Things you Hate that Beauticians Do?



I'm curious to find out, what are some of the things you hate that beauticians do while your getting your hair done.

1) I hate stylist that leave the salon to get something to eat and eat the meal while I wait.

2) I hate (before I was introduced to the boards) having to ask the stylist what's best for my hair. I feel like they should be telling me. Not I'm requesting for a treatment.

3) When I go to the Dominicans and you ask them questions regarding your hair , and everything's always "FINE MAMI" meanwhile, there's globs of hair falling out.

4) Scissor Happy Stylist
How much space can have? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

The main reason I started doing my own hair was because of the waiting. Good grief! A touch-up and wrap shouldn't ake 4 hours. Why in the name of all that is holy do they schedule 5 people for a 2pm appointment? /images/graemlins/confused.gif I also hated loud rap music, friends not getting their hair done, but hanging out in the salon taking up all the seats in the waiting area, detangling my wet hair from top to bottom with a fine tooth comb, and stylists that insist that they know what's best even though they themsleves are suffering from 'ski jump syndrome'. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
*When this board was a Network 54 site, someone made a post in a hair pet peeve thread. Her pet peeve was 'ski jump hair'--stiff, broken, dried up, greasy looking, hair that doesn’t move and sticks out in the back when the woman looks down.
/images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Heheheee! This could be a long one!

Anyways, I can't stand the following (which makes me wonder why I am putting my self through it now?);

1. Stylists who can't do hair! What's the point? Their styles don't last and/or don't look good, period!

2. Scissor happy stylists! My current stylists will cut your hair in a minute! I don't ask her to trim my hair anymore. And here I was wondering my hair wasn't growing.

3. Rude stylists. Just plain mean, nasty, snappy, and act like they hate their job.

4. Sloppy stylists. I remember this one hairdresser who walked around in slippers, had on a very short skirt, and mind you there were men barbers that worked beside her!

5. Stylists who never do what you TELL them to do. My current stylist sometimes has a case of deaf (I don't really care what you say) syndrome.

I think I'll stop right there. /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Hi AmilLion,

1. I absolutely HATE scissor happy stylists! If I don't have split ends and didn't ask for a trim, give it a rest sister!! o.k? And when I do ask for a trim, I mean TRIM not CUT!!!

2. I hate when stylists cover the labels of the items they are using or use bottles that are unmarked! Oh no! If you are putting it in my hair, I have a right to know what it is!!

3. I hate stylists with bad attitudes! I'm not having some chick with a nasty attitude touch my hair. If you're having a bad day, I'm walkin'!

4. Please don't eat or carry on a long phone conversation while you are doing my hair! Pay attention to what you are doing!!!

5. I really hate stylists who think that if you don't have a degree in cosmotology, you don't know anything about hair care and shouldn't have an opinion about how they do your hair. Well, I may not have a degree in cosmotology, but no-one knows my hair better than I do; period!!
Heheheheheheee! Hahahahaaaa!

This is a fun topic! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
1. Making an appointment for the morning cause you know you are gonna be there ALL day.

2. Cutting my hair the way they want to, instead of the way I wanted it cut.

(sorry....I forgot where I was...)
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
2. I hate when stylists cover the labels of the items they are using or use bottles that are unmarked! Oh no! If you are putting it in my hair, I have a right to know what it is!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Why the hell is it such a secret? Then when you try to ask them what it is, they act like they don't know or can't remember.

I also hate WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There isn't even a face here to express how muchI hate that!!!!!

1. coming at 10am and leaving damn near 4pm because shes doing 4-5 heads at the same time.

2. doing my hair and eating chinese food at the same time

3. Detangling my hair all rough from top to bottom

4. catty stylists

5. sylists who get carried away with the scissors
I thought I was the only one who's (ex) hairdresser did this!! She would always tell me I need to take better care of my hair, yet she would literally hide the products she used on my hair from me! I guess I should thank her, because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been on the internet looking for information on hair care. Now my hair is in a LOT better condition and I get to pocket all the $$$ I spent going to her.
This is a good topic. I absolutely detest hair shops that have signs posted, "NO Children, unless being service." YET, the stylists' children are running around ALL over the place! I'm like could you lead by example please.

