This book has helped me through the painful process..


Well-Known Member
Someone on here recommended a book called Spiritual Divorce by Debbie Ford. Let me tell you ladies I was going through heck! I was all the time depressed, or angry, constantly asking God "why me" or " Why did he?" and just walking around in a state of anger,depression or confussion because marriage is supposed to be forever and ever and ... ofcourse.. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME!!! Well, as soon as someone mentioned this book I was like what the heck, what do I have to lose, I went on and ordered it. Well, let me tell you I am only half way through reading this book and I have been AT PEACE!!!! I am no longer angry or fearful of my future or laying in bed at night crying why me why me Lord. My favorite part of her book is page 9 called " A Holy Moment" she says: Even if you have been wronged, screwed, deceived or mistreated, no situation you encounter in your life is accidental. Each situation is there to move you to the next level of awareness. Your job is to figure out how this is true and to discover the contribution that each event can make in your life. And then down the page it says " there are no accidents and that everything happens as it should. Wow. And this is coming from a woman who has been cheated on, dh blow 1million (yes you read that correct) and who got physically abused in the end. And I am proud to say just reading HALF of this book I am at PEACE!! Please ladies if your going through a divorce this is a MUST READ!!!!!!!!
I would like to read it as well. I'm not going through a divorce but I am going through a really bad breakup. It's been over a year and I still find myself sad, hurt, confused, and angry at times. OP, I wish you peace and strength to get through this. :)
Two other good reads for divorce are: It's called a break up because it's broken(the same authors of "he's just not that into you". This book is more on the light hearted side, but really truthful. Gives you a lot of pointers for moving on. And the other is called:Letting Go(can't remember the author) but I'll post later. This one is about the emotional process of Letting Go.