They say this verse in the bible confirms UFOs


Well-Known Member
Genesis 6:1-4
The Flood
1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

They say the Nephilim were extraterrestrials.... anyone care to comment or give insight?
I think that is dependent upon the version you read, but that is in reference to giants. And the sons of God were angels, so you have angels+women which birth mighty men who were giants and very strong men.
That wa my understanding also. I heard somewhere that these angels were the fallen angels with satan. Anybody know for sure.
-i took it to mean they were angels on earth who had babies with women
-i didnt take it that they were for sure followers of Satan, there are supposed to be "good" angels on earth too, but i guess there is a difference between and "angel on earth" and a "fallen angel"
-Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.

as far as Aliens i think why not? If G-d is so great that he created heaven earth and all within including us why not other "earths" or other types of "people" aren't all things possible with him?
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First question is Who are they that say this? Second we must not except any thing of an explanation, if we are Christtians, that contridict the teachings of God and our Savior.

1. God created man. God created all things.
2. God has established the order of this world and no one not even angels can alter it. Now where does God teach that different kinds can propagate together. An angel is not and never was a human. They cannot beget men.
3. This would then imply that there is a third creature on this earth not of Gods ordaining. This places a awful lot of power in someone elses hands doesn't it?
4. We are told that one man is where all men come from, period. Even scientist are having to get on board with this understanding now.

The teachings of the early church states that the "sons of God" were of the line of Seth, the chosen people who were to preserve themselves in virtue and devotion to God. " And unto him a son was born....then began men to call upon the name of the Lord" Gen4:26. They were living in high places still close to the boundaries of Paridise( the Garden of Eden) They were called the "son's O God " because it was through this line would come Christ. The "daughters of men" were of the line of Cain. They were the forbidden, the outcast. They continued in murder and selfishness and evil. Remember he left the presense of God after killing his brother. The sons of God were not to marry with the daughters of men. The daughters of men made themselves alluring to the sons of Gods. This possibly indicated it was a dying out of the race of Cain and few males left to continue the race. The sons of God depated from their commands and was drawn by carnal lust to the daughters of men. They fell into the trap and then the whole of mankind became corrupted. They lowered themselves and became fleshly.

The reference to "giants" means only they were tall and strong in stature due to having continued in the ways of the Lord. Cains line had become more so even physically corrupt. smaller and weaker. Basically their evil souls effected there physical self also.

When people claim interpretations of the scriptures test them against the whole of the teachings of God and our Savior.
Also the land had been cursed to Cain. He would toil and toil and barely scratch out enough to survive. It would not take long for there to be a definate change of the physical stature in such a race. Like wise the men of Seth may very well have been larger than what we know today. This blending of the two effected the great physical presence of them also eventually. It is said, and more likely, that the sons of God with their mighty deeds of strength (manifest perhaps in wars with the offspring of Cain, over food and such) were the origin of the "gods" of later legends in Greece and other lands. Oden of the north etc.

When I was in Alaska there was a tale of long ago giants that lived. They went to war and left their woman behind. One maiden stood at the mouth of a bay awaiting her husband. Eventually she laid down to rest and was covered in the years to come with the earth and snow and ice. They two speak of how later man which came were smaller. They also teach these men were of the great spirit of good.

This tale aligns more with sciptures then the other however it may be just another like greek mythology. But it does warrant to mention that many cultures have legends of the giants or "gods" of great strengths who were for the good of mankind.
thanks vintage. i did some looking after this came up and found basically the same information. this forum is teaching me so much
msportugal said:
-i took it to mean they were angels on earth who had babies with women

Wow, that's kind of wild. It's very much like Greek mythology (with the gods procreating with humans). I have to look at that when I get home. . .