

New Member
Are split ends the cause of thin ends? If not, how do you keep your ends from thinning out as it grows. Have you noticed that as some people's hair gets longer, the ends get thinner.
Re: Thinnig


From my experience, yes. To get it under control I had to trim and moisterize. I used carrot oil. As my hair has grown out I don't need to trim as mush or often and I feel thicker hair from base to tip. HTH
SG, the ends are also the oldest parts of your hair and so have endured the most wear and tear and are bound to look thinner than the rest of your hair. The most you can do to keep them from deteriorating too much is to wear protective styles. By keeping you ends tucked away in a bun, you keep them from the drying air and from rubbing against your clothes or getting snagged by bag straps or other objects that could strip 'em, tear 'em or break 'em off.
Until this year, I believe this is the biggest hurdle that is kept me from my goal of bra-strap. Whenever I'd get just past shoulder length, I'd notice that my ends were straggly, and I think that is less than cute, so I've always chopped it right back to shoulder length (not to mention this is from years ago past damage and bad behavior with coloring). I did this 'cut back' this past summer, July. I can say that my hair has grown past the shoulders and I've kept my ends very even. I'm excited because I think this go around 2004, I'm really gonna hit my goal.
The way I've avoided the thin ends is oiling my ends DAILY, wearing a bun often, tying with a silk scarf OR satin pillowcase every night, using seamless combs and carefully detangling. Oh, and dusting my ends every several weeks. I know that sounds like a broke record, but for me, it was a matter of ACTUALLY doing it, EVERY week...consistently. It seems so simple but in the past I've slipped up somewhere....

Ok, this ended up WAY longer than anyone cared to read, but in summary it is possible to not have thinning ends with proper care.
bad behavior with coloring

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You too, huh....


I'm noticing the same problem with thinning ends but I am SURE this is due to my bad behaviour and not much else. Those ends are the oldest as someone mentioned. Sometimes as many as 3 years old - and they take the worst beating when you decide to do something crazy along the way in your growth journey. I know that's what's happening with me.

I just began taking B5 again though in a 2000mg dose to rethicken the rest so I can gradually trim some of my ends away in a few months.
Hey Tracy!!
I am in the process of doing the same thing right now. Trimming little by little. It actually becomes addictive because i love blunt ends!
Hey Cara!

Cool beans! I'm lucky - my stylist is pretty good about holding me back and stopping me from doing any drastic cutting. Because I also LOVE a blunt end!
Tracy said:
I also LOVE a blunt end!

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too!!
I'm almost looking forward to getting my relaxer touchup & trim next week, just so I can wear my hair straight again!! (After 16 weeks, my ends are looking kind of, er... not so blunt right now!!! (I REFUSE to call my ends straggly!!
My ends are "not so blunt" right now either and I absolutely hate it! I don't want to even wear my hair straight for a while b/c I hate the lack of fullness. However, I don't have split ends! I think my hair is just old now. I have probably trimmed 4+ inches of my hair this year, you'd think I wouldn't have a thin ends problem. I am going to see how much growth I get in March - get a light trim. Then, in June, I'll see how long it is and then I will probably trim 2-3 inches to get some fullness back. Yeah, technically I could do it now but...I don't want to.