THINK FAST!!! cute day date ideas...

@bunnie82, sounds like you two had a great time. You're very pretty and he's nice looking, where did you find him at ? I live in San Diego as well and I don't ever run into nice looking men, the last one I seen was in October of last year .

@Love Always

OMG!!!! what up san diego!!!

yeah i know what you mean....good looking black men are scarce out here...i'm moving to LA in september so maybe that will switch it up a bit for me....

how old r u?

i met this dude thru a friend...we went out on my birthday last month and he wanted to come along...he had me at hello....talkin about "Are you aware that you are amazingly beautiful?" i say "oh....thank you..." and he says " No....i mean that....i really really mean are gorgeous....".....then he proceeds to greet his friend while i'm on the corner of the street lookin like :blush:....hahahha.....he showed me a really good time on my bday....we've been dating ever since....nothing serious....just hangin out and enjoying each other's company...

he is the first man that i found out here that has cool date ideas....we went iceskating one know i got some pics!!!!!! posting!!!

hmmm.....if you are over 21 you should check out neo soul tuesdays at Onyx love that place! the ambiance is amazing.....and i met two guys the other night.....there is nothin but black ppl there which is CRAZY!!! u don't see that much out here unless you go to a ghetto arse club...

what do you normally do when you get out of the house?
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ooopppssss.....forgot to post pics on that last post......

and it won't let me upload!....and i'm too lazy to do a pikistrip....
how do ya'll be posting pics in your posts???
qchelle thank youuuuu!!!!

@Skiggle thanks!!! i used to sell clothes on the side....this is from my collection....i think i have a few more... PM me if you wanna buy one! I'll check to see if i have your size!:grin: