Thicker hair challenge


New Member
I am starting a personal challenge to thicken up my hair a bit or hopefully, a lot. My strands are fine, though I have a lot of them, so I want to see how thick my hair can possibly get. I am going to start using 1000mg pantothenic acid(which I used before for a short time and it worked),1 tab silica/day, MTG, and I will be drinking 3oz of carrot juice per day. Anyone wanna join me?
ichephren said:
I am starting a personal challenge to thicken up my hair a bit or hopefully, a lot. My strands are fine, though I have a lot of them, so I want to see how thick my hair can possibly get. I am going to start using 1000mg pantothenic acid(which I used before for a short time and it worked),1 tab silica/day, MTG, and I will be drinking 3oz of carrot juice per day. Anyone wanna join me?

great idea!!! im with you ichephren!! i need to thicken up the hairline, the hair hair at the crown of my head, and the hair at the front of my head (lol is that the crown too?)..Im gonna be doing less combing and brushing (only with thick conditioner in my hair if at all), no brushing, mtging especially the crown and hairline areas, maybe a bit of picking the roots with oil to manage the thickness a bit on ocassion like twice monthly and im going to be moisturizing a lot more to make sure the thickness is healthy..

ive always wanted coiled thick black hair...and if i keep it moist then the new growth and thickness will be well maintained..since im transitioning to natural hair...the permed hair needs more mtg to return to the old ociled texture cos its so thin but my roots so thick!

how long you thinkin this challenge is gonna be? hehehe i could use probably 6 months..
I'm in!! I havent been apart of a challenge, because a sista's new, so let me know what I need to do! Ive been on the hunt for carrot juice, and cant find it.....are you making it yourself, if, and whats added to it?

As far as the tablets, dont think Ill be trying them....I still take prenatals vit , so u think thats good enough? And the MTG, how often do you plan on using it as a part of your hair regimin? OK Im in tho:cool:
LilDmomof3 said:
I'm in!! I havent been apart of a challenge, because a sista's new, so let me know what I need to do! Ive been on the hunt for carrot juice, and cant find it.....are you making it yourself, if, and whats added to it?

As far as the tablets, dont think Ill be trying them....I still take prenatals vit , so u think thats good enough? And the MTG, how often do you plan on using it as a part of your hair regimin? OK Im in tho:cool:

im gettin manic with the mtg hahaha im using it like 5 times a week and giving 2 days for rest..its really helping and im noticing massive results!!
well thats cool Meia!!! I wanna use it that much, but I still dont know if washing my hair once a week is ok?!?! I wanna see some massive results too!! If my hair washing routine is cool, then we can be MTG maniacs together:lol:

BTW, how long have you been using the MTG?
Meia:I'm thinking the challenge should be for 6mths as well so we can really see a noticeable difference. So from Oct 1st until the end of March? We could all decide on another time to start and end. By then we should all have at least 3 inches if our hair grows at the average speed. However, given the recent raves about MTG, we may have far more than that :clap: I plan on using the MTG three times a week and I will start using it next week since I am going to get it from home this weekend. I'm trying to thicken up my hairline too. I want a thick hairline, not the wisps that my microbraiding obsession has left me with :(

LilDmomof3: I think the pantothenic acid is necessary since it is very well known for getting hair to be thicker. The prenatals are more like all-around vitamins. The pantothenic acid comes in capules, so you won't taste anything. The carrot juic I'm drinking is bought from Whole Foods. I drink Odwalla and it's just pure carrot juice with nothing added. By the way, welcome to LHCF :wave:
LilDmomof3- hehehe! it should be okay! what hair type do you have? thats the best way to figure out if its good for your hair type you know? otherwise as long as its getting the proper moisture it needs, you should be just fine! hahaha oh definitely! hehehe we can keep each other up on the progress! The reason why I wash more than once a week is cos the smell of the mtg makes me nauseated hahaha...i feel like i need to get that smell in the process of buying essential oils so i can stand the smell more daily..

Ive been using mtg for about 2 months on and off...ive really only used it 4 times maybe 5 for 2-3 days a piece...and the new growth 1-1 1/2 inches is something i find really impressive since ive used it so in another two challenges..maximum growth challenge and waistlength by 07 so im really trying to step up my hoping to gain (unrealistically of course!! lol) another 8+ inches by next hoping it works thats why im steppin it up! hehehe!


ichephren- yeaa 6 months is a good amount of time! not too long not too small an amount of time... thats a good idea that with all the challenges im apart of my hair gonna be softer, smoother, longer, and thicker hahaha..three days is a definitely good amount of time weekly to use mtg..thats more than i started out with and it gives a fair amount of time to evaluate the product..

yeaaa i used to pull my hair into buns and ponytails..and now im missing that hair too especially at the temples..i recommend using mtg nightly in a small portion to the hairline to keep up the growth..i know for a fact when i stop using the mtg on my hairline, all the hair that has grown because of the mtg (where there wasnt any hairs before) falls out or stops growing entirely..i think with persistent use past the sprouting of new hairs, the thickness will come to using it ever night for hairline...i need to to keep the results going!! lets all of us stay in touch!!;)

sounds like a good idea. i'm drinking carrot juice and using mtg. my strands are thin also, and they break easily. i'm hoping that my strands become stronger.
I'm in also. I'll do the MTG and carrot juice but not the biotin, it makes my skin breakout. Plus I hate pills, so I take Nature's Plus adult chewables multies everyday.
I’ll jump in on this one :p. However, I’m staying away from pills and just stick to cornrows, condition washes and proper moisture. I know hair can be thicker than my hair so I want to see if I can achieve it, especially around my hairline. Is there a time limit on this challenge or some sort of results stage?
I would also like to joing please...

I take Biotin (1200 mcg) a day
I also take Pantothenic Acid (250 mg) a day.
I'm still waiting on my MTG & my Panthenol (I read on here that adding Panthenol to your shampoo could help thicken hair)
I'm also using Dr. Miracles Temple Balm on my nape and edges every night.

Along w/Protein treatments every other week, I hope to thicken my hair up!

Has anyone else heard that diarrhea can be a side effect of too much Panthothenic Acid?
I'm in on this one. I pray it is possible to thicken up my temple areas.....shoot my entire head for that matter. I'm off the MTG bandwagon for now and i'm using Design Essentials Botanical oils on my temples (has lots of good stuff in it like lavender oil, arnica, and ginseng). I'm taking pantothetic acid along with my other vits.
One question though. What does carrot juice do for the hair? I know it is filled with Vitamin A, but I didn't know that was a vitamin that would boost hairgrowth.
Blackbarbie-You can get Pantothenic acid at Whole Foods as well as vitaminshoppe, and prett much any store that sells vitamins. Right now, I'm taking the vitaminshoppe brand, but I have used Twinlab pantothenic acid in the past.

ONEBLESSEDRN-I found this in another thread about carrot juice:
lunalight7 said:What is in a carrot that makes hair grow? Is it the beta carotene?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, it's the large quantity of beta carotene. It's also the B vitamins, especially folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. Since carrot juice goes directly into the blood stream (bypassing digestion), it's effects are much faster than taking supplements, for example.
Carrot Juice (The King of Juices)
Wash 4-5 carrots and juice.
Carrot juice supplies a high amount of pro-vitamin A, which the body converts to Vitamin A; vitamins B,C,D,E, and K, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, and trace minerals. This juice benefits intestinal walls, bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails and with regular use, cleanses the liver by helping to release stale bile and excess fats.
Nutritive value:
Carrots are rich in carotene and the red variety contains 10-15 times more carotene than the orange variety. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is needed for healthy vision, as well as the maintenance of mucous membranes. The same vitamin is also important for healthy skin and hair and is necessary for human reproduction, resistance to infection, combats fatigue, and functions as a protector of the nervous system. Beta-carotene is also an anti-oxidant that may defend the body against free radicals toxicity. It contains 86 per cent water and 48 Kcal per 100 gm of edible portion. The carrot is one of the best sources of vitamin B complex as it also contains niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. The other major nutrient contents are phosphorous, choline, sulphur, potassium and fibre. It has moderate amounts of calcium, iron and vitamin C. That's literally an all round multivitamin in the liquid form
I am in. My first real chanllenge that I may actually be able to reach.
I am going to start with increasing the doseage on my current vitamins and then add two more. I need to find MSM w/ Vit C in it. I don't want to add another vitamin if I don't have to.
The thicker hair challenge starts today for all who would like to join!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the next update will be on December 1st(2mths away) so that the time between start and updating isn't too long that we'd all forget. See you guys then :)
I'm in too. I went and bought d Panthenol from Sun Harvest yesterday and mixed it with my shampoo. I also have the profectIv thinning temples. I'm taking an organic multivitamin/mineral and no MTG.
blackbarbie said:
Can you find the pantothenic acid tablets at the whole foods store too? or where can you get them?

Whole foods definitely has is as well as GNC, the Vitamin shoppe.
CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens may have it also.
I am so in. I will be taking a trip to the whole foods store today to pick up products. I just posted in another thread on "silica" to see what brand/form the ladies have had good response from (after reading a few of the articles they referenced, you need to be sure you are getting it in a form that is beneficial), but maybe someone reading this thread can respond.

I am also preparing to do the Master Cleanse detoxification as described in the Health and Fitness section. I have wanted to do one for a while and read quite a few posts, but they all seem way too complicated. The only thing is that while on the 10-day cleanse, I won't be able to take any of the supplements I am about to go purchase!!!

My purchases for the thicker hair challenge will be:
-Pantothenic Acid
-Organic Carrot Juice
-MTG (have been using for the past 3 weeks already; def. seeing good results already! I am probably about to turn into a horse!

OFF TOPIC - I suppose I am in their database now, but the place where I ordered my MTG from sent me a catalog yesterday with all their equestrian stuff in it. Thought it was hilarious!!

I will be able to tell if the challenge is working for me b/c my hair is very fine, which makes it look thin, so I will know when it begins to thicken up. I have a digital camera, but not a fotki album and instead of just going on my own memory, I will be taking pictures. (may get smart and figure how to set up a fotki one day).....

I will keep everyone posted.
Hope its not too late to join... I would love to be in this challange! I also have thin weak hair so anything I can do to help thicken it up works for me!:D

I will be using MTG 4 times a week
I take pre-natal vits right now
also take Salmon oil pills
wash once a week with a deep con.
and con. wash once a week

Whats silica?:ohwell:
I'm in.

My hair is so fine, that each individual strand is almost invisible, but there seems to be lots of them. My hair won't really hold any style, will straighten if I just tie on a satin scarf, but as soon as I get out in any type of humidity, it frizzes right up and becomes a big poufy cottony soft halo. But it's my hair and I love it.

I take (irregularly): MSM, Therapro HairGain, Evening Primrose Oil, Saw Palmetto and a multi vitamin

I wash my hair twice a week and alternate with a lot of different products. My regulars are: Phytodefrisant, MTG, Nioxin shampoo, Affirm Sustenance, Biolage Hydrating shampoo, Sensitive by Nature Foundation Strengthener, Lazartigue Treatment Oil.

Great challenge idea. I'm so glad I found LHCF!
I'm in. I have 4a/b fine textured hair. I moisturize with S-Curl and a light oil. I use MTG, and take vitamins (not daily, I'm still not sure of their long term effects). Also, I try to eat a healthy, organic, high-protein (lean protein), lower carb diet. I have braids in right now, but when I take them out, I'll let you know.

I would love to join this challenge. I hope I am not too late. I use MTG on and off, tkae vitamins daily (Multi-vitamins, B- vitamins, Multi oil, Amino complex and Silica). I totally eliminated Biotin from my vitamin regime due to horrible breakouts so I am trying out Silica and so far no side effects. I will be washing and deep conditioning once a week. After airdying, I will put my hair in braids with S-curl on the roots and African Royale leave-in conditioner, ORS mayonaise and Africa's Best ultimate herbal oil on the ends. I am not sure if I will be making the carrot juice so I might just eat some raw carrots instead. I am sure that should work just fine. As for the napes and temples I am not sure what I will be using on them.

Good luck ladies!!!:)
Ok my fellow fine hair ladies... Be sure to include lots of castor oil in your regimens! It will thicken up those strands... It is definitely working for me!
I hope its not too late to join the "thicker hair challenge" I plan on purchasing pantothenic acid tablets and biotin far i have been using MTG...

Nique how do you incorporate the castor oil in your regimen???

I will update at the end of Febraury