This morning as I was washing my hair I noticed split ends on a few hairs I shed. Just out of curiosity I took each hair and pulled on the split end. I found that what I read somewhere about split ends is true. The hair did not split all the way to the root. It broke off from the other part of the hair and left the rest of it intact. Anyway, what surprised me is that I had split ends in the first place. I haven't used heat in my hair in years, I wash 3 times a week and rinse 4 times a week, moisturize my hair constantly, and ALWAYS wear protective hairstyles. Anyway, my conclusion is regardless of how well you take care of your hair you will have at least a few split ends. I will still continue to care for my hair, but will not go crazy over a few split ends. I think they are unavoidable. I think that not using heat, wearing protective hairstyles, and keeping your hair moisturized will keep the number of split ends to a minimum but will not prevent them from happening altogether.