The Tangle Teezer broke my heart. And my hair.


Well-Known Member
I posted in the TT Splitsville thread but am so upset that I want to make a new thread specifically to whine and complain. :lol:

The Tangle Teezer broke my dang heart, y'all. Every time I think something's going to help, get my hopes up, I just get let down. It took the TT longer to let me down, but it eventually did.

I've been using it for 4 months now and can say with a high degree of confidence that it is responsible for all the splits I have now. I have never, EVER seen this many splits on my hair. Not even close. I always said my hair was resistant to splitting because I would hardly see any. It's been getting worse each month. I love the way it detangles so much, love how much faster it detangles, and it has decreased my SSKs so much, that I think I was in denial for a long time because I just wanted to keep using it. I'm still using it :rofl:, detangling the last section of my hair. But I'm going to have to cut it out.

It had been a tool for weekly detangling, which is how often I wash my hair. For the past month and a half, I've just been using it every other week. But still, here I am with tons of splits. Even one of those feather kinds, which I had never seen on my hair every. But it's so good at detangling that even now I'm sitting here wondering if it would be okay to use it just once a month. I use it before washing, on hair dampened with a little water and conditioner, just fyi.

And of course, as my hair splits, it breaks more. I mean, now pieces of your hair are only 1/2 their original thickness, so of course it's going to break more easily, right? Unlike so many others, I never have expectations for no breakage. I know my hair breaks no matter what and accept that. But the amount has definitely increased. I just took a picture:

This is just the fallout from just one part of my sink for detangling just 1/3 of my hair. Look at the whole picture, including the top, and you can see it just stretches on. You can safely multiply what you see here by 10 for the amount of breakage I got during this detangling session.

There's no way out of it, I'm going to have to trim deep. AGAIN. Arrrgh, I am so tired of the disappointment. :cry:

awww am so sorry, the tt was the debil to my hair as well. I thought I had pretty tough hair that withstood anything but the tt has shredded my ends I tell you. Thing is that there was nothing wrong with my shower comb in the first place but noooooo had to jump on the bandwagon. Let us both learn from our mistakes and move on to better things (aka the if it ain't broke don't fix it methods).

I can't bear to do a deep trim as I am only just past shoulder length and I don't want to have hair too short to bun. The great thing about my natural hair is that I can style it to hide a multitude of sins (aka shrinkage my beloved).
Sorry to hear that. I'm very scared of brushes in general, I try and only use them to smooth down the hair - I hate hearing stories like this. :nono:

I never take the TT right through to my ends....
Sorry to hear that. I'm very scared of brushes in general, I try and only use them to smooth down the hair - I hate hearing stories like this. :nono:

I never take the TT right through to my ends....

yeah I still use mine to gently smooth my buns but now that is it for me. I am going to just use it like I would a bristle brush to tidy up my edges.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I'm so sorry to hear about this Mwedzi.

TOO many members had been complaining about that dang TT & split ends. The one time I used a bootleg version I noticed some splits, and I never get them either.

I'm sticking with my trusty wide tooth comb from now on.
I honestly understand where you're coming from looks like they flatten and sharpen (the ones I have open/used) after about 3-4 uses
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I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I'm so sorry to hear about this Mwedzi.

TOO many members had been complaining about that dang TT & split ends. The one time I used a bootleg version I noticed some splits, and I never get them either.

I'm sticking with my trusty wide tooth comb from now on.

Me too. I've been scared of brushes since I started my HHJ, but I was considering getting the TT because there are a lot of good stories about them too. Saw one yesterday at the BBS and was tempted.. but I'm gonna stay away. Thanks for sharing.
I'm so sorry, Mwedzi. Even after the trim, your hair will still be beautiful, and I'm sure you already know that it will grow back in no time!
Wow! I thought I was alone in my overall dislike for the TT. I recently posted about it on my blog. I just couldn't trust it after I got my hands on it.

