Thinning hair due to high blood pressure.


Active Member
has anybody else heard that high blood pressure cause your hair to thin? If so what did you do to bring back the thickness.
I did a google search and most articles say that certain blood pressure medications have been known to cause hair thinning/loss, not necessarily the condition itself. You might try checking the side effects of your medications.
I had that problem. I went natural to combat the issue. But it never got super thin. And I also experienced scalp dryness while taking certain BP medications.
I have High blood pressure and I take HCTZ for it. I don't think my hair is any thinner now than it was before I developed bp issues.
My mum has high blood pressure. She is almost bald in the crown of her head and is 50. She took her self of the meds about two years ago. But she also has bad hair care practices (e.g. doesn't wash it and uses tonnes of grease) and she also doesn't eat enough fresh foods so may be that also. So I wouldn't blame it on her HBP alone.
Many BP medications such as Beta Blockers may cause hair to thin as a side effect. If you feel your hair is thinning, you should bring this up to your doctor. Spironolactone is a BP medication that will help with thinning hair. It's often prescribed by dermatologist to treat hair loss/thinning hair in women, but it is a BP medication. You can check with your doctor to see if you can switch your medication to Spironolactone, but it really depends on what category of BP medications you are on. Not all medications are interchangeable. Definitely do research on all medications to know what side effects to expect.

If your hair is thinning, it's probably becoming weak as well. Protein treatments followed up with a moisturizing dc will help to keep your hair strong. Henna also helps to keep the hair strong.
Bump - I just spoke to my sister who told me she's very thin (almost bald) in the crown. My mom's hair is very thin around the edges and the crown. Both have high blood pressure and is on meds although I'm unsure of the type of meds they are on. Just bumping this topic for further discussion.
I'm new to taking high blood pressure medication and my hair has been shedding like crazy. I'm adding garlic powder to my cowash, taking garlic pills, and adding garlic to my foods.

FYI - I'm a slender/curvy 125 lbs, eat healthy, and always lived a healthy lifestyle. I inherited HBP from my mother who passed away at the dear age of 35.
SherylsTresses said:
I'm new to taking high blood pressure medication and my hair has been shedding like crazy. I'm adding garlic powder to my cowash, taking garlic pills, and adding garlic to my foods.

FYI - I'm a slender/curvy 125 lbs, eat healthy, and always lived a healthy lifestyle. I inherited HBP from my mother who passed away at the dear age of 35.

Hi, I'm on my phone now but be sure to request me as a friend. I'm a vet to HBP meds...7 yrs. I had no hair related problems until this year when I changed insurance and the med I usually take wasn't covered. About 3-4 months of taking the new meds, I had a rather large bald spot above my ear. I asked to be changed to my old med and my hair is recovering. You may need to change meds since there are quite a few to select from.

In the meantime, try adding tea rinses to your regimen as another tool to fight the shedding.
Oh yes. my hair start to thin out at the crown around 5 years ago....after my doctor put me on BP medication. When I started taking care of my hair and scalp and taking vitamins....the thinning stop.
try applying blk or reg. castor with other oils
take wholefood based supplements instead of synthetic vitamins
drink herbal/green/white/oolong/honeybush/rooibos/tulsi teas
do yoga, cardio, and weightlifting 2-5 times per week
do a omega 3 supplement but not fish. hemp, flax and chia are great
Ahem...I hope I'm not overstepping here (because I'm no doctor), but I wanted to share that I know garlic is good for high blood pressure. I have family members who have improved their HBP with garlic supplements (I recommend Garlinase Fresh aka Garlinase 4000) and I know a lady who used to boil fresh garlic and chill the water and drink it. I asked her if she could taste the garlic and she said not when it was chilled. She'd use this in her drinks like Kool Aid. After a month of doing this, her doc put her off her HBP meds as her blood pressure was back to normal.

What's more, I have an e-friend who has Lupus and was experiencing hair loss. She decided to try Garlinase and wrote back to me to tell me it was working wonders for her.

So it's worth a try. Talk to your doctor to make sure it's OK though...but if it does help hair loss and blood pressure problems, then you'd kill two birds with one stone. I personally believe in healing from the inside more then healing from the would opt for consumption of garlic rather than topical application. But that's just me.
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Hair thinning/loss is definitely associated with BP medications. My aunt and grandmother hair thinned out so bad in the entire crown and hairline area that they have to wear wigs and they were both in their 40s and 50s.
Lately I've been DCing biweekly with conditioner, egg yolk, garlic powder, and EVOO. I'm taking 5000 mcg of biotin, garlic supplements, and still adding garlic to my foods. My hair is now coming out in smaller clumps. :perplexed:nono: I will start purchasing supplements at Whole Foods. At my next doctor's visit, I'll ask about another HBP medication. I'm currently taking 40mg of benazepryl (sp?).
FWIW, I have been on BP meds for close to 9 years now. After some trial and error my doctor and I found two that didn't give me harsh side effects: Diovan HCT (generic name Valsartan); and Norvasc (generic name Amlodipine). When I first went on the meds, I didn't notice any hair loss or thinning; in fact I ddin't even know that some BP meds caused this until I started to do research on it last year when I started to notice some mild thinning in the last year or so. I have since attributed that thinning to stress, aging (I'm 43) and genetics, since both my mother and grandmother experienced significant thinning when they hit their late fifties and sixties.

I have since managed to stop and reverse most of the thinning through a combination of things: stretching my relaxers to 12 or more weeks, taking multivitamins plus extra biotin supplements; incorporating at least 4 tbs. of ground flax seed daily into my diet (it's supposedly good for BP too); exercise at least 3 times a week; and maitaining a weekly care cycle (wash & DC plus scalp massage) for my hair.

