Thinking about BC'ing Tonight


New Member
So I am having a dilemma. I think I wanna cut the relaxed ends off. I know I have another almost 1 1/2 - 2 months till my 6 mo goal. But I know I dont wanna get a relaxer again, probably not ever again.

I am just kinda tired of trying braid outs and twists out and my hair not curling because the relaxed ends are there.

Right now I have about 5-6 inches of hair all over my head (which is grazing my Shoulder line, which means I think about 2 - 2 1/2 inches of hair are relaxed still (in some spots, some spots are fully natural like my crown).

I figure that, I wanna install my twists back thursday or sunday of this week, so even if i dont like it being so short I will be in twists pretty soon.

And since I am in the 2 inches in 4 months challenge, I have another 2 months to get two inches. So by the end of that challenge hopefully most of my hair would have grown back. So i will be like I didnt even cut it, especially if I am sitting in twists for a majority of the rest of the challenge. Plus most people won't notice cause I will probably wear a hat, or bands.

What do you think? I really want to just cut it off. I wanted to get you guys'es thoughts before I grabbed my scissors.
I think you should cut it off when you are ready and not a moment before then. When I BC'd, I was overwhelmed by the desire to end my transition. I thought about it for weeks and tried to convince myself to long-term transition, but I didn't want to wait. If you have any doubts in your mind then give yourself some time to wait and process it.
Your reasoning makes a lot of sense :yep: If you really want to, and you're ready, go for it! :thumbsup:

Good luck in whatever you decide, and you KNOW you gotta post pics if you cut! :grin:
Well I have been thinking about BCing for awhile. Its just the matter I wanna do it now? or wait until after my twists. And its kinda coming to a head today, I gotta be implusive about it or I wont do it
Go for it! I bc'd earlier than planned also (15 months in). My only regret is not doing it sooner. I felt free from dealing with both textures. Warm weather is coming in.. so just rock that hair girl! :)
I bc'ed on impulse after a "two month transition". I think whether u do it now or later ur still gonna have that "oh spit" moment. I vote that u go for it but be mindful it will probably be a shock.
I say go for it! Cutting off your relaxed hair gets rid of all the damage and splits that are holding you back. Your hair will grow lightening fast afterwards. Plus if you cut, then put in a protective style, you won't even notice. You get to hide your natural hair, get some growth, and viola when it comes out you can enjoy your natural hair and see progress.

Whatever you decide, it's up to you in the end, but I know how you feel, I BC'd a few months before I had 'planned' it and never looked back.
I say don't chop it. I thought I was ready and I was soooooooo not. If you jump too quickly, you may not like how it looks.

I say wait a week or so and consider it again.
I say wait and give yourself some additional time to transition. I see the relaxed ends you know you will get rid of anyway as being a type of protection for your natural hair (if that makes sense). If you're gonna put your hair in twists, you might as well wait. Of course, it's up to you.
I cut it! Its so short! TWA! Gonna have my mom go back in and shape it up I think I missed some spots....I couldnt get good pics with my iphone or my computer. Here are some pictures, I dont know what curl pattern I am, but I am thinking 3b on the sides and 3c in the back? Maybe you can tell better about the sides, I couldn't get any good ones of the back. I am going to see if someone can take a good picture of the back of my head for me tomorrow.

For now I flat twisted what I could and pinned it down.


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Well, I'm too late to give my two cents. But I say congratulations on making a decision! Aside from it feeling short, how do you feel? I say, good riddance. What's done is done. Now it's time to love your natural hair! :drunk: At least you won't have to deal with dueling textures. Congrats, Honey! :bighug:
I feel good about it, I am kinda used to my hair being short cause i bc'ed twice last year. And my ng looks almost exactly the same as it did before i cut it (minus some areas that shrink more which I think is my like 4a/3c patches.)

I just have to figure out what curl activators to use cause I have to use a lot of gel to get them to clump together.
YAY! Sorry, I didnt see this first! I :spank: you in the Struggling thread for no pics :lol:
Just disregard that :look:

It's cute! And you have plenty of hair to work with. This time, the journey will be fun---you got LHCF to support you. :bighug:
Congratulations. I BC at 11 months and I had less length than you do. Actually I am 13 month post relaxer and only my longest layers are 6 inches. I trimmed once last month. You have more than enough hair to play with. Join us in the TWA support thread.
Congrats!!! It must be soooo nice to be rid of the relaxed ends. Isn't it freeing? I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your hair girly :yep:
Wow, you weren't playing when you said you were about to grab your scissors! You went from "I'm thinking about it" to "Boom! Look at my TWA!" :lol:

Good for you for taking the plunge! Enjoy your journey!
congrats! I would have said to wait a little longer but you seem happy with your decision.
hnntrr, congratulations girl!!! I just made the decision to transition myself & now I've been daydreaming about playing in some curls all day!! You have been an inspiration to me. I'm aiming for another 10 months. Hopefully I can make it that long before I want to grab the scissors myself! Keep up the good work on your HHJ! :grin::grin: