Things your dh/so does that drive you crazy?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
What habits does your dh/so have that make you :spinning:? How do you deal with them?

*sitting back for some entertaining commentary*
Oh lawd. I could crash this server with all the mess he does that drives me up a wall. :burnup:

The main things: he forgets *everything*, total absentminded professor type. He sneezes and snorts 24/7, yet he refuses to take allergy medicine. I watched the clock one day... he sneezed like 13 times in 10 minutes.
He sneezes and snorts 24/7, yet he refuses to take allergy medicine. I watched the clock one day... he sneezed like 13 times in 10 minutes.

OMG I thought I was the only one suffering through this! It makes me freakin NUTS. But swears he does not have allergies.

He absolutely must hold the remote if we are watching tv together. :ohwell: For kicks I hide it. :yep: Watching him swear and cuss cause he can't find it gives me a laugh for the day and I can watch an entire prgram without him channel surfing in between commercials, which is something else that drives me nuts.

He also will drink from the juice container if he thinks no one can hear him. I told him I really would divorce him over that cause I think its nasty. :sad:

But he is a great dad and a very good husband so I'm still there. :look::drunk:
-He leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor. I am convinced that one day I will trip over them, break my neck, and die a slow horrible death.

-He smacks when he eats.

-He rapidly fires random questions at me like I am a walking encyclopedia.

-He drives slow.

-He carries his house keys and car keys on seperate key rings and is always searching for one or the other. I'm like, "Put them on the SAME damn keyring!"

-He wakes in the middle of the night to eat snacks then comes back to bed smacking on them all in my ear.

But despite these things, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Nope...I surely wouldnt.
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Oh lawd. I could crash this server with all the mess he does that drives me up a wall. :burnup:

The main things: he forgets *everything*, total absentminded professor type. He sneezes and snorts 24/7, yet he refuses to take allergy medicine. I watched the clock one day... he sneezed like 13 times in 10 minutes.
LOL about crashing the server.

OT: What a sweet siggy pic.
What habits does your dh/so have that make you :spinning:? How do you deal with them?

*sitting back for some entertaining commentary*
Umm, I'm looking at the time you started this thread. Are you REALLY getting 8 hours of sleep a night? :scratchch
Thanks Allandra :rosebud:

DH also leaves his 90lb clodhoppers in the middle of the hallway, and I have tripped over them a gazillion times. Every time he's like Oh, sorry :drunk: I keep telling him to PUT THEM in the SHOE BIN! :swearing: sigh

He insists that I always choose the movie, the tv show, the restaurant, everything. I hate it! I wish he would at least make a suggestion some time.

Every tiny idea I have he grills me over. I don't have every minute detail planned out the instant I first have an idea, I keep telling him that.

He blows up the bathroom like :shocked: :ill: DAILY. I have to flee to the playroom just to breathe.
Umm, I'm looking at the time you started this thread. Are you REALLY getting 8 hours of sleep a night? :scratchch

*sigh* Not this week I'm afraid :( It is my organization's annual board of directors meeting so this week I have been getting about 5 hrs per night. :nono: I will get back on track tonight, though . . . .
:mad: When I ask him a question multiple times and he acts like he doesn't hear me, or dances around the answer. :mad: :fistshake: Hrmmph.
He whines.

He asks for 50-11 pics

He sends me texts everyday to get on FB chat and then don't chat about anything.

--- lectures me about 4-5x a day on the benefits of homecooking (for myself) compared to eating out. Yesterday it was so bad, I actually began singing to block him out :lala:

-- as soon as I open the door to him when he visits me, he grabs me, throws me on the bed (it's a studio so the bed's near the door) and collapses himself and his (NOT insignificant) full weight on top of me, so that I can't breathe and my limbs flail about like the "I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up!" woman. :look: When I croak, "You...are ....internal....organs," he says "Nothing I can do!" with a big grin on his face. It's basically his version of the kiddie game "Mercy"--did any of you ever play that in middle school?

-- calls me just to hear my voice even while he's busy at work, so I pick up and hear him grunt "hello," I respond in kind, and then he doesn't say anything for like 2 minutes while he goes back to whatever job he was doing :perplexed: I usually just hang up on him after a minute or two.

-- gathers a handful of my thigh or butt meat, squeezes it SUPERHARD and whispers, "What is this???" He won't let go until I answer (crossly) "It's FAT!"

Whoops, there goes my phone ringing.
Annnnnnnddddd... it's him and he just pulled the third (above) shenanigan. :rolleyes:
There are alot of things my S/O does that irks my nerve but I'll spare you ladies and share just a few -

1- He tries to lay in my bed in street clothes
2- He says "I love you" until I say it back
3- He tailgates other cars
4- He is purposefully disagreeable for the hell of it
5- When he starts sentences off with - My Mama said
6- When he is overly affectionate in public places
7- He slobs and farts in his sleep
8- That he forgets to take his shoes off at the front door (He is forbidden.)
9- He is a Lazy Leo and sleeps like he is in a coma
10- He says the N-word (I scream inside everytime!)
11- He squeezes the toothpaste tube from the middle and he leaves water droplets on the counter
12- When he takes his first bite of a dish that he finds tasty he hums

Am I anal?! Poor fella LOL!

