Science of Transitioning $2.99 for limited Audrey Davis-Sivasothy

Hope this was not yet posted... $2.99 for Kindle Version through 31 Jan. *posting from my phone so copy and paste in browser if link doesn't work OR type Science of Transitioning in Amazon search window* ETA: On social media she said it's for new naturals, transitioners or those wanting knowledge about healthy hair.

Thanks I just purchased it.

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Stupid question, would it work on Kobo?(don't stone me please, not tech savvy). I love her books.
Thanks for this! I decided to transition this year and need all the help I can get. I remember when Sistaslick was a member here. Glad I can support.
I purchased the paperback book on Thursday and it arrived yesterday. Gotta love Amazon Prime. I also love that the book has color pictures.
I just ordered the book version. I'll be reading it after I do my homework. I am excited about this book! I have gone natural before but never stayed natural. I always big chopped. I'm all about length. I am thinking about transitioning. Hopefully this book will help me make my decision.
I got the Kindle Version. I finished reading it yesterday. It's a good book overall.

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Just purchased the kindle version, if I like it I will get the hard copy later. Where was this book, when I was transitioning over a decade ago, sigh.
Just downloaded this as well. After 3 years of transitioning, I've learned one thing...there's always room for more learning.
Darn it! How did I miss this thread and the $2.99 special! Is this book worth 7.99?
How are you ladies liking the book so far? I'm on chapter 4.

I finished it. I think it would be great for beginners....not so much for us veterans. lol

I did like the moisture-protein balance chapter. (Forgot the number of the chapter) She suggested a basic moisture, moisture, protein, repeat regimen for keeping a balance but of course listening to your hair. Also clarifying once a month. I'm gonna try that. I usually alternate moisture & light protein each wash and only clarify and medium/hard protein after heat styling.