Hurricane Sandy: Prayers: Not a Hair on Your Head Shall Perish...

I get this message when I try to visit page one of this thread. I've never seen it before.

But, I know whatever prayer you prayed was perfect for the circumstances. :yep:

May God be with all of those affected by Hurricane Sandy.


Father thank you for taking care of that 'malware warning' message for us in Jesus' Name, Amen. Wherever there is any type of danger, in any manner or any form regarding this storm, it is rendered null and void in the name of Jesus', Amen and Amen.
Hi Ladies, most of my friends are on the east coast, so I pray for both them and you all. The earth is groaning.
I'm as ready as I can be. The Governor has declared a state of emergency in MA, and it's expected that we will lose power sometime this evening. I pray we don't. But if we do, I'm praying that it will be short lived. :yep:
Made it through last night; preserving cell phone power. Still praying for everyone.

Made it through last night; preserving cell phone power. Still praying for everyone.

Wonderful! I didn't want to call because of that. Glad to know that all went well. Was up praying so much last night. I haven't heard from my MIL yet...can't reach her at all:ohwell:
nothing more unsettling than not being to reach family during a storm. But trust God that all's well.....:yep:

Wonderful! I didn't want to call because of that. Glad to know that all went well. Was up praying so much last night. I haven't heard from my MIL yet...can't reach her at all:ohwell:
Thank you, sis. We want her to come live with us because we can't have this here:nono:

Power is on...I'm thankful. I thank God for all of your prayers. :pray: I pray that pebbles is doing well as the storm was in her area as well. We have her surrounded in huge hugs and prayers. :grouphug2: :pray: As well as our other sisters here on the forum and their loved ones.

I'm heartbroken over the devastation that so many people are experiencing due to this storm. I was watching the weather chanel online and an entire neighborhood was flooded and then at least 12 of these same homes were literally burned to the ground.

I'm ashamed of myself for being such a 'baby' :crybaby: for not having power. And I'll be honest, when I became discontent I cried out to God for the power to come on and I kid you not, it did. It was a day of the power coming on and then going out; it's been steady so far this evening.

However, looking at the devastion, the lives lost, I just can't compare my nil inconvenience to those who have literally lost what they can never regain.

I'm praying for them and the ones who've lost loved ones. Father, give them peace and healing and restoration; wherever they are tonight, tomorrow and the days, months afterwards, allow them to lie down in peace and sleep and safety and give them more than they've lost. For those who've lost loved ones, heal their broken hearts in Jesus' Name.

And Father, let no one be a victim of someone else's blunders, bad or selfish, or careless, or even rebellious and sinful decisions, protect them from the foolishness of others and let them be hid from all danger and destruction, in the name of Jesus' Amen.

Nice & Wavy and pebbles... God gave me a 'new' message in the 'quiet' of this storm. :yep: I gotta write this one out.
Yay.. Glad to hear you got power back, Shimmie... such humbleness to put others' well-being above yours. I trust Pebbles and her family are in Good Hands... :yep: