these flakes will NOT go away!!!!!


New Member
and it all started with that damned surge!!! :(

i havent used it in months and months, and my scalp still wont stop flaking....i even spent way too much money on keracare for dry itchy scalp thinking that would tingled fine but theres still the flakes!

its only in the very front of my hair, where i used the surge and just when i think i made it go away, its back!!! screwing up my flat twists and cornrows, ruining my life!!!! what can i do?!?!?!?!

I usually have dry scalp in the winter, but since taking Flaxseed Oil, I haven't had any problems with my scalp. I have been able to go without any oil or grease or dandruff shampoos, even in the colder months. My flakes would be in the crown area/top front. I used Pantene Pro-V Anti-Dandruff, and that worked fine for me. Try a cheaper brand, and concentrate it only on the scalp, since they can be very drying to the hair. You may want to leave it on the scalp for about 5 mins, so that the active ingredient (usually pyrithione zinc) can have its effect. Possibly follow up with a moisturizing shampoo for the hair so it won't be stripped. HTH!
Shatani said:
and it all started with that damned surge!!! :(

i havent used it in months and months, and my scalp still wont stop flaking....i even spent way too much money on keracare for dry itchy scalp thinking that would tingled fine but theres still the flakes!

its only in the very front of my hair, where i used the surge and just when i think i made it go away, its back!!! screwing up my flat twists and cornrows, ruining my life!!!! what can i do?!?!?!?!


You need to use surge with an oil or oils next time to avoid the flakies.

I'll be back with more tips. Anyway, it could be a lot worse. Last time I used Surge I had burns on my scalp for some reason....probably because I used it with my braids in.....who knows.
Vinegar: White or Cider

Apply vinegar directly to scalp. Wrap a towel around your head and leave on overnight. Shampoo in the morning, and repeat once every two weeks as needed.

Tea Tree Oil:

Massage into your scalp to prevent flaking and protect against infection.

Olive Oil and Almond Oil:

Mix the oils together in equal parts. Massage into scalp and leave on 5 minutes after you feel a slight burning sensation (this is normal for this treatment.) Rinse well in warm water.

Dried Rosemary, or Sage:

Boil 2 tablespoons in one cup of water for 10 minutes. Strain and massage the liquid into clean hair. Do not rinse.

Aloe Vera Gel: Massage Aloe Vera gel into your scalp and leave on 10 - 15 minutes prior to shampooing. Repeat routine daily to rid yourself of the flakes, and prevent their return.

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ITA with Bailyscream, you may need to mix it with oil. Have you tried Parnevu's T-tree scalp oil. It's very good for healing the scalp. It doesn't have petroleum or mineral oil. I think Walmart and Walgreens sells it. I don't know if this is good to mix with Surge, but I think it would be great to help relieve flaky scalp.

The ingredients are: Olive Oil , Peanut Oil , Wheat Germ Oil , Canola Oil , Sweet Almond Oil , Castor Oil , Safflower Oil , Sesame Oil , Vitamin E Tocopheryl Acetate , Vitamin A , Vitamin D , Cyclomethicone , Tea Tree Oil , Sheep Sorrel , Yarrow , Slippery Elm , Sage , Henna , Comfrey , Burdock Root , Golden Seal , Cherry Bark , Chamomile , Jaborandi Heavenly Hemp , Alfalfa , Hyssop , Fragrance
thanks so much ladies!!! i think the first thing i'll try is tea tree oil, cuz i have that....i did two ACV rinses and that hasnt done the job....this really sux, ive never had dandruff before and i have NO idea what to do about it!!!! so, thank you all again!

do you think i should avoid washing my hair in sections??? cuz my hair is natural and stupid thick/dense, so i wash it in sections....but i think the flakes could probably get caught up in the braids.....

oh, and is it alright to put pure EO right on my scalp, or should i use a carrier oil too??
try the surge ultra max...its a creamy grease texture...i used it with the spray recently and had no flakes as opposed to using it alone last year
i may try that....but first im interested in getting rid of the flakes i have, then i'll see about which products to use...i just want to know that i can get rid of them, if they ever return, ya know?
I agree with the others regarding using a oil or surge ultra max after surge.
I use to get flakes in certain spot in my head when I first started surging not any more.
Shatani said:
thanks so much ladies!!! i think the first thing i'll try is tea tree oil, cuz i have that....i did two ACV rinses and that hasnt done the job....this really sux, ive never had dandruff before and i have NO idea what to do about it!!!! so, thank you all again!

do you think i should avoid washing my hair in sections??? cuz my hair is natural and stupid thick/dense, so i wash it in sections....but i think the flakes could probably get caught up in the braids.....

oh, and is it alright to put pure EO right on my scalp, or should i use a carrier oil too??

Don't ever put pure essential oil on your scalp, it may burn. Mix it in a carrier oil first. You should have some instructions on the EO bottle regarding how much to add to the carrier oil.

Use grapeseed oil or jojoba or any similar carrier oil you have at home.
Don't ever put pure essential oil on your scalp, it may burn. Mix it in a carrier oil first. You should have some instructions on the EO bottle regarding how much to add to the carrier oil.

Use grapeseed oil or jojoba or any similar carrier oil you have at home.
is EVOO alright??
i have one more question for ya...if you dont mind me harassing you :D

what should my ratio be so that im not just rubbing olive oil on my scalp??? like 10 drops to 8 oz??? what do you think? i didnt find anything specific on that site....
Shatani said:
i have one more question for ya...if you dont mind me harassing you :D

what should my ratio be so that im not just rubbing olive oil on my scalp??? like 10 drops to 8 oz??? what do you think? i didnt find anything specific on that site....

Blend up to 5 drops of pure essential oil to 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of base oil. (I have grapeseed oil and this is the instruction on the bottle).
I had flakes once.... from not washing all of the conditioner out ...during my conditioner washes.... you might try clarifying... that got rid of it for me.
Jewell said:
I usually have dry scalp in the winter, but since taking Flaxseed Oil, I haven't had any problems with my scalp.

How long did it take you to see results with the flax and how much are you taking?
:scratchch Well, u know what? think back to what you did before and what products you used before you ever used Surge and before your hair ever started flaking. ;)
ThursdayGirl said:
I had flakes once.... from not washing all of the conditioner out ...during my conditioner washes.... you might try clarifying... that got rid of it for me.
hmmm...thats interesting....i never fully rinse condtioner out, but i was doing that for years and the flakes only came after i used surge....but i will pay attention to that now!
Shapley's MTG. I had months of dandruff and itching scalp cleared it up completely. I wish you the best.
Shatani said:
does tea tree tingle??? i dont feel anything :D but i did mix according to baileys ratio.....

Tea tree should tingle. You could add a few more drops of the tea tree oil.:)

You know olive oil is a little thicker than grapeseed oil.
I would recommend Tea Tree as well. Also try the glover's hair and scalp ointment as it has sulfur and sacylic acid which are both antidandruff agents.
Shatani, I had horrible flakes when I was in high school. My mom greased my scalp with sulfur 8 and I never has a problem again. Sulfur based products like s8 and glover's will remove flakes and dandrff probs. hope all goes well.