thinner right side...


Well-Known Member
Okay the facts:
I wash once a week
I haven't relaxed in a year
I rollerset and air dry overnight
warm press the roots then mtg
i dnt wrap at night

Now the problem:
For years my rightside has been significantly thinner although it has gotten better its still thinner the left side is thick and healthy with no split ends and the right side is the complete opposite there isnt anything im doing to the left that i'm not doing to the right i keep having to cut my hair to get rid off the c-through ends in effort to not have to cut my hair again in a few months i've changed my reconstructor frm aphogee to k-pac what can i do to thicken up my right side should i use hardcore protein more any advice is greatly appreciated thanks in advance
disgtgyal said:
Okay the facts:
I wash once a week
I haven't relaxed in a year
I rollerset and air dry overnight
warm press the roots then mtg
i dnt wrap at night

Now the problem:
For years my rightside has been significantly thinner although it has gotten better its still thinner the left side is thick and healthy with no split ends and the right side is the complete opposite there isnt anything im doing to the left that i'm not doing to the right i keep having to cut my hair to get rid off the c-through ends in effort to not have to cut my hair again in a few months i've changed my reconstructor frm aphogee to k-pac what can i do to thicken up my right side should i use hardcore protein more any advice is greatly appreciated thanks in advance
Years ago, my hair was extremely thick but areas of my hair thinned out when I wasn't taking care of it with a relaxer in the past. I wasn't washing or deep conditioning it regularly, paying attention to moisture/protein balance, and I also wasn't using any heat so that definitely was NOT the problem. Sometimes I would only wash my hair after a touchup, and little clumps of hair would come out in the shower (now I don't lose any hair in the shower). You don't have to keep cutting your hair if you don't really want to. The thickness will catch up with the length. Don't overdo it on the protein because too much protein can make your hair become dry, brittle and break. You can try a topical growth aid (some like MTG, but I would advise purchasing Naturallady's version of it instead of Shapley's if you want to get it). Doo Gro Mega Thick helped me regain some of my thickness back that I lost, but it may not work for everyone.
Is that the side you sleep on the most? I have that problem my right temple area is a little thinner than the left because I sleep on it. It's gotten better since I started sleeping with a scarf around my hair.
disgtgyal said:
Okay the facts:
I wash once a week
I haven't relaxed in a year
I rollerset and air dry overnight
warm press the roots then mtg
i dnt wrap at night

Now the problem:
For years my rightside has been significantly thinner although it has gotten better its still thinner the left side is thick and healthy with no split ends and the right side is the complete opposite there isnt anything im doing to the left that i'm not doing to the right i keep having to cut my hair to get rid off the c-through ends in effort to not have to cut my hair again in a few months i've changed my reconstructor frm aphogee to k-pac what can i do to thicken up my right side should i use hardcore protein more any advice is greatly appreciated thanks in advance

DisG, I had the problem also. The left was thinner, dry, broken and shorter than the right side. I realized I actually liked the right side better as it seemed to behave better so I sighed, pushed it aside
':p made love' to the right side more often. I simply thought the left was ':mad: bad' and just was what it was until LHCF. I've stopped hating on the left and gave it equal {sometimes more}love. I had to be so very conscious of my care to the left side and it is now paying off, it's growing, becoming thick, healthy and longer:rosebud: .
Consistent and equal care is my solution.
My right side used to be significantly thinner as well, but that was for wrapping in the same direction every night. Since Ive stopped wrapping, it has thickened up. However, you have stated that you do not wrap your hair, so that is obviously not the problem with you. Hmmm, I would just make certain that you are sleeping evenly on both sides throughout the night. HTH.
Same with me! My right side is also shorter than my left side and I just got an even trim in October (I think). I just don't even think about it anymore. When it gets to BSL, I'm going to try MTG and keep it cut to BSL until it thickens up.
There are several different things that could be causing it:

1) What side do you sleep on? You might be rubbing the right side more so than the left.
2) What side did you normally start relaxing on? You might have overprocessed ends if you started relaxing on the right side?
3) What side do you start conditioning on? If you start (or finish) on the right side, you might be using less conditioner/leave-in than on the left side.
4) Is the hair the same type (4a/b) on both sides? If the hair is different types, it's going to act & react differently.
5) Do you play in your hair? If you do, and you mainly 'play' on your right side, you might be breaking off hair....

I have bleached/dyed hair that I am growing out, and my left side is breaking off almost twice as fast as my right side - because the left side of my hair is 4b, and is much coarser while the right side is 4a and fine (I wish they would combine!) - and so that hair simply has to be treated differently. I HAVE to be sure that the left side of my hair is damp when I comb - whereas the right side, I can get away with combing while totally dry. The left side needs extra moisture, and the left side is MUCH thicker - but shorter - than the right, so I have to adjust my flattwists to insure that I'm not pulling my hair too hard.

I think you have to figure out what's different about that side of your head, and then you can work on equalizing that difference so that your hair can thicken up without you cutting it.

Good luck!
sorry to take so long to reply i jus got my laptop back, ironically i do sleep mostly on my left side... dag i was hoping fixing the problem wudnt b nething more than changing hair products coz its gonna b hard alternating the side i sleep on i've been sleeping on my right side for years