Thinning Hair


Well-Known Member
My hair cannot seem to grow past the nape of my neck. Every time it gets to about that point it starts to thin out. I keep my hair moisturized at all times. It is not dry nor do I have major split ends(just a few). I am not sure what is up here? It grows but thins out so much that I end up having to cut off inches equivalent to my new growth so for the last couple of years I have gotten no-where with my hair. My hair is currently long enough that my ponytail is about 5 inches long but thin, thin, thin so wearing a ponytail looks funky. Any ideas??? Suggestions???
I had this problem and switched to Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy. I did conditioner rinses with the scalp therapy everyday and used the shampoo once a week. It took 3 months to notice the thickness but my hair grew 3 inches in 3 months. I would say the thickness has doubled. If you decide to take this route make sure you work in some good protein conditioning as well. Hope this helps.
I seem to be having similiar problems.. I'm not sure if its due to damage that i'm still growing out or what. I keep my hair moisturized in a bun most of the time, so i know its not due to neglect...
I'm planning on getting the last of this thinning (about 1.5 inches more) trimmed off in the next few weeks. Otrher than that, I'm using castor oil on my scalp occasionally, using nexxus headress leave in (really makes hair appear thick) and oiling my ends with WGO.

I really dont even think my ends are split, but moreso old and thinner.

I have been using Infusium 23 for about 3 1/2 months now with no luck.

I too want to think that it is just the damage that is growing out but it has been a repeating trend for the last 2 years. So that excuse is out.
Douglala, I used the Headress once...I didn't like it all. It made my hair hard. Also be careful when you put your hair back in the bun. Are you just twisting it back or securing it first? I found recently that securing my hair even loosley was causing a little breakage in the back. So I've been doing one braid like in my avatar or twisting it up and securing it with Good Hair Day's pins.
How do u wear your hair from day to day? Do u heat style? Do u cover at night? Do u comb it the same way daily?

Just trying to get a better idea of your hair practices. Of course I was gonna say you may need more moisture, but u're ontop of that already. So my only guess would be it's in the styling or day to day handling (somewhere) that's causing "stress" to your hair. Do u use products with "mineral oil"? Some people hair takes very well to mineral oil, but mine's doesn't
This was among the many culprits with my brittle / thin ends.

From day to day it either just wear my hair out or just pin it up in the back with a bobby pin. The only heat I use in my hair is the dome/bonnet hair dryer. I may have used the curling iron once in the last 5 months and the blow-dryer never. I cover my hair at night 90% of the time with a silk scarf, so I do not really see where the stress is coming from. As for mineral oil, most of my products do not contain any. It seems as if overtime my ends (the oldest part of my hair maybe about the last 2-3 inches or so) just get weak and break off.