Think & Grow Long (Visualization & Hair Growth)

Do use visualization techniques for hair health/growth?

  • Yes, I currently use visualization techniques for my hair

    Votes: 114 57.6%
  • No, but it sounds interesting... I'd try it

    Votes: 84 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I apply this technique throughout the day...every day, especially whenever I start to feel discouraged. The length I'm striving for is unimaginable (for me) according to my family and close friends. But I believe through Jesus, all things are possible. He said: "All power in Heaven and earth is in His hands." :yep: I am the child of a King!
Mind if I make a tiny suggestion that would have a major impact? Take the future tense "will" out of your statements and make it present tense. See it as NOW. (I have healthy MBL hair. I have a fabulous pony tail. I am able to create classy, elaborate buns in 10 mins....I have, I am, I do!!)

When you visualize, see it as a done deal so much that you can feel how good it feels to have it. And be thankful for it. It makes ALL the difference in the world. :yep:


You're right. We're supposed to act "as if."
I apply this technique throughout the day...every day, especially whenever I start to feel discouraged. The length I'm striving for is unimaginable (for me) according to my family and close friends. But I believe through Jesus, all things are possible. He said: "All power in Heaven and earth is in His hands." :yep: I am the child of a King!

I'm totally with you on the faith thing. I'm convinced that's the primary reason why I've experienced such great results. Faith combined with good works (proper haircare practices) has worked for me. But ultimately the faith and believing my hair can grow - even when it doesn't feel like it or takes longer than I planned - have been the biggest factors. I'm so grateful to the Lord for my progress because I know it's a direct answer to that prayer!
I see myself everyday with thick, healthy MBL length hair. My visualisation techniques have worked so far for reaching other goals I wanted to achieve in life so I see no reason they wouldn't work for my hair. When you visualise what you want to achieve, you start focusing on doing what has to be done to get the job done. Things just work themselves out. For those who haven't read Think and Grow Rich, you could be missing out...

ITA! I'm a Napoleon Hill pimp, I always tell people they need that book in their life.
I apply this technique throughout the He said: "All pday...every day, especially whenever I start to feel discouraged. The length I'm striving for is unimaginable (for me) according to my family and close friends. But I believe through Jesus, all things are possible. ower in Heaven and earth is in His hands." :yep: I am the child of a King!
But I believe through Jesus, all things are possible. ower in Heaven and earth is in His hands." :yep: I am the child of a King!

I, too, practice this through my faith in Jesus Christ. There is so much power in seeing before you see. Confessing in spite of the circumstance. My progress is evidence of it. It could not be achieved by my hands, alone. There is a Greater One at work with me...
Just reading all of these inspiring affirmations further reinforces I will achieve my goal; as I daily visualize (through faith) it is done. I come to this sight as often as I can because of all of you. You all share so much; your accomplishmnets, your set-backs, your humor, and encouraging support -- all I can say you guys are priceless! I know I may sound sappy, but I've learned so much from this board, because of the kindness and generosity of its wonderful members. I pray each of you reach your goals. Stay encouraged! Happy Growing!
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