This caucasian lady has skills creating natural hair styles

Thank God she learned to do her daughters hair. If this women who was born with a different hair experience then having kinky hair, then I'm going to need other moms (black & white) to be nice to their kids hair.

And yes, I'm hating on her cornrow skills. :lol:
Very beautiful and yes all is needed is the desire to learn as someone said earlier. It is nice to see education across racial boundaries. But we ourselves need to be more educated too.

thank you for posting this! i've been having so much trouble braiding my own hair lately and getting really discouraged. this woman is amazing and creates such beautiful braids on her daughters' hair! ...maybe i can ask her some questions (like how to stop pulling out so much of my hair when i braid it!)
There was a chinese woman who was friends with my mother and she was married to a black man and had kids with him but didn't know how to their hair and she begged my mum to teach her. She picked it up fast and every two weeks her little girl is rocking a new style.
Somebody, anybody, please send this video to Angelina Jolie.

I love it!! So much better than the lop-sided pigtails I had growing up lol. :)
I have been subscribed to her for a couple years now. I think she started her channel through an adoptive mother's group. She has always done a great job with her girls hair!