Good luck on dealing with the thinning, and above all don't leave your doctor out of any of the options you are exploring; your heart health is the most important thing at the end of the day. :yep:
Thanks for posting this. I didn't know that high blood pressure was related to thinning hair until I was told by my doctor, that I have high blood pressure and an iron deficiency.
My mom's hair started to thin after going on BP meds. Going natural helped tremendously. Her hair thickened and is thriving.
Lately I've been DCing biweekly with conditioner, egg yolk, garlic powder, and EVOO. I'm taking 5000 mcg of biotin, garlic supplements, and still adding garlic to my foods. My hair is now coming out in smaller clumps. :perplexed:nono: I will start purchasing supplements at Whole Foods. At my next doctor's visit, I'll ask about another HBP medication. I'm currently taking 40mg of benazepryl (sp?).

Wow Sheryl that is a high does. I take a very mild does of benazpril/hctz....aka water pill. My pill is a 20-12.5 and I break that in half. It has been working the past 5 years thank GOD!!!! You may want to try a lower dose if your doctor will concur.
Hi, I'm on my phone now but be sure to request me as a friend. I'm a vet to HBP meds...7 yrs. I had no hair related problems until this year when I changed insurance and the med I usually take wasn't covered. About 3-4 months of taking the new meds, I had a rather large bald spot above my ear. I asked to be changed to my old med and my hair is recovering. You may need to change meds since there are quite a few to select from.

In the meantime, try adding tea rinses to your regimen as another tool to fight the shedding.

jprayze, which meds did you take for 7yrs?
I have been on so many different ones, the side effect of BP meds are horrible. I just need to start a thread on the meds.

Well HCTZ gave me horrible lower back/kidney pains.
I currently take Amlodapine(?) and it makes me extremely constipated along with a list of other side effects but it is the one I stick to. I am able to control my blood pressure pretty good with diet and exercise, it is life events that send my numbers over the top so when that happens I usually pop an amlodapine pill. I noticed some thinning along my edges but am not sure if it is the meds or a quick weave I was wearing.

In the mean time I apply nettle tea to my scalp to keep from shedding.
Thank God for this thread! I've been contemplating starting one on this very topic. My Bp started spiraling out of control just 3 months ago (gotta love genetics). I have not noticed any thinning, but I did notice that my growth rate slowed waayyyyyy down. I should note that, I use joico kpak (gvp brand) weekly as well as nettle tea rinse mixed with bhringraj,Amla and brahmi once a week. I am relaxed and just finished a 22 week stretch. I'm usually a 12-14 week stretcher, but due to the high blood pressure and other issues, I have had zero energy. I normally get 1/2 inch a month and after almost six months, I had barely 2 inches :perplexed.

I take bisoprolol 10mg once a day. I had to take HCTZ also for a couple of weeks and have stopped that. As well as the high blood pressure, my heart rate was out of control too (in the 160s) and I am currently being evaluated/ worked up for sarcoidosis vs. lymphoma (cancer) too.....and I just turned 38. Only about 15 pounds overweight and was pretty healthy, until all this. So I have had to take a crapload of medicine over the last 4 weeks. Steroids, bp meds, antibiotics.... Hope I don't have cancer too :nono:

I also want to add that to make sure that you clear with your doctor what supplements your are taking as some don't mix with bp meds (like rosemary, and grapefruit).
Thank God for this thread! I've been contemplating starting one on this very topic. My Bp started spiraling out of control just 3 months ago (gotta love genetics). I have not noticed any thinning, but I did notice that my growth rate slowed waayyyyyy down. I should note that, I use joico kpak (gvp brand) weekly as well as nettle tea rinse mixed with bhringraj,Amla and brahmi once a week. I am relaxed and just finished a 22 week stretch. I'm usually a 12-14 week stretcher, but due to the high blood pressure and other issues, I have had zero energy. I normally get 1/2 inch a month and after almost six months, I had barely 2 inches :perplexed.

I take bisoprolol 10mg once a day. I had to take HCTZ also for a couple of weeks and have stopped that. As well as the high blood pressure, my heart rate was out of control too (in the 160s) and I am currently being evaluated/ worked up for sarcoidosis vs. lymphoma (cancer) too.....and I just turned 38. Only about 15 pounds overweight and was pretty healthy, until all this. So I have had to take a crapload of medicine over the last 4 weeks. Steroids, bp meds, antibiotics.... Hope I don't have cancer too :nono:

I also want to add that to make sure that you clear with your doctor what supplements your are taking as some don't mix with bp meds (like rosemary, and grapefruit).

I pray that you dont have cancer! :nono:

what is your diet like?

My diet is actually pretty good. I did weight watchers 2 years ago and the habits pretty much stuck.i am a fruit and veggie lover, so I get lots of those. I have a juicer and juice every so often, but mostly drink water. I drink lots of water because I love it. Also plenty of lean proteins and yogurt. I just have to assume that with the constant tachycardia, my body hasn't really been getting good circulation, but that is starting to come under control. I have been stressed tremendously worrying about whether or not I have cancer though. Also, I have a daughter that is going away to college in a couple of weeks, and this is one of those years where nothing has seemed to go right, especially financially.

I was/ am a big Obama supporter, but his healthcare laws are seriously affecting healthcare workers, and we are all worried about our jobs. Plus, it totally jacked up our insurance, and we now have a $3000 deductible,(which I so kindly met after my hospital stay 2 weeks ago), so now also have thousands of dollars of medical bills to add to the pot :ohwell:

Lol, I'm sure all of this plays a role in my hair health.... Thank you for the prayers, I really need them!!!