The Worst Day of my Life

sorry to hear that AmiLion.... I was thinking about all the things which are "important" to me now and if they really even matter in the long run. I used to get mad and wonder why i didn't have "good" hair... in hinesight it was ridiculous. They are sooo many people less fortunate than i am.
make the most out of the times your share with your dad, make the most out of every nmoment
AmiLion: May you and your family be comforted in knowing that there is a God in Heaven and that people that do not even know your family are remembering you in their prayers, trusting God that He will stand by you, give you peace and victory. My thoughts are with you now. Bonjour.

I very sorry to hear about your father. Be prayerful and know that God will get you and your family through this.
AmilLion I am so sorry to hear about your father. I truly am. I could never imagine what I would go through if I found out one of my parents was sick like that let alone myself.

I hear you 100% on what you are saying about what good is a healthy head of hair if the body the mind, soul and spirit isn't healthy along with it too. Believe me before I read your post I took these things into account.

Many blessings to you and your family, especially your father at this time.
God Bless

I know you just heard some disappointing news but please have faith. My mother died 8 years ago from oral cancer when I was nineteen. I wish I could go back in time and chnage some things. I would tell her how much I love her and tell her about all the happy memories we shared. Please keep yourself and your dad in posistive spirits. Don't miss an opportunity to be there for him and to let him know how much you care. Prayer is a powerful medicine for the spirit.

God bless you hon. I am SO sorry about your father's bad news. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers - of course.

Also know, like others have mentioned on this thread, that this disease is apparently quite treatable. My grandfather was diagnosed with this about 5 years ago and still alive, healthy and kicking - and they found his cancer when it was a bit more advanced than doctors like to see it. He's going to have his own art Exhibit in a gallery in Dallas soon. He paints for hours each day. He plays with his grandsons. He still calls me to ake sure he doesn't have to come to New York and "bust any heads" /images/graemlins/tongue.gif. He's healthy and happy and we are still enjoying him today.

Love and prayer can work miracles. I am sure Dad will be fine.

And if you ever need to just unload somewhere - we're here for you.
Amillion sorry about your dad. I will keep him in my prayers. Yours too is true though. All the sicknesses and diseases, etc. Jesus atoned for it all over 2000 years ago. Hang in there.
Amillion and others.

Hi, please, please, please make sure that your fathers, brothers, cousins, do the most research possible so that they can get the best treatment available.

I am wishing your family the best for the coming challenges, and as many on the board have already said, have faith.

My heart goes out to you. My mother died from uterus of the cancer four years ago, and it made me realise, we have to eat very differently and exercise and take our supplements, your father is in good hands, they will have the latest technology. Through all this pain, please don't forget your hair goals, try to keep yourself healthy, which is very important. Your father is in my prayers. God Bless you.
<font color="blue"> AmilLion and Blkmane I just want send my best wishes to your dads. I'll keep both your dads in my prayers and know that we are all here for you if you need to vent, cry or just need support in this difficult time.
Amillion, I'm really sorry to hear about this.

My thoughts are with you and you Dad. I hope the treatments now available will help. God Bless.

If you want to talk please feel free to email me. I had to cope with having a sick parent and it wasn't easy. You should definitely talk to as many people who will listen. And DO NOT forget the power of prayer like I did.
i agree that we all must put into perspective what is really important in our lives.

hair pics
I am sorry to hear about your Dads cancer. I understand how stressful it is for you and your family right now and I just wanted to you to know that I will be thinking about you and our family and praying for his recovery. All of the ladies at the board wish you the best. /images/graemlins/grin.gif