The story that cracked me up and explained why I can't stand TBS


New Member
I was listening to 107.9 and Chuck Smith was talking about his boyhood and how these different traveling huckster preacher would get money out of people and one of them was a preacher who advertised a magic wallet. He said he would sell this magic wallet to people and it would never be out of money and they would constantly have money. He told people they would be helping him travel and spread the gospel with the wallet and the money he made from the sales.

Even as a confused kid Chuck was on it. He said well why don't you just use the wallet for yourself and these poor people could keep their money in the pocket. :lachen::lachen:

I hear this and it perfectly explains why I can't stand turning on television and no longer watch TBS because they are forever having some telethon begging for money and saying the ministry can no longer go on with out people "sowing a seed" and they offer various amounts you can sow.

TBS has hundreds of millions of dollars. Why don't they sow those seeds and they wouldn't have to have anymore telethons.:rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong I have no problems with donations and things but TBS is sheisty and they've been busted too many times. I also have a friend who took me to lunch with another friend who used to be an operator for TBS. All I can say is TBS doesn't need another cent.
TBS was always made me feel money.

I know it requires millions of dollars to run production but I dont understand why they cant cut back on the fancy this and that and everything else.

I was listening to 107.9 and Chuck Smith was talking about his boyhood and how these different traveling huckster preacher would get money out of people and one of them was a preacher who advertised a magic wallet. He said he would sell this magic wallet to people and it would never be out of money and they would constantly have money. He told people they would be helping him travel and spread the gospel with the wallet and the money he made from the sales.

Even as a confused kid Chuck was on it. He said well why don't you just use the wallet for yourself and these poor people could keep their money in the pocket. :lachen::lachen:

I hear this and it perfectly explains why I can't stand turning on television and no longer watch TBS because they are forever having some telethon begging for money and saying the ministry can no longer go on with out people "sowing a seed" and they offer various amounts you can sow.

TBS has hundreds of millions of dollars. Why don't they sow those seeds and they wouldn't have to have anymore telethons.:rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong I have no problems with donations and things but TBS is sheisty and they've been busted too many times. I also have a friend who took me to lunch with another friend who used to be an operator for TBS. All I can say is TBS doesn't need another cent.
Have you ever been to TBS?

I have been there several times. It is GORGEOUS...but excess, excess, excess! I'm talking gold trim everywhere, velvet and fancy it is almost gaudy. Then they top this by having to hire round the clock personal cops to prowl the grounds...even though it is in Orange County by South Coast Plaza... I don't really think they need that to spread the word. Perhaps they should try a more modest location if they really want to spread the word.
This is what I am saying. Now, its nice to have a nice, comfortable setting to worship. I go to a very nice church myself. But its weird to see these people talk about giving to the poor children and they are sitting on golden thrones and stuff. I hate guady anything. I went to Vegas once and hated it. The lights and glitz was just overkill for me. I hated it. :nono:
At my church, no one but the choir, praise team, and musicians sit of the stage. Anyone, including pastors and family, sit on the floor with everyone else. I dont know its just weird.:ohwell:

Have you ever been to TBS?

I have been there several times. It is GORGEOUS...but excess, excess, excess! I'm talking gold trim everywhere, velvet and fancy it is almost gaudy. Then they top this by having to hire round the clock personal cops to prowl the grounds...even though it is in Orange County by South Coast Plaza... I don't really think they need that to spread the word. Perhaps they should try a more modest location if they really want to spread the word.
Little Chuck was no fool.... :lachen::lachen::lachen:

But children DO exercise logic; a lot more than we give them credit for.

God bless Chuck and all who are like him. "SMART'. :bookworm:
I hear this and it perfectly explains why I can't stand turning on television and no longer watch TBS because they are forever having some telethon begging for money and saying the ministry can no longer go on with out people "sowing a seed" and they offer various amounts you can sow.

TBS has hundreds of millions of dollars. Why don't they sow those seeds and they wouldn't have to have anymore telethons.:rolleyes:

Exactly! If it's that simple why don't the big mega-ministries find a small, struggling ministry to "sow seed" into? It would be a win-win situation wouldn't it?

I believe strongly in giving to ministry projects, ministers and Bible teachers who really teach the word, and giving to people in the community who have needs.

Right now I feel led to give to this young man:
Here I go....

Right ideas, wrong reasons....

It takes MILLIONS.... BILLIONS of dollars to run a television network. Esp. a 24-hour network... regardless of the content.

PBS... National Public Radio... they also run fundraising telethons... same concept, but seemingly more acceptable, possibly because of their TV/.

In terms of appearance of the structures: nobody and I mean NOBODY complains about the perceived gaudiness (is that a word?) of Las Vegas or any other type of structure/complexes.

Plus who's to say what's gaudy and what's not? Did anybody take a vote? Submit some drawings? Invested on the ground floor?

God bless the lil TBN operator, but I'm thinking the operators aren't in on the accounting books.


This was part of what I was talking about in the other thread about the image and the mockery of 21st century corporate Christianity that drives me away and also turns others away. It's an embarrassment and I have no answer for my colleagues who see it as a sham....