This can go really well or it can be disastrous...


I'm falling for my bff's stpbrother. She knows we are dating but I think she thought we would date and that would be that. We dated about two years ago and I thought we were not on the same page so I put him in the friend zone. So you know, life happens and people grow up. So I recently broke up with my SO, however this guy has been trying to get back in my space since earlier this year. We've been speaking again. So I'm sure she thinks we are just fooling around till we find other people, and it's very possible. However, he seems to have jumped onto the chapter I'm in as far as having a family and settling down. That was really what made me stay away from him before.

Sigh. I'm confused. I love my friend but I also have a very good idea where he and I are going. We are going on vacation together next year (we booked it already). He is having a party and only wants couples there. No singles. He already asked me to accompany him. He did not invite my friend. We are trying to visit Chicago next month together. He has made Christmas plans for us. He wanted me to come eat Thanksgiving dinner with him and his family (I can't cus we are cooking at my house). He doesn't hang with his single friends as much anymore. He's been hanging with his married ones and the ones in relationships. I mean he isn't an angel but I think I see the signs.

Also, I find myself hesitant to talk to her about him like I usually gush about my boos. I talk to her about my other boos but not him. So I have circle of friends and we were all sitting around talking mess when another friend brought up the trip that he and I are going on. I didn't mention it to her so her face was kinda :perplexed. I felt bad but when I menioned other things that he and I were doing prior she kind of brushed it off like ok I don't want to hear about you and him. I also want to mention that they are not close. It's all love when they see each other but they do not call and talk regularly. She even stated that she sees him now only because of me.

I'm confused, what do you guys think?
Dive in life is short if she is a true friend she will still be it if you stay together or break up if he is what you need the way he came in your life doesn't matter
Enjoy it but I'd avoid sharing too many details about it with her because it could sabotage both relationships & get messy. Try to keep it separate. Definately Never vent about him negatively to her. And if you say anything about him let it be positive but short.
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I'd go for it:yep:. Don't deny yourself love. He's not her ex or some guy she wants or wanted, he is her brother. So I get you being uncomfortable but that's okay, sometimes life is just uncomfortable. And she does not need to be in your business anyway, you can't talk to her about him the way you talk about other guys, that's understandable. If you two make it, your relationship with your friend may evolve into something really special. And if it causes friction between you and her, so be it, it won't be a disaster though unless you let it be. It sounds like you are looking forward to all of your plans. Be happy and enjoy yourself.

ETA: and he's her step-brother, girl please, she'll be okay lol.
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OP, your mind is already made up. I agree that you shouldn't share intimate details with your friend about her stepbrother. If everyone is mature about it then there shouldn't be a problem.

Put it out on the table to your friend that you and her brother are seriously seeing each other and you hope that there will not be a problem. It may strain your relationship with her but you are being honest. Don't be sneaky about it. IF you value the relationships you have with both of them then put it out there without being obnoxious about it.

Good luck, sounds like you have what you want. On the other hand you could be rebounding.
ThickHair I was worried about whether I was just rebounding as well. He's not the only guy I'm dating right now, but he is the one I like the most and the one I'm most comfortable with. My ex and I have been semi broken up for a while but we finalized it recently; which made me feel better about moving further with this one.

hopeful lol!! I am so excited about him! I never felt this way about him before and now it's like he is the same guy but with improvements lol. He's talking like a man now and not a boy.