They just don't know...vent


Well-Known Member
I recently bought some Phyto Organics (Nexxus new line) Humectin and before my purchase I was asking the the sales person in the salon which one was better of the Nexxas line. I began to tell her that I currently Co wash my hair with Humectress everyday.

She looked at me like I was crazy. I thought because she did hair and sold professional haircare products she would know what co-washing meant, silly me:confused: .

After she looked at me crazy for a couple of seconds she proceeded to tell me that I should not wash my hair everyday because it does not allow you time to produce moisture. I said I wash my hair with a conditioner everyday not shampoo. You are not supposed to wash your hair everyday she said again. I said, "ok Thank You" and let that role off my back.
What ever....

It's summer, its hot and I work out everday. Why not co-wash 4-6 days out the week if I want to? I have seen some improvements, less breakage.
:D I am 6 weeks post and before this forum I used to perm my hair every 4 weeks. Again silly, silly me. After my 5th week my hair began to break not alot but it enough to what to do something about it. I decided to co-wash and it works. Now there is very little breakage and I have been only doing this a week.

But, it burned me:mad: because she was looking like "girl you have no clue, do you think your white." Even the white sales lady rolled her eyes after she heard I put water to my head so often.

Anywho, at least I now know that the new nexxus line is a more organic line (hence the name) and the Nexxus Humectress has been replaced with the Phyto Organics Humectin for those ladies who stopped using this because they changed the formula. I have not used it yet but I will do after my workout this evening. Wish me luck!
Is this a natural hair stylist? Because it seems to me that unless one is natural oneself or heavily involved in natural hair care, conditioner washes are unheard of. I first learned of co-washing in 2004 while attending a braid class at the natural hair show. And the information came from a couple of women in attendance, not the instructor. At the time, I had just begun my transition to natural hair. I shared the information with my cosmetology instructor and a couple of classmates, and they just didn't get it, nor did they want to. So you're right, they don't know. All that aside, it's clear she wasn't listening very well, nor does she have an open mind.
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I don't volunteer too much information to strangers...even hair professionals.

I was once in Sally's looking for a deep moisturizing conditioner. This lady gave me cholesterol and such. I know some people like Cholesterol ...but it had mineral oil and petroleum in it so I didn't want it.

I pointed that out to her, which exasperated her. She was tired of helping me (:lol:) and made that known as I scanned the ingredients and rejected a bunch of stuff.

Then I thought to myself. 'Why am I making my hair drama hers?" Let me just read and select by myself...because I know these mofos don't know enough to help me. I don't need to be given them a laundry list of my hair drama.

I learned.
No this was not a natural hair care salon it was JCPenneys, I go there to by my hair care products. She did not have natural hair either. She had shortcut, permed, overly greased hair. The style was similiar to the woman on BEBE'S KIDS movie, Robin Harris' ex-wife. Slicked down on the side and bang that stuck up high and curled at the tip, basically a mess in 2006. :ohwell:

After I had openned my big mouth about my co-washing. I thought to my self, "why did I say that..she doesn't know a thing about hair care. You're right ladies people are not open minded and when you go into a beauty supple store come knowing your stuff already because they just don't know.
I find it so hard that people find co-washing so odd.

My BF has long type 2 hair and he recently told me that because his hair gets so tangled and frizzed, a few times a week he will wash with only his moisturizing conditioner. I laughed and told him that's what we call a co-wash and he I think he was impressed that it is so popular on the boards.

Honestly people in beauty and health care just don't know everything and I agree with you guys many are not openminded at all!
HoneyDew said:
I find it so hard that people find co-washing so odd.

My BF has long type 2 hair and he recently told me that because his hair gets so tangled and frizzed, a few times a week he will wash with only his moisturizing conditioner. I laughed and told him that's what we call a co-wash and he I think he was impressed that it is so popular on the boards.

Yeah, I did cw's 20 years before I knew there was a name for it. I was relaxed but I either rinsed or washed with conditioner before pulling my hair back on lazy mornings.