There's something crawling all over my head!!!


New Member
There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I know there are already like a thousand posts already on biotin, but I just don't have time to search for one.

I've been using the vitamin shoppe megabiotin for almost 2 weeks now and I was beginning to think that it wasn't working, but OH was I wrong. I haven't really noticed growth yet, but it feels like I've got little creatures crawling all over my scalp (and everywhere else hair grows
)! It's so bad that I'll instinctively flinch and slap myself in the head.

I remember reading on one of the posts that others were taking this biotin too and they weren't getting results, so here is one positive for the vitamin shoppe brand. However, I am taking a double dose. My mom is even taking biotin that she got from walmart and she has the same "itchies".

So I say to everyone who's taking biotin...hang in there, it takes a little time for things to happen, but it WILL happen! OH and please don't forget to drink PLENTY of water! My mom had to find that out the hard way.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I thought you really had bugs in your hair. My face looked like
when I read the topic.

i know what you mean though, I use PP Biotin and it's the only pill I take, and will far as hair goes.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I do, first and foremost, empathize with hawaiianhoney, and I certainly do hope that she can find some relief, and pronto!

Furthermore, I dont't mean to be a wet blanket, but...

are all of the vitamins really worth it for hair growth, especially if it comes down to things such as what hawaiianhoney and others are
experiencing or have experienced?

Between you, me and a goal post, I think I will just stick to using a good multivitamin for the time being.

Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I agree with angellzette, I also thought you had "real" bugs in your hair. I take 10mg of biotin, and at first my scalp was VERY sore. For me, that wierd feeling lasted about 2wks.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

So has anyone been able to see or prove that these itchies promote growth or could this just be a bad reaction to too much biotin? Sorry to ask this question but I have to know. I have seen some of the reactions at times when some posters throw a dose of potential reality to the subject, it aint always well received.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

dahlia i would like to know that too cause when i take my vitamins i don't really feel no itching at all. the only time i feel any "movement" on my scalp is when i massage it. i take 2500mcg of biotin

PS does anyone know how many mcg=1mg?
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

OK now i'm itching!!! I take centrum every day i was thinking about adding botin now i'm thinking some more about that. I do not need a reason to put my hands in my hair (I pull my hair) the the more i read i think it may be an reaction. that's not good or bad but i'll look it up and see what i can find.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I experienced this last night. I thought it was the L'anza I used because that was the only thing I did to my hair that was out of the ordinary. But I now remember that I took my Nourishair with biotin after not taking it for awhile. Maybe that was the problem. I have to investigate.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

I've been using the Biotin for only 2 months now. Honestly, I don't remember having itchies before a week or so ago but I've also started using oils on my hair/scalp within this last week, so is it the biotin? I can't really say. It's not a sore feeling, it's as if someone is behind me messing with strands of my hair. I also only experience this in one area.

As far as others who have used Biotin, and there experiences with it, you can check out this post:
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

What's the big deal with the itching or crawling? You guys keep talking about it as if...
The aim for taking biotin is to encourage faster hair growth not the itching or crawling. So when you guys notice some growth due to biotin intake, then send a post.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

i think alot of people believe or are wondering IF the itching crawling feeling is a sign of hair growing faster. i think the jury is still out on that one
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

Exactly, and people report these experiences because usually others want to know what to expect and WANT to read others experiences. That is why they send the posts, and I'm sure that as people continue to experience the same itchiness, they will continue to report on it whether they experience growth or not.

That is the greatness of this board, reading others' advice/tips/experiences/etc. etc. I'm sure, if available, someone will post whether or not they had growth. Or if an answer is needed immediately, start a topic asking whether or not members have noticed any growth with the use of it.
Re: There\'s something crawling all over my head!!!

Exactly, and people report these experiences because usually others want to know what to expect and WANT to read others experiences. That is why they send the posts, and I'm sure that as people continue to experience the same itchiness, they will continue to report on it whether they experience growth or not.

That is the greatness of this board, reading others' advice/tips/experiences/etc. etc. I'm sure, if available, someone will post whether or not they had growth. Or if an answer is needed immediately, start a topic asking whether or not members have noticed any growth with the use of it.

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