I used it on my daughter's hair once and I didn't like the fact that I had to go over and over her hair to detangle it. I also didn't like that I had to go not just from the top of the hair, I also had to make passes from the bottom! All that friction HAS to damage the cuticle I don't care what anyone says. Then to add insult to injury, on the website it says to press down hard when you use it. You gotta be kidding me!

Here is my ultimate suspicion...if you look here you will see that the science behind how this is supposed to work is based on hair that doesn't look like ours. I think that the difference in how our hair is shaped is the reason that this isn't working overtime like we thought it would.

I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this Mwedzi. But, I am so glad I listened to my intuition. My daughter's ends just can't take another setback!
:nono: Sorry, Mwedzi! I appreciate you sharing your experience.

I just mentioned in the other TT thread that maybe it would be a good idea for those new to the TT to designate a section to use it on so that it's easier to isolate, evaluate and compare the results. I wish I had thought of this before I started using the TT because I'm not that meticulous in monitoring breakage and splits anyways, so I don't have solid baseline to which I can compare my hair post-TT.
i feel you girl! i just can't get with that thing. i use it on my daughter (she has 3b/3c hair),but for me, my hair is too coily for it. i decided to just go back to finger detangling. it takes so long, but it is so worth it. i will finger detangle at night, so i don't miss out on anything during the day.
Wow! I thought I was alone in my overall dislike for the TT. I recently posted about it on my blog. I just couldn't trust it after I got my hands on it.

I used it on my daughter's hair once and I didn't like the fact that I had to go over and over her hair to detangle it. I also didn't like that I had to go not just from the top of the hair, I also had to make passes from the bottom! All that friction HAS to damage the cuticle I don't care what anyone says. Then to add insult to injury, on the website it says to press down hard when you use it. You gotta be kidding me!

Here is my ultimate suspicion...if you look here you will see that the science behind how this is supposed to work is based on hair that doesn't look like ours. I think that the difference in how our hair is shaped is the reason that this isn't working overtime like we thought it would.

I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this Mwedzi. But, I am so glad I listened to my intuition. My daughter's ends just can't take another setback!

Bingo! well stated!
I'm so sorry to hear about your hair.

I knew that thing wasn't any good. Just like I told the ladies in the RT thread, brushes are not for detangling. They are only for smoothing, and to be used sparingly at that. Our hair is too delicate for that.

You hair is so beautiful! I'm glad you only need a little trim instead of a full out cut to put you back in the right direction.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
So sorry to hear that Mwedzi. I too purchased the TT but for some reason I put it down after some uses. It detangled my hair well but there was just something about it, maybe it was the sound idunno.

I hope the trim works.
Aww. So sorry Mwedzi : (

I heard the ripping noise that thing made when youtubers did their TT show and tell videos and vowed to never go near it :nono:.
Wow! I thought I was alone in my overall dislike for the TT. I recently posted about it on my blog. I just couldn't trust it after I got my hands on it.

No, you were not alone. Several voiced how they had a bad experience with it. CurlyNikki even mentioned on her blog how she got split hairs from using it. However, whenever anyone posted that they had a bad experience with it, they were accused of not using the TT correctly or jumping on the CurlyNikki bandwagon and imagining that they had split hairs. :nono: One blogger had to delete attack posts from her site because she had a less than stellar review of the TT.

I wonder will anyone suggest to Mwedzi that she may have been using the TT incorrectly or that she is just imagining her hair damage!

I gave mine away after quickly discovering that it was tearing out my transitioning hair. My friend stopped using hers because water would seep out of her TT for days after she cleaned it. Oh well.
I'm sorry you're going thru this. Have you tried using the TT AFTER you wash instead of before. I know you said you dampen your hair and put conditioner in it but I think it makes a difference if your hair is soaking wet.

I've been using the TT for 4 months now too and haven't noticed any splits at all. When the Splitsville thread came up I definitely started paying attention but I haven't noticed anything yet. I'm thankful because I love my TT.

