The Problem With Black Owned Businesses...


Active Member
Ok Guys, I havent posted in a while just because of 'life', but my situation today led be back to this website as SOON as I got off from work.. Now, before I begin, I go out of my way to locate and patronize B.O.B's (black owned businesses). But this instance today just left me soooo disappointed and I know my LHCF sistahs would understand. So here's the story:

-Driving down the street on my lunch break looking for a bss to purchase some styling products. Then I come across this bss and to my surprise it was a b.o.b!!! I thought 'YAY', because there are hardly any black owned bss in VA..YA hear me?? So I was excited and strutted myself on in...No one was around initally, but eventually I heard a 'Hello' come from the back room! I politely responded. Then a 3-year old lil boy comes rampaging from the back and approaches me. I say "Hi little one", he returns my greeting by pulling my purse off of my arm :nono::perplexed(and this lil kid was strong!!:yep:). I pull back and ask politely for him to stop and I continue to make my way around the store. He then begins to pull on my sweater to the point where it came off my shoulder....:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed,,, As I am trying to ask him to stop and tell him 'No'................, WHERE THE H*LL IS THIS CHILDS MOTHER!!!!????:nono::nono:... I said, 'um, ma'am , can you come and get your child??' She nonchalantly emerges from the back room and instructs the child to leave me alone and go sit down... The lil boy screams 'NOOOOOO' and makes a scene in HER place of business... She then tells ME to 'hit him & he'll stop'. WHAT??????
Hastily, I replied "I'm not putting my hands on YOUR RESPONSIBILITY":wallbash::wallbash:
So after being bothered with the child, I continue to read the ingredients on some products. I figured, 'he's just a child', I wont let that stop me from purchasing here......LORD JESUS, WHY DIDNT I JUST LEAVE THE STORE THEN??
Why did this child run up to me and grab my 'Kitty Kat':nono:. YES YOU HEARD ME, My private area.... Ran up on me and grabbed it like he was digging for gold.... GIIIIRRRRRRLLLLL!!!:nono: All the while his mother is yelling at him , but never physically restrains him or pops him. She didnt even apologize for him.. And YES she saw it...

I am disgusted and walk out on the realization that I have just been molested by a 3-year old man..:rolleyes: It's just sad that some of our B.O.B's continue to have the same lack of regard for customer service and professionalism. I am not bashing us at all. In fact, I am a former business owner and exceptional service was my pride..........................

Did I under-react, over-react?? How would you have handled this? Can a sistah just find some damn hair products while tryna help 'us'?

I think you just have to trust in your reaction was right for that moment and not try and second guess what else you could have done.

I suspect they won't stay in business long. Are you sure that was the owner and not the hired help?
After he grabbed my Kitty Kat... like Bernie Mac says.. "BUST A MOVE...YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO HIT HIM IN THE THROAT OR THE STOMACH"... it would have been on and popping... i would have beat that lil boy so bad his mama would have felt it across the room .... she should have been over there handling her dang bebe kid.... the place may not be so empty if she ran it like a professional.... I KNOW VA has to have a daycare!!! DANG!!!
Wow.... he sounds like the perfect birth control.... babysit him for a day and you will make sure to think twice about getting pregnant lol. I don't think that you over-reacted. It's sad how some people let their children do whatever. If she doesn't appreciate your business and have respect for you then you don't need to shop there.
Wow :lol: It is unfortunate! Was it her place of business? I'm a business owner as well, and I assure you after investing so much sweat equity in a business, nonchalant is definitely not the way to handle things. Some people hire crummy workers :nono: If she isn't the owner, I would write a letter to them about the situation. I actually went to the BBS about 2 hours ago - Korean owned (suprised?). They were SO RUDE! I thought to myself, I should have just shopped online through my savings portal,Aisle19 and got cash back on my purchases! :crybaby:
That sux! Makes me wish u could press charges on the little perv, lol. I've always wanted to own a bss so it's sad that she would have one and be so nonchalant, she probably wan't the owner cus I cant imagine letting some little crumbsnatcher harrass my clients, espeically if u were the only one there! she better work for that sale

p.s. Theres a beauty supply by my moms house, this asian man knows his stuff, I love HIM!!! I dont buy a thing without his consultation, lol, great customer service will bring a client back every time and generate business! people sometimes just dont get it

