The ultimate "Phoney Pony"!

FeelinIt said:
I'm feeling this pony improvement. Good going. I think I may look into this. Now is there a way for one to do the baggie method with your phony ponys and how secure are they? I mean if someone tugs on it lightly or I turn my head real fast like .....HUH WHAT, would it come flyin off?

Thanks in advance.

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
These are very nice. My hair is just so darn thick! I haven't really had sucess with phony phony not looking like a big knot on top of my head. I am tempted to try but the thickness (of my hair) is my concern. I know you said you they can always be return but I dont want to be that 1 person who return it. Thinking on it still.
I just priced the remy hair and that UPA Clip at 14" would cost $115. But I can tell you that I have other good quality human hair that has held up as well as the remy hair or better. It really is all in how well you take care of it. I have one of my favorite that I have worn for over 4 years. But I would be happy to make you one made with remy hair.
Michellehall said:
Sorry deborah11, kandegirl beat you to the free UPA Clip. Once she contacts me with the custom specifications for her UPA Clip, I will get started on it. She has agreed to share pictures once she receives it. Also, BamaBelle will be receiving hers in the next day or two and she promised to also share pictures. Sassyhair, you asked for pictures of a thicker ponytail with remy hair, well I have listed pictures of me in my remy hair UPA Clip on EBay for you all to see. It is 14" long and very pricey to make. I do not list these on EBay because most people are not willing to pay the money for this hair. Here is the link to my EBay listing so that those interested can take a look.
Wooooo, nice!
Letitia said:
These are very nice. My hair is just so darn thick! I haven't really had sucess with phony phony not looking like a big knot on top of my head. I am tempted to try but the thickness (of my hair) is my concern. I know you said you they can always be return but I dont want to be that 1 person who return it. Thinking on it still.
Hey hair twin, I ordered one. We both have the big knot issue w/ phonyponies so I'll let you know how it goes for me.
Hey ladies,

I've sent my hair specs and I'll let you know how it goes. I should have by the end of next week. I'll update with photos of the ponytail and also new photos of my hair since I've finally gotten a perm. After six months!!
Umm..i think i missed this part but i have thick hair too. What happens to my hair in the clip. Is it exposed and just blended in with the Phony Pony hair??

Also, if we send our own hair to you, can you make a phony pony using it? TIA!
I have a natural nappy hair pony. Can I sent u this hair to make me a pony? How much would it cost?

atlien11 said:
Umm..i think i missed this part but i have thick hair too. What happens to my hair in the clip. Is it exposed and just blended in with the Phony Pony hair??

Also, if we send our own hair to you, can you make a phony pony using it? TIA!

Good question. I have never been able to get into things like this because they always just look WAY too "Phoney". Maybe if I used hair that I know looks like mine, it would look more natural. I don't like how sometimes when wearing the ponies your own hair has the gel slicked laid down look. :look:
sareca said:
Hey hair twin, I ordered one. We both have the big knot issue w/ phonyponies so I'll let you know how it goes for me.

Let me know as well. I emailed her and I wanted to volunteer, but I asked her if I could wear it over my own hair that was twisted in a bun and a "baggie" added to it before attaching the phony pony. She replied to my email by saying and I quote.....

"No, my UPA Clip will not work for you. It is designed for those who want a ponytail longer then their natural ponytail or those who have thin hair and want a fuller ponytail. The Bracket actually wraps around your natural ponytail". (unquote)

I don't know if she misunderstood my question or not, but I don't care if I have to pay for it. I would love to take a break from wearing my hair in a bun by adding a phony pony that looks real and that matches my hair and texture. I was impressed that she custom makes these phony ponies, but I want to wear my hair in a protective style while wearing the attached phony pony.

Sarcea, your own hair is a thick ponytail, so please let me know how it works for you.
I dont think it will work with a baggy, because your hair is goin to be out in between the clip, the clip wraps around your natural pony according to the pics from the site.
Fancypants, I understood your question. When wearing the UPA Clip, if you have long hair, you have to comb and blend your hair into the hair on the UPA Clip bracket. That is why I work so hard to match hair colors and textures. There is nowhere for you to hide your hair into a baggie with the UPA Clip. I grew my hair wearing the UPA Clip because I permed it less often, simply put on leave in conditoners every morning and pulled it back into a ponytail and cliped on my UPA Clip. Because my hair is short and thin, it is completely protected by the UPA Clip, and has grown and thickened up tremedously. I lost all of my hair during surgery...went completely bald as if I had chemo. When I perm my hair it is very straight and silky, when I am due for a perm, it is more course and textured. Therefore, I have UPA Clips that I wear based on how my hair looks so I always have a completely natural look. As I have shared, I wore a UPA Clip for over 3 years and NO ONE knew that it was not my natural hair until I revealed it. They were shocked.
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Anyone who wants to purchase their own hair and send it to us to make your UPA Clip is welcome to do that. It would cost you $25.00. I have many customers who do that. But I have sent hair back to a few who sent me really cheap ugly hair. I refused to have the UPA Clip represented badly. In all but one case, they had me get the hair and make their UPA Clip. The one that didn't told me to go and F_ _ _ myself. :eek: LOL
BamaBelle said:
Hey y'all... As many of you all know, I've been on a quest to find a phoney pony that doesn't feel/look so... phoney! I think I may have found my answer. I found this sister's company on, of all places, eBay, and was immediately impressed. Her name is Michelle Hall and she's based in San Fernando Valley, California... She will make your phoney pony for you, matched to your color and texture, attaching the hair to a barrette or clip, for a more natural look.

