The Ring Formula


New Member
Hello Ladies,
Did any of you read the ring formula? What did you think? I think it had some good points concerning the male mind. I am in a relationship, but though I read much of what he said before in other texts, I see some things that I just did not get and I guess it is similar to some of your comments from the WMLB thread. He is not saying be like a B, but he is saying slow down, let there be a chase, do not emasculate men, but also do not let them do anything they want without letting them know it is wrong.

His book is on the conservative side and he calls for submission and cooking which many do not have a problem with. One thing that I do not do enough is touch, and he mentioned that men need and like that.

He also talked about men loving women who were confident, exciting, and those that knew they were a prize. That was on of his main points. He repeatedly discussed women as assets to men and that we need to understand that about the wife/husband dynamic. He also said that wheter we like it or not me will not settle for just any wife, she has to have it all to get the ring ( all of what they want which varies as you all know). They will date you, live with you, make booty calls to you, but if you are not the one, you will not get the ring.

He gave good advice that I am sure will work to help you get the guy, but he at the time he wrote the book, was not married. He seems to have a fairytale, idyllic attitude, but I guess if you expect ease you will get it lol. I think he can help you get the ring, but he appears inexperienced when it comes to the marriage part.
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Thanks tinkat!!!
@ CurlyNiquee I think he is talking about it once you are engaged or married.
Major difference between being engaged and being married. Some, not all will stay engaged forever if they are getting marriage treatment. It happens because woman allow it.
ThickHair said:
Major difference between being engaged and being married. Some, not all will stay engaged forever if they are getting marriage treatment. It happens because woman allow it.

I took it that he meant during the courting/dating stage. He has great points but things that I will do as wife I will not do when I am not. I learned that recently for sure.

But what you said is the truth.
I had this book at one time. In fact I had it on PDF format. I lost it when my laptop crashed. Honestly he gives good advice but listening to Dedan Tolbert you get better advice and it's totally free.
I actually hardly ever cooked for my husband neither before or after marriage.
I know a man who had 3 women at the same time saying he used " one of them to cook for him after basketball practice ,one to hang out with and the other other to have sex with and clean up the house ,he was braggin about how he got them to do wht he wanted .I know another one like that ,I dont think is uncommon for men to use women to cook or clean for them in exchange of a few Bs sweet words and sex.