't go online to respond to people? She is lying! She is always online! Just under different screen names. Some of you may be familiar with a screen name "DominicanMami" or "ItalianGuidette" (something along those lines), these user names can often be seen saying how "Tanesha is not black! She is mixed. She doesn't look like a N*gger"...Blah blah blah! its her who writes that crap!! Its her pretending to be other people harassing her subscribers who say she looks "black". She is extremely self hating! And goes on the under these names and also writes to other youtube gurus. You don't believe me? Ask yourselves this, Tanesha bands anyone who talks trash on her videos. Why is she allowing these two maniac users to continue to write on her comment board?? Because "they" are "her"! Be on the look out for users on her comment section who swear her eye color are real and that they have known her since she was a child and her eyes have always been real. Most likely these are just her other user names trying to manipulate people.

I still keep in contact with Tanesha sometimes...This girl is completely FAKE. She always has been and I suppose she always will be. Its just sad she has so many people following her thinking she is genuine. When in reality she is just a crazy woman seeking fame at all costs.

P.S. No she is not 23, the girl is touching 26!

Ms. blue.....nooooo yyyy? I mean it's just my opinion. I could be wrong I mean it looks fake to me.

LMAO. Yes this is fake as well. The hairline people the hairline is always the give away especially in the upper region where the forehead is. I don't deny it's a good lace, but her claiming it's hers is killing me. Just KIR. No one is paying your bills on the internet. Tons of people on YT are making that paper off this wig game. just KIR. If you lie about this what else you lying about?
i dont see why people put so much effort into her

and when did she start selling stuff? i never knew she was selling things

any whoo... i think if she bothers soooo many people, why not ignore her. threads like this only give her more hits thus causing her videos to pop up more when the newbies do random searches.

also, when i was a newbie i came across her videos too. i think any newbie who "falls" for any "buy this and get hair to your butt in 2months" probably needs to learn a lesson or 2 in life. sh!t dont come easy, there are no miracles in a bottle, there's no such thing as insta-growth... it takes time, patience, constancy, and if it takes buying into some snake oil to figure it out, let folk learn their lesson
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