Theory: Ends may look thinner after relaxer...


With Love & Silk
because all of the new growth wasn't exactly the same length. Some may have been an inch, some 3/4 of an inch, some 7/8 of an inch, etc...--It's not all exactly the same.

So...then that hair gets straightened and now your length is somewhat un-even (which is probably why stylists LOVE to trim you at re-touch time) The uneven length causes your ends to look thinner because the longest hair may be standing "on it's own" while the shorter ends are further up. Thus the longer "ends" are not stacked on top of other ends which would make ALL of the ends look fuller.(if they were stacked evenly) Does ANY of this make since?

I brought this up b/c my ends looked totally different the week of my relaxer(no trim done) than they did the week before. Although they were not blunt cut--they looked more blunt the week before. The week after, they definitely looked more uneven.

Interesting, huh?
That makes a whole lotta sense girl. Know I know why I always feel that need to trim after a relaxer.
SG you are on point w/ this observation. Since joining this board, and taking care of my hair, my length has taken off. But each time I get a touchup, this last time especially, my ends look more and more uneven and therefore thin. Im not sweating it because Im glad that its growing. When I reach brastrap, I will trim it to even it up. Thanx for posting this.
i totally agree with this, i always tell them not to trim to make it straight, just trim where there is split ends, because obviously some parts of my hair is shorter, if they cut it to that length of the shortest parts, i owuld be devastated.