This chick has GORGEOUS hair!!!!!!

I feel bad because I can't even listen to her poems because I'm to mesmerized by that hair! I'll have to try to snap out of it and listen to her poems because they sound really good. She's a really pretty girl, her skin looks flawless.
I was looking at her vids a few weeks ago......I don't even know what she was saying in the video's because I was looking at her hair too's beautiful!
Not only is her hair to die:yep: for but all together is truly beautiful inside as well as outside she even inspired me to get back to writing poetry again. Which was very theraputic for me.
I just love wild big hair and yes her spoken word is good (goes hand in hand with her style).....what is the difference between Habesha, Eritrean and Ethiopean?...
Her hair is amazing!!!! I wish she had a fotki or a video on her hair care! I love it.. shes def 1 of my hair idols now!
My hair used to look like this in its virgin state!!! Ugh! Except I didn't accept it, because I grew up around Asians with straight I went and got a relaxer...rawr! Why oh why!
If I could have hair like that, I'd go natural. Did you hear "Pretty Girl"? That one was pretty deep. She's beautiful, talented, and has a head full of gorgeous hair!
Oh wow!! This is crazy beautiful. Now THIS is the kind of hair that dreams are made of!!!
Waist length hair on a sponge roller set. Easily accomplished! This is me in 2 years. :yep:
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I just love wild big hair and yes her spoken word is good (goes hand in hand with her style).....what is the difference between Habesha, Eritrean and Ethiopean?...

It is a term Eritreans and Ethiopians use to refer to themselves; cultural and linguistic similarities. Somalians do not share their language or culture, they are considered being from a different region and do not share the same culture. Somalians or people from Djibouti are not Habesha.
Ok now that I have seen more video of her hair, I think she may be pass waist length. She has a long train of hair that she flipped over her shoulder during one of her vidoes on AskTheHotchick.