Maybe you should've knocked tha hell out of his little a**!!!! If the police get involved - tell them it was self-defense...
What does your story have to do with Black Owned Businesses? In my opinion it has very little to do with B.O.B.'s and has everything to do with the clerk or proprietress being inept and a poor role model for her child. I am sorry about your experience, but your experience is not an indicator of Black Owned Businesses as whole and quite frankly it is ignorant for you to suggest that. Oh and you did suggest that by your title.
Lil dude would have gotten an uppercut. That's not kosher at all.

Don't feel bad. I went into a Korean BSS yesterday and as soon as I walk in, they send a black woman to come follow me down the aisle. Then she asks me for help. I walk to the manager and said,"This is why I don't shop here. I don't have time to be followed." I don't play that crap. I'll go put their behind on the news.
I'm sorry about your experience.
But it was hilarious! lol
I don't think you overreacted at all. I'm like you, I would have stayed around after the shirt tugging. For me, it's kind of like, "That was only a odd situation, it won't happen again." So I would've been floored if that kid did what he did to you.
I do believe they should count themselves lucky you didn't call the cops!
I hope you don't have that experience again!
this whole post sounds very ignorant. the problem lies within the woman and the way she chooses to deal with her children/customers, not her race.
im gonna go ahead and say that you under-reacted. the fact that the store owner allowed her child to act that way is an outright display of disrespect. this wasn't another customer that she can't control, it was her child and as you said her responsibility, so, she should be held accountable (as a business owner and as a dimwit of a mother) for his ridiculous behavior.
You did the right thing. The the little molester was bad- yes, but he was still a child. Now his mother was another story.
I can't even lie, I would have dropped kicked his little zza, fo real! Pinch his weinie back and see how he likes it. The mother needs her zza kicked too for "raising" such a little monster.
What does your story have to do with Black Owned Businesses? In my opinion it has very little to do with B.O.B.'s and has everything to do with the clerk or proprietress being inept and a poor role model for her child. I am sorry about your experience, but your experience is not an indicator of Black Owned Businesses as whole and quite frankly it is ignorant for you to suggest that. Oh and you did suggest that by your title.

Thank you. I was wondering if I was missing something.:lachen:
I can't even lie, I would have dropped kicked his little zza, fo real! Pinch his weinie back and see how he likes it. The mother needs her zza kicked too for "raising" such a little monster.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I was thinking the same thing. He would not appreciate that.

On a very serious note though, this experience does not reflect black business owners in my opinion. It is an utter display of poor customer service, management and parenting. Let's not allow give weight to stereotypes about black businesses and behaviors. I'm sorry you experienced that though.
I don't think you overreacted to the poor business practices or the child that clearly has some issues. The way he came up to you suggests that there is something going on in that back room that doesn't involve purse pulling. However, I do think you overreacted to the black owned business issue. I have patroned some very professional black owned businesses and some very unprofessional white, asian, and hispanic owned businesses. Given we do have our issues now, that's why the internet is a great place to shop. :yep:
Why did this child run up to me and grab my 'Kitty Kat':nono:. YES YOU HEARD ME, My private area.... Ran up on me and grabbed it like he was digging for gold.... GIIIIRRRRRRLLLLL!!!:nono: All the while his mother is yelling at him , but never physically restrains him or pops him. She didnt even apologize for him.. And YES she saw it...

At this point I would have taken a page from Que and hurt the li'l bastard! I'd do the jail time!
OK, I know it shouldn't be funny but that had me crackin up. Thanks for sharing.
You seem like you were too shocked to react any other way. I wouldn't have hit him but think I'd have pinched the hell out of him on his arm.
I think a better title for the thread would have been The problem with suck-@zz mothers and their bad @zz children!
I can't believe that little joker grabbed your China!!! Wooooo! That's some mess!
Oh girl I'd wanna backhand him so bad and then backhand his momma. She is so disrespsctful to not say anything when he grabbed your vajayjay. On top of that she told you to hit him? I bet if you did hit him she woulda been mad.