Keep your head up, girl. :)
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I'm so sorry to hear about this Mwedzi.

TOO many members had been complaining about that dang TT & split ends. The one time I used a bootleg version I noticed some splits, and I never get them either.

I'm sticking with my trusty wide tooth comb from now on.

Was it a shampoo brush or a true bootleg TT? I've been looking for a bootleg for some time now. What was the brand?
Thanks for the sympathies and thoughts.:yawn:

I'm sorry you're going thru this. Have you tried using the TT AFTER you wash instead of before. I know you said you dampen your hair and put conditioner in it but I think it makes a difference if your hair is soaking wet.

I've been using the TT for 4 months now too and haven't noticed any splits at all. When the Splitsville thread came up I definitely started paying attention but I haven't noticed anything yet. I'm thankful because I love my TT.

Keep your head up, girl. :)

I'm so happy you can use the TT. It really is a great detangling tool. I did a trial run of the TT on dry, damp, and wet hair, and found it to be best on damp hair. That is in keeping with what I know about my hair in general, that it's best to detangle before washing on damp hair. My hair is too coiled up and fragile when it's soaking wet. The breakage would be worse.
Guitarhero I'm not sure what a shampoo brush is, but the girl at Sally's suggested the bootleg TT when I went in looking for the real one and they were sold out.

I'll upload a pic if I can find it.
Sorry about your hair Mwedzi :(

I'm wondering if this tool was designed more for type 1 and type 2 hair.

I'm still using it on my hair and I'm really going to start checking the condition of my ends--I admit to hardly doing this at all.
wow, sorry to hear!!!

I also stopped using my TT, no specific reason other than that my hair rlly isnt that difficult to detangle and so many ladies were sceptical abt it.

I only used it abt 3 times.

well I think my kitteh just got a new deshedder :grin:
That is just awful!!! I'm sorry you have to trim again:perplexed

When I bought the TT, the clerk at Sally's said it was for "synthetic" hair. The TT's were placed by the phony buns & weave.

I have not noticed any splits but I have only been using the TT to detangle my hair once its covered in aloe vera juice, jojoba oil and coconut oil (Chicoro's Moisture Drenched Pre-Poo). I do not detangle on dry hair.

Sorry about your hair Mwedzi :(

I'm wondering if this tool was designed more for type 1 and type 2 hair.

I'm still using it on my hair and I'm really going to start checking the condition of my ends--I admit to hardly doing this at all.
No, you were not alone. Several voiced how they had a bad experience with it. CurlyNikki even mentioned on her blog how she got split hairs from using it. However, whenever anyone posted that they had a bad experience with it, they were accused of not using the TT correctly or jumping on the CurlyNikki bandwagon and imagining that they had split hairs. :nono: One blogger had to delete attack posts from her site because she had a less than stellar review of the TT.

I wonder will anyone suggest to Mwedzi that she may have been using the TT incorrectly or that she is just imagining her hair damage!

I gave mine away after quickly discovering that it was tearing out my transitioning hair. My friend stopped using hers because water would seep out of her TT for days after she cleaned it. Oh well.
Man stuff is ALWAYS poppin' off and I'm sleeping on it or something! I guess I should be more grateful huh? LOL I'd better keep an eye on my blog then because I didn't jump for joy in my review either...
When I bought the TT, the clerk at Sally's said it was for "synthetic" hair. The TT's were placed by the phony buns & weave.


Hmmm very interesting.

On the day I bought mine, a white lady with type 2 hair bought one too because she said her hair tangles easy and was hoping it worked on her hair.

I'd really be interested in knowing what hairtype it's designed for.

But man does it do an awesome job at detangling my hair quickly!!
:( so sorry mdwezi....your hair will grow back quickly, i'm terrified of the tt and the denman i only use shower combs to detangle on wash day on washed and condtioned hair that i load with water based moisturizer.