Well-Known Member
I agree with this.
What if he never 'initiates'? Do you just wait? Also, for the ladies that say they'd never initiate the talk, why not?
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While I PREFER for the MAN to be the one to initiate "the talk", I am definitely for the woman NOT wasting her time. If a man hasn't made it clear within a "reasonable amount of time" (whatever that time frame is for YOU) his intentions, then by all means I see nothing wrong with bringing up the conversation in a LIGHT-hearted, calm, cool manner without any pressure. A woman (imo) should not "wait" for a man to initiate the talk if she feels like it's past a reasonable time period for him to have made a decision. Otherwise, sometimes if a woman never says anything and neither does the man, I find that then she just ends up wasting her time, getting resentful, hurt, emotional, etc.
I usually have the "what are your intentions" talk early on so I can know what to expect. After that, the ball is in his court. I make it known that I date multiple people until we're exclusive.
Exactly.... Better to know now than 5 months later down the road. I find that even if you receive a not-so-favorable response and the guy does NOT want to be exclusive, or doesn't see a future with you in it, then at least you KNOW. When you don't say anything, sometimes that can be worse than saying something IMO.
Usually, if a guy is serious, even if YOU initiate "the talk", he will be honest about his intentions and continue to court you. But if he's not serious about you, he will drop you like a bad habit, or try to play games, etc. In which case, he wasn't a "catch" anyway, so it's good that you found that our sooner rather than later.