The Softest My Hair Has Ever Felt!!


New Member
I know I havent been around much but i had to stop in to share with everyone what i just stumbled across....

this combo made my hair feel the softest it has ever felt!! Ever!!!

i just soaked my hair with 911 (watery type blue cap), used pure unrefined shea butter and virgin coconut oil and im talkin IMMEDIATE, this is a wonderfull combo....

its so soft!!, no exaggeration ya'll , and ya'll know ive tried alot of stuff

just thought i would share....miss you all lots!!!
Hey welcome back

Your hair looks beautiful as always
girl, that was gonna be my magic potion!!! im still waitin on my shea butter though:) im glad to see it works, and your hair looks so beautiful!!
Girl, your hair is so beautiful to look at: the waves, the fullness, the shine! NICE
Your hair is so gorgeous. I'm going to remember that combo and try it once I'm all natural. My hair doesn't like shea butter yet but it loves coconut oil.
Hey Pink_flower, thank you

lol LondonDiva your silly, thank you

thank you msportugal, it feels great! im so surprised

Shatani... thank you girl and yes!! it really is a magic potion and should be called one cause i swear it works like one

Thank you Divastate and Nay (some of the most beautifulest hair in the world is on your head)

Tai , thank you, please do remember the combo its so worth remembering...i dont rave to often..but this has me singin lol

LEOLADYSW , its the watery type one, with the blue cap, its full of vitamins and really good for your hair
nurseN98 said:
Beautiful! You always come up with good combos

[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you girl, whew this combo took the cake....i mean i had soft and all that before....but this is super duper soft
Thank you RushGirl, I'm lovin it!

Thank you Falon, im still in awe of what this stuff did

I will be using this from now on

only thing is to mix the coconut oil with the shea butter cause the shea butter wasnt spreading like i would have liked on wet hair, but it was worth the effort it took to get it all in there
Shatani said:
what company makes 911??? i want to know EXACTLY what im looking for!

[/ QUOTE ] It used to say always on it. but its made by african pride products (they are the same company)

here is a pic
Your hair looks beautiful. (You'd have to whack my hand to stop me from touching it.)

Could you please give us an update tomorrow on whether the softness sticks around? I know shea butter really makes my hair soft when applied to damp hair but if my hair is left exposed to the air (ie not braided right away) it dries up and doesn't feel as soft. So I'm interested in the long-term results, although I am already writing down my shopping list even as we "speak". TIA
nonie said:
Your hair looks beautiful. (You'd have to whack my hand to stop me from touching it.)

Could you please give us an update tomorrow on whether the softness sticks around? I know shea butter really makes my hair soft when applied to damp hair but if my hair is left exposed to the air (ie not braided right away) it dries up and doesn't feel as soft. So I'm interested in the long-term results, although I am already writing down my shopping list even as we "speak". TIA

[/ QUOTE ] Hey Nonie
thank you girlie

i will for sure report back....

the first time i used the unrefined Shea Butter i gooped it on so heavy , it was a mess, my hair was all gooped together just used to being able to be heavy handed with stuff, i didnt leave it in long cause i was gonna press my hair, and i couldnt get it all out, so i didnt really use it again after that till this is new to me, i remember liking the softness before but i was just so anxious to wash it out, and i had way too much in my hair, so i really didnt get to feel the benifits of a "little" shea butter....all i can say is wow, im really lovin it.
Wow! Your hair is absolutely beautiful! You are definitely another one of my hair inspirations! And, YIPPEE, I have all the ingredients!!! I'm going to try it on my next co-wash!!!
It's soooooo good to see you, Irresistible

As usual, you hair looks fantastic and very healthy!
I might have to give this 911/shea butter mix a try. I have the shea butter, but I wonder if I could use another leave-in and get the same effect
Thank you hOnii and LABETT

you are so welcome LEOLADYSW

dsd , thank you girlie , yes i know your daughter's hair will love it

love2praz, thank you girl! wow thats cool that you have it all already, let me know how you like it k?

hey miss_brown
thank you girl!! im sure you will get the similar results, i just use the 911 in place of water to soak my hair , it has tons of vitamins in it too so its really good for your hair