Thinking about starting all over


New Member
Hey ladies, I truely love my journey so far and just wanted to share with you what I've been thinking about lately. I found the boards looking for help with a bad dye job, I feel in love with the boards and all the ladies that was loving their hair just as myself. When I found the boards I was natural for about 15yrs. I did the total opposite than most ladies. I relaxed my hair after finding the boards. Most ladies I read about Stop relaxing. Its been a couple years and as much as I love my relaxed hair I'm ready to start all over. I read about ladies wanting to go natural all the time and was very happy for whatever decision that was right for them. I'm not a pro natural or a pro relaxer. I just love hair and at this time I feel I've had my fun with relaxed hair. All the time I had my relaxer I can count on one hand how many times I wore my hair blow dried. My hair still looks natural but has a looser curl. I'm not new to the natural world, I'm just at the point of my life I'm missing my natural curls. On on another mission now. Hair boards with natural hair. Share with me your thoughts
Thanks for all your support
You know what to expect so it'll be sooo much easier than it is for most ladies :yep:

When was your last relaxer?
How long do you intend to transition?
How do you plan to transition (styles)?

LOL @ all my questions.
Thanks mummysgirl
When was your last relaxer? actually last month
How long do you intend to transition? not sure
How do you plan to transition (styles)?still not sure at this point, maybe 1yr maybe 1month
Good luck. I needed a change from my natural hair. I relaxed and got a cute short hair cut. After awhile though IO missed my fro and cut all my hair off and went natural again. Now i'm on a mission to grow out my natural hair and i love it. Sometimes you just need a change. So have fun with it. :)
Good luck. I needed a change from my natural hair. I relaxed and got a cute short hair cut. After awhile though IO missed my fro and cut all my hair off and went natural again. Now i'm on a mission to grow out my natural hair and i love it. Sometimes you just need a change. So have fun with it. :)
Yeah I'm at the point I'm needing a change
You're not starting all over, you are continuing through a new phase of your never ends you see...

Congrats on your decision, it's hair, every 5 years you can have a whole new head of it.
Hey Trish!!! Either way you go sister your hair will be beautiful. Don't forget to enlighten us with more tutorials...(Don't forget the incense and Courvosier) lol....

Like DR said so eloquently..."you are continuing through a new phase of your journey"
Hey Trish!!! Either way you go sister your hair will be beautiful. Don't forget to enlighten us with more tutorials...(Don't forget the incense and Courvosier) lol....

Like DR said so eloquently..."you are continuing through a new phase of your journey"
you know you my girl, I'm just tired of struggling with everything dandruff and trying to keep my hair on my head. I'm more in my comfort zone with natural hair. It will be a continuation like you both say. Girl you going to make me go to the stoe an get me some yak. lol I'm loving your avitar
You're not starting all over, you are continuing through a new phase of your never ends you see...

Congrats on your decision, it's hair, every 5 years you can have a whole new head of it.
you have a point, thanks for your wisdom
No need to think about...just do it! From my personal experience, the more thinking I did about changing my hair permanently, I just proscatinated in taking the next step. Once I stopped pondering over the what ifs and what abouts, I chopped off my relaxed hair with absolutely no regrets.
No need to think about...just do it! From my personal experience, the more thinking I did about changing my hair permanently, I just proscatinated in taking the next step. Once I stopped pondering over the what ifs and what abouts, I chopped off my relaxed hair with absolutely no regrets.
Thanks for the advice! I have been natural for so long I'm kinda anxious to have my hair back. I absoulutely love your hair and always have
Patricia, good luck with your transition! There are tons of websites, blogs, forums (of course LHCF too) that will give you great tips on how to transition.