The science of hair-Love it!


New Member
This site has offered a wealth of information for me. I hope some of you find it usefull. It offers a lot of information about the science of hair!!
Knowledge is power! Happy reading.

The world of hair
I found that site too, but I didn't like the hair types section. My hair is not straight African from the description or the pictures. I wish they would have shown more variations of African-Caucasoid, or African-Asain hair types maybe I would have found someone close to me. But other then that, they have a lot of information.
Hey Pebbles, glad u posted the link here for others to use. I found this site at work about 2wks ago and bookmarked it on my computer there. I read many of the chapters and found it very interesting. It actually motivated me to keep staying away from heat, based on those graphic photos showing the strands being blasted open. Thanks for the info!!

You know what I really loved with this site? The magnified pictures they had of real human hair in good condition and damaged. I didn't know that was what hair looked like. The close-up of the hair that was badly cut was interesting. I never realized that bad sciccors could do that much damage. This site gave me a new insight on hair in general.
It made me see my hair in a different light. I found a lot of the information fascinating!! (Don't mean to sound like a science geek!) /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
It actually motivated me to keep staying away from heat, based on those graphic photos showing the strands being blasted open.

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Those pictures blew me away! After reading that, I gently put my blowdryer down and slowly walked away!
Now don't get me wrong pebbles, I didn't like that section, but I really liked everything else. I've read it from cover to cover, looked at all the chapters, and really enjoyed the information that the site provided. It's very comprehensive, and free! Now that's the best part.
thanks for posting the site.. so much info!!! When i have more maybe i'll be able to raed all of it
I knew the importance of handling my hair properly before I saw those magnified pics of unhealthy hair, but now, I don't just know - I UNDERSTAND much more clearly why. Those photos of damaged hair shocked me. The magnified strands in those pictures weren't just damaged: they were ravaged, violated...and the ones of Afro hair damaged by relaxers really hit home. Another poster (Tara) humorously mentioned wanting a magnifying glass so she could examine her hair; well, now I wonder what I would find out through the glass, too. A hairdresser once told me that hair should be treated like old lace; I will never treat mine any other way again, after seeing those pics.
this site has a bunch of great information, but i have to say i was also irritated by the hair type section. it's a great read though. thanks for sharing! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

pebbles do you know of any other site that may have this information? I would love to see what you all were talking about years ago :) . So far no luck with me on the internet.. may need more time, and your link is not directing me to what you all saw earlier.
@pebbles do you know of any other site that may have this information? I would love to see what you all were talking about years ago :) . So far no luck with me on the internet.. may need more time, and your link is not directing me to what you all saw earlier.

Giselle685 Pebbles was posting about the P&G website hair info pages: The World of Hair. It's a very neat site and one I learned a lot from and still refer to (as you might've noticed).