Just had to vent!
LMAO at everyone. Keep it coming yall, this is soo funny but true.
This was posted on the old board, so I won't take credit for it. I saved it 'cause it describes just about all my pet peeves:

1. Your stylist accepts a 3 pc from Popeye's as her tips.
2. All the stylists walk around with house slippers on.
3. When your stylist takes a cigarette break, it's weed she smokes.
4. Your stylist is still there doing your hair even though she's supposed to be on bed rest.
5. Four people are booked for the same 1:00 apt.
6. Your stylist calls YOU at the salon talkin' bout "I overslept but I'm on my way! way"
7. When your stylist finally arrives you can see that she had been to the club the night before b/c she still has on her club clothes, and she still has the red "over 21" stamp on the back of her hand.
8. Every hairstyle, no matter what you're getting, requires that nasty brown gel.
9. There's always that one stylist in the back that you can't tell whether it's a girl or guy.
10. The STYLIST'S head looks a mess.
11. All the other sylists fake like someone else's client's hair looks good until they lease the shop and then it's "Girl, I KNOW Shameeka ain't let her walk outta here like dat!"
12. There's a receptionist's booth at the front of the shop but no one ever uses it b/c it's stocked with beauty supplies.
13. The Asian man from the carryout across the street comes in and personally takes food orders.
14. Some crackhead is always coming into the shop every five minutes.
15. You have to divide your tips 'bout four different ways cuz' one permed you, one shampooed you, one wrapped you and your stylist finished you up.
16. You get to the salon and your stylist isn't there, so you gotta page her. When she calls back, you gotta go pick her and her baby up.
17. Your ears are ringing b/c 'loud music' is playing on your stylist's radio and she is singing along.
18. Somebody is making a chicken run and is taking orders from the stylists AND the clients.
19. They got strawberry, orange, AND grape in the coke machine, but no coke.
20. Your stylist stops doing your hair to go outside and talk to her baby daddy.
21. Your stylist got 10 Polaroid pictures from the club stuck around the mirror.
22. Your sylist holds a 15-minute phone conversation with somebody while she styles your hair.
23. The tape man is there selling bootleg tapes for $5.00.
24. The owner of the shop and one of the stylists get into a cussing match in fromt of the customers cause she made an appointment after5, knowning that she has to perform later on that night.
25. The stylists all talk about each other.
26. When they send Boo-Boo's baby girl to the 99-cent store to buy your $10 "deep conditioner".
27. When the stylist boyfriend comes in the shop with his boys and you are just hoping that they hurry up with your hair before there is a drive-by.
28. When for a finishing touch your stylist insist on sprinkling a little bit of glitter in your hair.
29.There are more kids in the shop then customers.
I can't stand when they ask me "Are you tender headed?" (to which I always reply "yes") then they say "With all this hair, and you got a nerve to be tenderheaded?" ..... what is the supposed to mean? WTF!!!! I mean, you would be tenderheaded too, if someone was trying to detangle your hair from root to tip w/a fine tooth comb!
OOOH Lawd!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thank you for the laughs ladies! I'm gonna print these out and pass them out to all the trifeling(sp?)stylists that I know(most of them are guilty of one or more of these offences!!)

I don't like when a stylist won't admit that she can't do something, and when they CUT and not TRIM. There are two reasons why they might cover up the products....1) They are cheap, no frills products or 2) They want to keep all the good secrets to themselves. I can't stand it either.

