The Struggle


Well-Known Member
Im sitting here :lachen: to myself.

I wash my hair and decide to do an overnight DC with a bunch of oils and conditioners.

I realized that I forgot to buy more plastic caps.:perplexed

I go down in the pantry to get saran wrap.:look:

Of course I didn't pick up any either.:nono:

Im sitting here like ugh man o man

I look in the closet and rip the plastic coverings of an outfit from the cleaners.

i put them on my head like scarves


My son looks at me like "What is shedoing?"

Something similar ever happened to yall??
Grocery bags work in a pinch. I saw a lady in the rain a couple of weeks ago dressed pretty corporate with a grocery bag on her head. I guess she forgot her umbrella.
LOL! Yes, I've had to resort to the saran wrap and the grocery bags (I never run out of those). Kudos to your ingenuity though!
lol@this thread! Right on time for me. I was DCing on Tuesday with saran wrap and a grocery bag and my SO had been asking me to DC his hair but once he saw the bag on my head he was like nevermind I'll wait till you get more "showercaps"! lol