I'm in wait mode for mine and will post pictures as soon as it arrives. In the interim, I thought I would share her eBay page and email address (she told me it was okay to do so). I have corresponded with her for the past few days and I must tell y'all, she's very nice! She responded to my questions quickly and thoroughly. She is trying to build her business and I assured her that the ladies of LHCF would certainly give her product some attention! :D (PJ's... be cool!)

[email protected] is her email address is the eBay link to her product

GirlywithCurlies posted the website for last week (thanks again, GWC), but when I contacted them by phone and email, they never responded (it's been 5 days). The products look similar to me with the difference being Michelle will hand select the human hair used for color and texture. I'm not sure of the attachment technique as their website doesn't have a picture or sketch. Michelle's does...


Best to all

That's the best looking phony I've ever seen, an I'm a former "phonypony conniseur" lol were so damn slow when I dealt w/ them, took 3 weeks for me to get my order & they're only in NY :(
Michellehall said:
Fancypants, I understood your question. When wearing the UPA Clip, if you have long hair, you have to comb and blend your hair into the hair on the UPA Clip bracket. That is why I work so hard to match hair colors and textures. There is nowhere for you to hide your hair into a baggie with the UPA Clip. I grew my hair wearing the UPA Clip because I permed it less often, simply put on leave in conditoners every morning and pulled it back into a ponytail and cliped on my UPA Clip. Because my hair is short and thin, it is completely protected by the UPA Clip, and has grown and thickened up tremedously. I lost all of my hair during surgery...went completely bald as if I had chemo. When I perm my hair it is very straight and silky, when I am due for a perm, it is more course and textured. Therefore, I have UPA Clips that I wear based on how my hair looks so I always have a completely natural look. As I have shared, I wore a UPA Clip for over 3 years and NO ONE knew that it was not my natural hair until I revealed it. They were shocked.

So does this mean, the upa clip will work for me if I'm willing to wear my own hair in a ponytail opposed to bunning it with a baggie?
Michelle, would you be able to make a rounded holder like this:

Not necessarily exactly same color but i prefer ponytails that look like this as opposed to being secured w/the larger barrete clip.
anatomicallycorrect, we have played with a few other designs and will evetually come out with other options. We did actually have one with hair on a round barrette. Unfortunately, we can't deviate right now, but I did put you in my card file and when we do come out with it, I will let you know. Thanks for asking.
Michelle Do you have any pics of people with thick hair with one of your phony ponys. Just curious.

Letitia, you will soon see pictures of one of your own LHCF with thick hair. Several have made purchases and a couple have agreed to share pictures. They are all in the mail.
This is Spanish Wave Hair. My new favorite. I think I need a little bit more hair.



  • Spanish Wave side back View4.jpg
    Spanish Wave side back View4.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 101
I would like to see a more kinky loose spiral a puff but not too puffy. sorry I am very visual, I can understand if you donot have photos available.
Sassyhair, you are going to wear me out. I am going to ask you to wait until my website is completed. It will have many different examples of all the hair textures. I am building my website as I browse through LHCF and respond to the postings. It is hours of work....incredible amount of time to get it up.
Michellehall said:
anatomicallycorrect, we have played with a few other designs and will evetually come out with other options. We did actually have one with hair on a round barrette. Unfortunately, we can't deviate right now, but I did put you in my card file and when we do come out with it, I will let you know. Thanks for asking.

Me too, me too. I wanna be in the card file for a round holder.
Michellehall said:
Sassyhair, you are going to wear me out. I am going to ask you to wait until my website is completed. It will have many different examples of all the hair textures. I am building my website as I browse through LHCF and respond to the postings. It is hours of work....incredible amount of time to get it up.
LOL, we get excited easily, but you are doing well. Your customer relations skills are excellent. i will probably order the long clip one in the meantime, after my hair is relaxed.
Thanks anatomicallycorrect, I enjoy you all. You are a wonderful group of women with real pride in your hair which means you have real pride in yourselves as women. That is awesome! I am going to need help from you all in helping me grow my hair back. I am 54 years old...yeah I said it, and I am getting that hair thinning in the top and around the temples. After losing my hair in surgery, it had grown back in nicely, not long but thickened up a lot. Now I am thinning with age and in panic mode. I am reading through the site looking for ideas, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thanks
Michellehall said:
Thanks anatomicallycorrect, I enjoy you all. You are a wonderful group of women with real pride in your hair which means you have real pride in yourselves as women. That is awesome! I am going to need help from you all in helping me grow my hair back. I am 54 years old...yeah I said it, and I am getting that hair thinning in the top and around the temples. After losing my hair in surgery, it had grown back in nicely, not long but thickened up a lot. Now I am thinning with age and in panic mode. I am reading through the site looking for ideas, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thanks
Say it with pride! :lol:
Have you gone to a dermatologist aboit the hair loss? that would probably be my first stop. Nioxin has some shampoos and treatments for thinning. They sell it in Super Walmart (the salon in there) you can look at their website too. Also, the basics, making sure there is no tension on ther. Also, i think some have had success with miconazole nitrate for thinning. And you could do a search for other tips.

I sent you two emails to your aol email. Let me know if you don't see them. I sent them this morning.

Thanks again

Michellehall said:
Yes LadyR, I just looked at your email. I forget to look at LHCF email. Better if you email me at [email protected]. I will wait for your examples of what you are looking for. Then we will hook you up.