The temptation to transition...


Positive Vibrations
I have a dilemma with my hair as always...I am about 19 weeks post relaxer, and I never believed that it would be this easy, when I started on this stretch it was just to take a break from the bone straight relaxer I got in December, I got a relaxer in march but because my hair was soooo thick and just coily and she didn't take the time to smooth it in (my hair is one of those that NEEDS smoothing to relax), I didn't relax at all, my NG didn't even really texlax, except a little patch on the front that texlaxed just a little, I was so upset at first but now, I'm starting to fall in love with my NG more and more, especially on wash day when I get to play with it continously.

So last night I was thinking to myself, why relax now? You will be able to take care of your natural hair nicely with LHCf, why relax? I was a natural until age 16, when my hair, virtually heat trained because I would straighten with every wash bi-weekly became subject to a relaxer, I didn't know of LHCF at that time, and my hair just broke and broke and with all the split ends I had to keep getting trims until I was about SL....So basically the dilemma here is that I want my natural hair, but I like my hair straight, but I'm also tired of the relaxer process...and I see many heat straightened naturals on here with beautiful hair...I just don't know what to do, right now I'm really on length since I've finally got my hair healthy, but no one should be suprised when I show up here with BC pictures, OR pictures of a fresh relaxer and my new length...I truly am...lost. :ohwell:

End of Rant...Thanks for Reading :)
Well, if you do decide to transition, you'll find plenty of information and assistance here. I'm so glad I decided to transition. :)
I am a light weight when it comes to transitioning. I have just started. I too have always had relaxers. I used to get them as often as every 4 weeks. I decided just to give transitioning a try. And so far so good. I am 13 weeks post relaxer. I do intend to stretch to transition to natural. I say give it a try you can always go back to a relaxer if it dosen't work out for you. You never know until you try.
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