The ultimate "Phoney Pony"!

Letitia, I did receive your PM and responded to you. No problem with your request. Just let me know. Also, you will look great in a UPA Clip.
Thank Michelle,

I did wear it up high because I love hight ponytails but I will follow your instructions that you emailed me and take more pictures. I used my camera phone and the lighting in my living room wasn't good.

I still love it and so does my son. Even my husband liked it so it is a hit
Michellehall said:
Letitia, I did receive your PM and responded to you. No problem with your request. Just let me know. Also, you will look great in a UPA Clip.

Michelle, I never got your response. Thanks for getting back with me here tho. They tell me sometimes the site just have little hiccups.

Thanks for saying you think it will work in my hair and look great. I really want to give it try to hide my hair.

Thanks again!!
A new barrette style has arrived. Is this a keeper? I love it.



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LadyR said:
I got mine today also. I will post pictures in a few minutes.

Michelle, I most say you have a winner. You were able to wow a 14 year old boy who hates I say hates faux hair. I feel sorry for his wife because he can't stand it, however, when I pull my hair out of the package he was like that's pretty. He said I can't even say anything bad about that. So yes you have a winner.

Thes pictures ain't that clear I will post better ones tomorrow. I was just so excited




Girl my son hates fake hair too and he's only 8! He doesn't care how good they look. His wife betta come with the realness, especially after I get to waistlength!

Great pony by the way.

This pony along with my lacefront is going to be the bomb!
Michellehall said:
See, that is the curse of the UPA Clip. It is so undetectible as an attachment that my customers don't refer. :perplexed This is very common. However, I do receive family member and best friends referrals. :)

Maybe you should offer some sort of incentive program for referrals. Five dollars of the next order or something like that. I have no problem referring people if ya give me something! LOL
Michellehall said:
Kandegirl, I just had to punch my husband because he was just a little bit too into how good you look in your UPA Clip. His eyes bucked out like a deer in lights. It's okay though, he is recovering nicely. No permanent marks.:hammer:

Don't hurt em' lady!!! Hopefully I get the same reaction when going out.

I wasn't sure from your previous post if you needed me to take extra hair photos too. If so, let me know. I just did a rod set on my hair so if you need more it may be a little while. But I'll update my album when I wear the ponytail. It felt very secure to me while I was wearing it.
Thank you ladies for all of your compliments. I love being around women who congratulate!!! When we wear our ponytails out, people won't know what hit em'. But I'll let them know on the cool where I got it from if they ask me.
I would love to see it curled. Please share pictures. What I wanted to see Kandegirl is the UPA Clip a little bit higher on your head. When you take pictures of it curled, can you humor me and put it a little bit higher. :)

Michellehall said:
I would love to see it curled. Please share pictures. What I wanted to see Kandegirl is the UPA Clip a little bit higher on your head. When you take pictures of it curled, can you humor me and put it a little bit higher. :)


Will do!!

I'll email you when I update my album.
Clearer pictures:




Michelle, I can't get it any higher than this. My natural hair isn't long enoght.

I will definelty be getting the straigh one as soon as I can spell able. Kandagal has made me want one.
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LadyR I love yours....thats similar to what I would want...a bit bushy. I dont like high ponys b/c I have a thing about showing my neck but that could def work. What did you request?
Using one or two bands around my pony has become one of my favorite UPA styles. It fools the heck out of everybody. Heck, even I start thinking this is my hair after wearing it awhile. :lachen:
Michelle you think so?

I sent you an email at your aol account however I can ask you here:

What do I do to maintain my hair. Do I spray water on it on put anything on it day to day.

Thanks again
Michellehall said:
Sareca, I found a great product for your hair texture. It is called KMS Flat out relaxing balm. It is expensive, $34.99 for 16oz jar, but it is much cheaper on Ebay. I just found a "buy it now" for $20.00 including postage. This is great stuff. It really makes the hair nice and loosens the curl. You will love it.

thanks for the link!!!! i just ordered---
Hello LadyR, you can spray any kind of leave in conditioner on it every day and then use this KMS Flat out relaxer balm while it is still damp from the conditiioner. My hair is just beautiful. I am lovin this spanish wave expecially with the KMS on it. I will send you pictures tonight. You can also use water to wet it, but it is human hair and likes a good conditioner.
Ok Michelle,

So until I get the KMS stuff I can just spray in with a leave in everyday right. Nothing else? I just don't want to mess up my doo :D

Can't wait to see the pictures
Michellehall said:
Sareca, I found a great product for your hair texture. It is called KMS Flat out relaxing balm. It is expensive, $34.99 for 16oz jar, but it is much cheaper on Ebay. I just found a "buy it now" for $20.00 including postage. This is great stuff. It really makes the hair nice and loosens the curl. You will love it.

Great, thanks! :D I'll pick some up.
LadyR you are too funny. Remember it is good quality human hair. It is not like the flaux fake stuff that only last a minute. You can't mess it up. Experiment. If you don't like what you put in it, wash it out with a good mild shampoo and start over. Hey, if you figure out how to ruin it, I will make you a new
Michellehall said:
LadyR you are too funny. Remember it is good quality human hair. It is not like the flaux fake stuff that only last a minute. You can't mess it up. Experiment. If you don't like what you put in it, wash it out with a good mild shampoo and start over. Hey, if you figure out how to ruin it, I will make you a new
I've played with mine so much I'd get an attitude if anybody said it wasn't mine. I fiddle with mine as much as I do my own hair.
Thanks Michelle :lol: ,

I understand what you are saying. I guess my question should had been how would you suggest that I take care of curly hair. I am so use to straight hair or trying to get my hair straight that I wasn't sure what to use on curly hair and if I had something here that I could use.

I don't have alot of leave-in because I made my own before but I am going to use that and see how that would work until I can try something else
Yes LadyR, try that and see how it works. Wet if first and then put the conditioner in it. Some one please tell me how do I put a picture in here without having to load it through attachment? It makes it too small.