This chick is mental.... tell me this isn't a LF

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Wow! Someone is spending an awful lot of time focused on a former classmate. And if this poster hates the girl so much and thinks she is fake, why would they keep in touch "sometimes"?

This just does not make any sense. Maybe I'm just too logical for my own good.

If she did in fact create a hair care line, based on the use of a wig, she would not be the first. Motions (relaxer company) just did a photo shoot with nothing but wigs.

Knowing that they use wigs, do you use Motions? I never have and I didn't know they used wigs. Just because someone else does something unethical doesn't make it right.
...and please take your marathon discussion to PM land or off topic.I know your trying to be rude but what eva lol.:lachen::lachen::lachen: this thread was about the chick with the LF.....

My bad...hommie I was not trying to rude...geesh what type of world do you live in where you expect the worst? Must be hard... :look:

USA :D or TBS... no, USA, just checked

Thanks Love :kiss:

and I'm out....:lol:
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She reminds me of the black actress from Baywatch, Tracy Bingam. Their hair is even similiar.
Pretty girl. Seems nuttier than a Yuletide fruitcake though.

About that board (bored) php site.... wow. Some people have ALOT of time on their hands. Is it really that serious? Really? :look: I mean..... REALLY? They seem almost as nutty as she is. Seriously.
Also at the 6:07 mark she almost slipped up and said INDIAN. She goes "This is IND- 100% my hair" I showed my mom and sis and they can't really tell either. I guess I must be just that good at spotting fake hair lol.

It really did sound like she was about to say, "this is Indian Remy hair #452139 in 1B" or something! :lachen:
My bad...hommie I'm was not trying to rude...geesh what type of world do you live in where you expect the worst? Must be hard... :look:

Thanks Love :kiss:

and I'm out....:lol:
I am sorry. I thought you were trying to be rude. I am so used to seeing that on here while lurking. Seriously no beef.
It really did sound like she was about to say, "this is Indian Remy hair #452139 in 1B" or something! :lachen:

LOL all that? Your a trip.

again I don't want no e-beef on here. I barely have friends on here as it is lol. I seriously thought y'all were trying to be rude cause you didn't like the topic and cause it's going to get locked.
I had never even heard of this person until tonight. (thanks for the entertainment. :lol:)

However, I watched several videos and it seems like she adds pieces to her natural hair. MY LF detector only spots the really horrid (LOL!) The color and sheen of the hair tends to change from video to video just like my old weave hair. I guess if she was more upfront about it, people would overlook it because she is a pretty girl.

The content of the videos however leave a lot to be desired.

This comment from that other website broke me down tho:
Though there are black girls with long hair, some just buy it *cough*tanesha*cough*
:lol: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
LOL all that? Your a trip.

again I don't want no e-beef on here. I barely have friends on here as it is lol. I seriously thought y'all were trying to be rude cause you didn't like the topic and cause it's going to get locked.

oh no.... we LOVE topics like this lol :lachen:
Idk about weather her hair is real or not, but I just want to point out that she didn't slip up and almost say Indian, she sad this in INDEED 100% my hair, if you think I'm reaching, just listen about 30 seconds before 6:07 she said it another time.
Idk about weather her hair is real or not, but I just want to point out that she didn't slip up and almost say Indian, she sad this in INDEED 100% my hair, if you think I'm reaching, just listen about 30 seconds before 6:07 she said it another time.

Oh I most def heard her say INDEED loud and clear about two time before that slip up, but it was just the IND, the weird jerky movement and the quick show of her bangs that got me. But hey you say Tomato, I say tamato..
hmm well i was giving her the benefit of a doubt with her hair (i can not spot fake hair unless they are painfully obvious.) but saying she cut to apl and it grew to wl in two months. :/ well...

those are obvious contacts. anyway she's really pretty and idc but it's a shame if she's lying and making money off people.

Also, I guess I don't understand the point of lying about wearing fake hair or contacts.
People who go out their way to say what God did not give someone are stranger than those who might or might not lie about what God gave them.

None of us are standing over her head or playing in her head personally to say what might not be her hair. Until then, we mind our own hair. Focus. 2011. Let's go.
I'm really not good at spotting lacefronts unless it's those helmet type ones but her hair looks real in this video: YouTube - Pics of me with shorter hair and long hair

But did you see the detangling video I posted lol.

YouTube - my naturally curly hair routine

If it wasn't for haircare boards I might have believed her and bought some products if I didn't know any better....
Totally agree natural. Some people are way too much, that's why we have to be careful on these here internets. People finding personal pics of people and posting them all over. I mean YT is public, but some people get a kick out of things like this.

I didn't read that whole thing but i did read some highlights. The whole site it came from is too much, but I only had one question. What ya'll think at that 6:07 mark, if you can't spot the lace, how about the slip up in words?

I didn't spot it, what am I looking for? I thought it was her hair, figured it wasn't her eyes but positively hated the way she talked. I knew that was fake. :lol:
But did you see the detangling video I posted lol.

YouTube - my naturally curly hair routine

If it wasn't for haircare boards I might have believed her and bought some products if I didn't know any better....

dude, if that's a lf... then i see why some chicks shave off their own hair line to glue their lf on better... cause i would have never thought in a million years that would be a lf.

but of course i've never seen any really high quality lf in person so i have no freakin clue. the lf my friends wear are all synthetic :lachen:
But did you see the detangling video I posted lol.

YouTube - my naturally curly hair routine

If it wasn't for haircare boards I might have believed her and bought some products if I didn't know any better....

Lol I'm young I haven't seen many lace-fronts in my days.
I don't see how the detangling video proves anything because she combs through the front. And if it's the way she ripped the comb that's supposed to be the evidence she held the ends of her hair so she wouldn't feel it.
If that's a lace-front it's a darn good one and find me one just like it because my momma's watching this with me and she wants one just like it.

I wouldn't bet that her hair was real, but it's pretty convincing if it's fake.
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