Oh, I forgot to answer Glib's question of how do I deal? I have him trained for the most part but he is who he is!
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He watches hours of sports but gets mad when I want to watch Family guy?!

He tells me all about his day then when I start to tell him about mine his mind wanders to la-la land and I have to punch him to get his attention

He will start groping me at 5am to get me to wake up - I am NOT a morning person

He is SO untidy, it drives me crazy, I don't know how he can live with a sink full of dirty dishes

His waist is smaller than mine and I hate him for it :wallbash:

--- lectures me about 4-5x a day on the benefits of homecooking (for myself) compared to eating out. Yesterday it was so bad, I actually began singing to block him out :lala:

-- as soon as I open the door to him when he visits me, he grabs me, throws me on the bed (it's a studio so the bed's near the door) and collapses himself and his (NOT insignificant) full weight on top of me, so that I can't breathe and my limbs flail about like the "I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up!" woman. :look: When I croak, "You...are ....internal....organs," he says "Nothing I can do!" with a big grin on his face. It's basically his version of the kiddie game "Mercy"--did any of you ever play that in middle school?

-- calls me just to hear my voice even while he's busy at work, so I pick up and hear him grunt "hello," I respond in kind, and then he doesn't say anything for like 2 minutes while he goes back to whatever job he was doing :perplexed: I usually just hang up on him after a minute or two.

-- gathers a handful of my thigh or butt meat, squeezes it SUPERHARD and whispers, "What is this???" He won't let go until I answer (crossly) "It's FAT!"

Awww, That's cute! But he deserves a clap on the head for making you say that.

Whenever my SO catches me in the nude, he'll walk by, then backtrack walking reallllll slow.

He'll then say "Awwwww, where did you get that???"
He's "trained" *rolleyes* me to say " I got it from my momma". And he seems to think that's soooo it or something. I still don't get it. He thought I was such a dork because it took me a minute to get the " I got it from my momma" part. I kept messing it up

Whoops, there goes my phone ringing.
Annnnnnnddddd... it's him and he just pulled the third (above) shenanigan. :rolleyes:
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he cleans his ears with a bent up paper clip instead of the millions of qtips we have. And he keeps the damn paperclip in a book on the bookshelf WTF!?
Last night I went to go drink some apple juice and he left 1/2 an oz. in the bottle. He said he didn't want to drink it all by himself and left me a sip. He does this all of the time!!!! Who can drink 10 tears drops worth of apple juice?!
DH doesn't do too much that drives me crazy but these are the things that either have gotten on my last nerve or just things I give the side-eye to:

1. leaving the toilet seat up and arguing with me for telling/wanting him to put it down (we've graduated from this, Thank the Lord!!)
2. he tears pieces of paper and folds it into a corner and picks his teeth with it and leaves it hanging around
3. puts dirty dishes in the fridge
4. keeps using "my" sink in the bathroom because he has his shaving stuff cluttering his
5. puts his shoes and clothes in EVERY room in the house. I guess it's his way of "marking his territory"
6. if we're around his family or anyone talking/hanging out, he'll get on me afterwards for something I said when I'm just being myself. (This is really irritating)
7. if I'm naked or have on something tight/revealing I get grunts, gropes and everything in between. He always has to cop a feel!!
he cleans his ears with a bent up paper clip instead of the millions of qtips we have. And he keeps the damn paperclip in a book on the bookshelf WTF!?
LOL!!! My boyfriend uses hair pins to clean out his ears! He has one on his dresser and he has one underneath his bed mattress. When he comes over my place, he'll ask for hair pins to clean out his ears. He has a box of q-tips at his house but doesn't use them for his ears. It's a full box too so I don't know why he even has q-tips for. :lol:
The only thing he does that really makes me mad is he will fill the sink with water then leave dirty dishes in there :barf: Why not just rinse them right away? Or put them in the dishwasher? Is it really so hard? I hate seeing dirty dishes in the sink :nono:
You're posing a question like this? Remember I was plotting murder on Wednesday night in the OT forum.

-Watching television while snoring
-leaving clodhoppers in the middle of the floor
-not closing cabinet drawers--I'm going to run into them and hurt myself
-flosses teeth for 40 minutes and leaves dental floss AROUND.
-Will not shop for his clothes and gets pissed if I ask him to go to store with me to try things on. Instead he wants me to purchase and take back if necessary. Says things like, " Grey shirt is raggedy" which translates to Me buy new one for him.
-OCD on organizing his closet--I can't touch anything, although I select/purchase
everything in the damn closet.
-Intentionally leaves a bag of cookies they can get "soft."
Awww, That's cute! But he deserves a clap on the head for making you say that.

Whenever my SO catches me in the nude, he'll walk by, then backtrack walking reallllll slow.

He'll then say "Awwwww, where did you get that???"
He's "trained" *rolleyes* me to say " I got it from my momma". And he seems to think that's soooo it or something. I still don't get it. He thought I was such a dork because it took me a minute to get the " I got it from my momma" part. I kept messing it up.


:lol: Well, in my dude's defense, the plumper the better as far as he's concerned. (His force-feeding is actually the source of most of that chub).

Yours though has me :lachen: with "I got it from my momma" and not letting you deviate from the script.