The Trumpet


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Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin
THE TRUMPET by BillBurns -- January 5, 2010:
Enough! Enough of what you have done, Satan! For this is indeed the day of My power, and I will bless My people exceedingly abundantly beyond anything they can imagine; beyond anything they can receive. I will bless them in their store house and in their bodies. I will cause them to be such a blessing that it cannot be overlooked in this world. They will be my witnesses in this the end of the time and the people will call them "those are the blessed of the Lord".
So, I say, get ready for the blessings. You would say, "what blessings?" I would say unto you, that which I have in store for you; that which I have in mind for you and not as you think but that which I know you need and that which I shall give. For you are called Beulah land, the place of blessing; the New Jerusalem, the city of blessing. For you are called the bride of the Lord, the most Holy. And, it shall be according to that which I have called you, says the Lord, and not according to that which the enemy has purposed for you. For he lives under the realm of My authority and when I say 'enough' he knows the meaning of that word and he shall withdraw his purposes and his armies from you, says the Lord.
Out of the habitation of these years past and out of the dust of those years shall arise one new man, the man of power, a man who is formed in the likeness of Jesus Christ -- those that will operate in the fullness of the strength of the Holy Spirit and through His gifts they shall overcome. And by the power of His gifts they shall be blessing to others.
I say arise, My children, for this is indeed your finest hour, and My blessings shall be poured out into your lives for you are living in My company; you are living under My outstretched wings; you are living in the time of achievement, the time of announcement, the time of overcoming. and the time of the defeat of the evil one. For indeed these things are written and they shall come to pass even as My word has declared.
My authority I give unto you. It is the authority that has been contended for and brought opposition in to your life. It is the power of the kingdom in manifestation. You know that you walk in this authority and know that you are suppose to have this authority. But, I say, at this time you shall know the reality of its purpose, says the Lord. For indeed even the angels wait to see what you will do with this authority -- this authority of mine that brings power and stops the rain and brings the rain. It is the authority that calls peace be still to the waves and the storms of your life and manages victory over all the works of the enemy. This authority I give unto you, says the Lord. It will be the focus of My work in the days ahead.
So remember those words that I have spoken to you, "Behold I give unto you authority". Let those words resound in your spirit; let them strengthen you, empower you and pick you up from where ever you might be. Behold I give unto you power. I give unto you authority, says the Lord. And in the days that follow you shall learn how to use this authority. You shall learn how to walk in this authority with humility. You shall learn the strength of it and the purpose of it. For it is My authority that will cause all things to manifest. It is My authority that shall regain the kingdoms of this world and cause them to be My kingdom, says the Lord. So walk in authority.
My children, stand erect and believe. Begin again to walk as children of victory -- those who are more than conquerors. Give no quarter and no place to the enemy. Walk in such a place of victory that even the world will know that you belong to Me. Rise up from weakness into strength and from hopelessness to faith. Let My faith become a reality to you in this time, says the Lord.