The pupil has become the master! My friend's BSL natural hair and her regimen..


Human being
My sister and I taught her a lot from the beginning about haircare. I feel like a proud mama. :cry3: This is where i'd be too if I left my hair alone. She had damage shoulder length hair when she transitioned. She's been natural for 2.5 - 3 years now. She lives in twists or buns. She swears by protective styling. She's made me a believer of proctective styling for sure. :yep: Straightens maybe 3 times a year.

Her regimen:
Cowash every 2 weeks with As I am cowashing conditioner
Deep conditions once a month with African pride hair Mayo (the one in the jar) or ORS hair mayo. She considers that her protein treatment.

Apply EVOO then twist or bun and air dry. That's it. As for her hair type, she's a 3c and 4a.


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For the most part, that is my reggie and products. I pretty much use African Pride leave-in Cond and moisturizers....sometimes I include other products...just because
What does she look like in the twists? I always wonder about people who show up for work in twists... I mean... does that ever happen?
What does she look like in the twists? I always wonder about people who show up for work in twists... I mean... does that ever happen?

Yes, it does. I use to wear my hair in twists at work all the time. Several women at work wear their hair in twists.

On topic: Beautiful hair!
Awwwwwww!! OP, good job!!! Her hair is beautiful!! You should be a very proud mama.

I brought my sister over to the natural hair side, and taught her some habits :rolleyes:, and her hair's the longest it's ever been in her life :grin:!!!!
My sister and I taught her a lot from the beginning about haircare. I feel like a proud mama. :cry3: This is where i'd be too if I left my hair alone. She had damage shoulder length hair when she transitioned. She's been natural for 2.5 - 3 years now. She lives in twists or buns. She swears by protective styling. She's made me a believer of proctective styling for sure. :yep: Straightens maybe 3 times a year.

I'm feeling proud along with you. :clapping: Every time I see a hair success story I am very proud to be black. Congratulations to your friend.:yep:
She uses Cantu shea butter leave in conditioner alongside the evoo as a leave in. She also uses the Cantu as a refresher as needed.

She leaves the hair mayo on her hair days prior to shampooing as a prepoo.