The Successful Cheater or the Lazy Faithful Guy

The Successful Cheater or the Lazy Faithful Guy

  • Successful Cheater

    Votes: 16 9.6%
  • Lazy Faithful

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Neither

    Votes: 142 85.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I saw this question on BHM and thought it was quite interesting.

Would you rather be with a successful cheater or a lazy faithful man?

Successful cheater - has ambition, educated, very hard working, provides the better things in life for you/kids....but he cheats.....

Lazy faithful
- doesn't want anything out of life , will not go to work, doesn't take care of his kids, lives off his woman...but he is faithful......

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If he dont give you nothing, we'll be a wealthy woman one day.

Kiya, you're going to need more than that. What about the condoms and the health insurance plan for your quarterly STD screening.

Kiya u got a dyam good point but what happen to all the appoinments to the doc

:lachen: Forgot about the condoms!! :lachen:

I've got good insurance, so my physicals are covered. :look:

And I wouldn't be with him long. :look: I think having a pre-nup without an ironclad cheaters penalty is almost a waste of time. :look: First time I had evidence? We're done.
I might hire a PI the day after the wedding. :lachen:

I'm just saying, if I'm gonna marry a guy I already think is cheating on me - I'm not going into it for a 'long-term' commitment - he ain't.
If I had to choose, I'd take the successful cheater. When I get sick of the lazy one, I'll probably be short a few dollars. When I get sick of the successful one, at least I might be leaving with some new boxes.
Girl, you're a mess! Would we reside in one of those 7 states where we can also sue the jump offs for some extra money?

Either that, or a community property state. :lachen: I mean, if I'm in it for the loot, I might as well position myself properly, eh?
A boring Nerd who is stable and happy with his life. Might not be a baller but not broke either. Might not be a hottie but not shamu either.

Lets meet in the Center.
If I HAD to choose, I'd say the successful cheater. I mean at least I would be getting money and a certain lifestyle out of that situation (but I'd be armed with condoms and consistently putting money in a savings acct).

Nothing being gained from the lazy faithful- just a warm body taking up useless room in the living room, not contributing in any way.
The lazy faithful one if I ABSOLUTELY had to choose with a gun to my head.
At least then I know that I got my ish together to support myself and my family (i don't like asking for money or help).
And I don't have to deal with jump-off babies and possibly herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea (sp), HIV, HPV etc.
Neither, I refuse to settle for just any ol body. Both of these guys have significant flaws that I couldnt deal with. I rather be bad all by myself.
Good question! :up:

I'm dealing with a Lazy Faithful Guy right now! :look:

Went back to read the full post and I'm with "Neither."

My SO works, has a house, doesn't have any children, cleans and does laundry and all that.
He's not pitiful like the example Jamaicalovely posted. All my dude likes to do is relax or play his drums.

He buys/sends flowers and gives me cool presents and such, but I guess I want more. We go shopping and out to dinner together and other times with mutual friends, but there's no vacations or dates to the movies (he actually dislikes sitting in movie theaters and prefers watching movies at home). He's just a homebody, but I NEED MORE!

He makes me mad!

I'm complaining; he's not as bad as I make him out to be lately.
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I misunderstood the thread title. I was all ready to come in here and be like "Well, my b/f is faithful because he's too lazy to cheat"

I was wayyyyyyyyyy off :lol:
I saw this question on BHM and thought it was quite interesting.

Would you rather be with a successful cheater or a lazy faithful man?

Successful cheater - has ambition, educated, very hard working, provides the better things in life for you/kids....but he cheats.....

Lazy faithful - doesn't want anything out of life , will not go to work, doesn't take care of his kids, lives off his woman...but he is faithful......
It's so interesting that I ran across this post b/c the last 2 years I had been going back and forth between the successful ladies man and the sweet/faithful lazy guy. I tried to rationalize why I should be with the sweet lazy guy, but in the end, I couldn't deal with either of them.
Crazy thing is most woman are probably with the successful cheater right now and dont even know it or are in denial.