Hey ladies, I have gotten some messages on my youtube about my hair regimen, etc and I am always about giving credit where credit is due. I owe all of my hair journey to the beautiful Wanakee and Cathy Howse techniques and that's mainly what I am going to post about. The video will focus strictly on pictures and techniques of Wanakee, not products. I owe my length retention to technique (protection). I am wanting know if any of you know who this link belongs to? It's a link of Wanakee's brochure and I don't want to use it without permission. This is the link:
I will also use the old web link:
Again, I will stress in the video, for anyone interested, to not focus on the products but the TECHNIQUE. The practical and emotional guides to hair are what did it and are still doing it for me. Plus, with the product line belonging to someone else now, I think it will cause too much confusion because people still run out and buy "the next new thing" not knowing that the Verifen complex has been around for a long time, just under different names. PROTECTING THOSE ENDS is the point I want to get across. I know there is a certain somebody on youtube, whose name shall not be mentioned, who says this is her own, "made up", personal system, but I feel if anyone wants to know what I did, I need to tell them the truth and where I got my information. My hair journey started in 2001 with relaxed hair which later evolved into natural hair and back to relaxed. My journey started with Wanakee and Cathy Howse, period. I don't hear a lot of folks talk about Wanakee anymore but I feel her guides to hair are what laid(sp?) the foundation for me. When I get anxious to try something new, I just go back to her guides, they are truly priceless. Sorry this was so wordy ladies, but if anyone knows who the above link belongs to, please let me know. Thanks!
I will also use the old web link:
Again, I will stress in the video, for anyone interested, to not focus on the products but the TECHNIQUE. The practical and emotional guides to hair are what did it and are still doing it for me. Plus, with the product line belonging to someone else now, I think it will cause too much confusion because people still run out and buy "the next new thing" not knowing that the Verifen complex has been around for a long time, just under different names. PROTECTING THOSE ENDS is the point I want to get across. I know there is a certain somebody on youtube, whose name shall not be mentioned, who says this is her own, "made up", personal system, but I feel if anyone wants to know what I did, I need to tell them the truth and where I got my information. My hair journey started in 2001 with relaxed hair which later evolved into natural hair and back to relaxed. My journey started with Wanakee and Cathy Howse, period. I don't hear a lot of folks talk about Wanakee anymore but I feel her guides to hair are what laid(sp?) the foundation for me. When I get anxious to try something new, I just go back to her guides, they are truly priceless. Sorry this was so wordy ladies, but if anyone knows who the above link belongs to, please let me know. Thanks!