I solemly swear not to do these things when I start working in a shop! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
OMG GiGi you are too much. That was soooo funny. I am rolling. Because you know that shop you described? Well I usta go there.... My stylist would actually leave me at the shampoo bowl and go to lunch. Pissed me off!!! Stylist always have that trick of at least getting you washed--so that now you are a prisoner. And at my first shop that I fond by myself--well that was the most GHETTO shop. I mean the peddlers were in there non stop, my stylist was on the phone.... I think about it now and I wonder why I continued to go to those places for so long... I mean years...
1. Stylist that use that "gross" brown gel
2. They charge for a "cut" when you want them to keep your short haircut up.
3. Their hair is "NEVER" done
4. They have all of these kids running around
5. They don't have a place for you to lock up your purse so you have to carry it around.
6. They make a minimun of $55 dollars on one head but expects everyone to watch "JERRY SPRINGER" on that raggy a** t.v. that has a clothes hanger for an antenna and you can hardly make out the people on the show so you can only listen to it!!
I dont like sissor happy stylist
Rude stylist
Loud music
I hate when they ask you what you want done to y our hair but sill go on ahead and do what ever they want.
I hate when they are supposed to be doing your hair but be walking around talking to t he other customers and stylists
My friend is dresser and no she does not do my hair. But the salon that she work at uses a straightening comb on fresh perm hair or everytime you get your hair done. Image the condtion for there clinets hair <font color="pink"> </font color>
I wait 3 months prior to getting a relaxer and am VERY Tenderheaded. I hate the basing process when they ummm curls OUCH! I also hate (prior to going to another hair dresser) seeing all of my head white from relaxer when the OVERLAPPED the is a wonder I still have HAIR!!!!
I am laughing at that ski jump syndrome.

I think of it as the "moon flag look" (stiff, no wind ) Think US flag on the moon.

I don't go to stylists anymore because I never found one that understood my hair. That really bugged me. I mean I'm paying you to do my hair, so at least look at my hair and see what I need. Just don't give me the generic treatment. I was never satisfied with what they did. And I'm not very picky either. I would always go home and have to fix my hair even when I told them what to do. I also didn't like having to wait so long.
1. Stylists who don't keep up with the latest advances in haircare or are afraid to move away from the products/techniques used for a decade or more

2. Stylists who keep the products they're using on you a mystery to prevent you from getting the same results at home.

3. Stylists who don't listen to you and insist on doing your hair their way instead of what's best for your hair.

4. Stylists who let you wait and wait and never acknowledge you

5. Stylists who have really scary damaged hair

6. Stylists who just walk away from you to work on someone else's hair

7. Stylists who go go through the pretense of booking you for a certain time, but have booked 5 other people for the same slot and keep you in the salon for hours on end. I'd rather they just allow you to walk in whenever because the outcome will still be the same.

8. Rough combers and shampoo assts who are so inept it feels like they're tickling your hair rather than washing your scalp

9. Frustrated or moody stylists who take their anger out on your hair

10. Diva stylists (male or female) that are mean or act Napoleonic to their assistants
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
They make a minimun of $55 dollars on one head but expects everyone to watch "JERRY SPRINGER" on that raggy a** t.v. that has a clothes hanger for an antenna and you can hardly make out the people on the show so you can only listen to it!!

[/ QUOTE ]

My GOD, I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing so much. You must have gone to the same beauty shop as me. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Oh my goodness, that is so true! They would have no kind of business whatsoever, without the customers. Dumb behinds!
O.K., I have 2 more.

all the chair cushins have that "black elcetrical tape" on them to fix the rips in them and for the ones that don't have the tape yet..when you sit on them and you have shorts on they PINCH the hell out of you.

you stylist gets very comfortable with you and has you running errands for her all over town and even taking her car to get an oil change and a wash...even though she may do your hair free for your trouble you do all of that work with conditioner and a plastic jerry curl cap on your head.

This was a great topic...I really needed a laugh today!!!

What kinda disturbs me is that my hairdresser wears a wig. She said that she had "problems" and was picking her hair out. It's fine to wear a wig, but the wigs she wears are AWFUL! They don't fit her complexion, face, or even age if you ask me! Just hideous. One would think that she's know how to select a nice wig. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
O.K. why did I bust out laughing and disturbed everyone in my office!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif No ol'girl don't wear a wig, O.K. I understand wearing a wig if you're having a bad hair day or like I did last year when I was letting my hair grow out. But no she ain't bald headed and the wig is "TOW DOWN" now why didn't she take someone with her when she picked that "THING" out. She couldn't have gotten it from a store that is run by Koreans because they will tell you up front if you look beat up or their favorite phrase.."that's not your color" I can only imagine what she looks like, I can't stop laughing!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif