The power of the tongue........

EXACTLY HWAY!... This is a Biblical principle and it was originated by God, Himself. The perfect example is in the book of Genesis, Chapter 1.

"....and God said, let there be light and there was light." And God said, let there be.... Over and over you will see this principle OF GOD's (not the loa, or other worldly claims that don't give God credit for this principle).

I'm making this point on purpose, because far too many are thinking that 'they' are the creators and are stealing what God has created and designed and not giving him full honor and credit for it.

But back to your question, it is indeed the principle, but it's God's principle that Psychology has stumbled upon. It's God's word, in Mark 11:23, 'You can have what you say..." In James, God's word speaks of the power of the tongue.

In the Bible, it is also demonstrated by the Fathers who spoke blessings and cursings over their children. (See Genesis when Jacob spoke over his sons). As a matter of fact, Jacob knew this power so well, that he was able to steal his brother Esau's birthright for their father Issac 'SPOKE' the blessing over Jacob and Jacob was the recipient, not Esau. It was by Esau's own words, he in a moment of hunger and weakness gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob. Words are powerful...

Balek was known to speak blessings over the children of Isreal and there was an enemy of Isreal who wanted them cursed. They commanded Balek to curse God's children, yet all he could do was speak blessings over them as God commanded. God knew the power of words so greatly affects lives that he even went as far as having the donkey that Balek was riding to 'SPEAK' to get Balek's full attention and not curse Isreal.

What you did for your daughter, I did for my two children and now my grand babies. Each night I spoke the word of God over my children while they sleep. I'd lay on the floor by their beds and pray and speak God's total promises over their lives. And each and every promise and beyond my prayers have been fruitful and they have multiplied.

I can literally write volumes of books on the manifestations of God's word in the lives of me and my children alone. The words I've spoken and seen come to pass. I've even killed a mouse with the words of my mouth. :yep:

You can also 'undo' the prayers and curses that have been spoken over you and/or a loved one.


Thank you for your post. Verrrrry insightful. In fact, this is something I have been wondering about- the power of words as God's children, as opposed to the loa.

I am PMing you now.
This is a great thread!!!! Whatever situation I am going through I find scriptures to speak while I am in prayer. The more I say it the more I believe it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I tell God everyday that HE said he watches over his word to perform it and I tell him that HE said his word will not return to him void. I dont tell God what I think about the situation I tell him what he said about the situation. The tongue speaking the word of God is powerful indeed.

Wow. Very powerful and true indeed. You just sparked more of an interest in me. The power or the tongue and God's word has so many dimensions that whenever someone says something new (well new too me), I just think how I never thought about it like that.
I'm still learning a lot and my mother use to tell me becareful about what you tell people because a lot of people hold jealous tendacies in there heart and bring evil spirits. Yet at that time, I did not believe in evil spirits, just God. I would always tell her I have God, no one can touch me. Now I know. My Father is still better. :yep:

Yes SOOOOO true. I learned the hard way this year but God opened my eyes to the people around me that i thought were my friends but they really weren't. These are people I shared my thoughts & feelings with and they turned around and used it for good :nono:. Well, as they say, you live and learn. Now unfortunetly, I trust NO ONE except my close family. I really didn't believe people could be so evil until this year. Now, my heart that was so open is very reserved.
Yes SOOOOO true. I learned the hard way this year but God opened my eyes to the people around me that i thought were my friends but they really weren't. These are people I shared my thoughts & feelings with and they turned around and used it for good :nono:. Well, as they say, you live and learn. Now unfortunetly, I trust NO ONE except my close family. I really didn't believe people could be so evil until this year. Now, my heart that was so open is very reserved.

I had one of those relationships. I'm happy to say I'm over a month free of that evil doing person :yep:. It feels great to be free of that negativity.

I had one of those relationships. I'm happy to say I'm over a month free of that evil doing person :yep:. It feels great to be free of that negativity.


Yes, my load has been lifted BUT I want any curses or bad wishes from these people to be dissolved. I've prayed on it but is there anything else i need to do..these were VERY jealous and vindictive people. I don't want to live in fear but I've seen the fruition of their bad thoughts for me...
You can also 'undo' the prayers and curses that have been spoken over you and/or a loved one.[/quote]

Shimmie, I need to 'undo' the curses/bad wishes of my enemies...I've prayed on it...but I just fear that their curses/words/wishes for me will come to life...these are jealous, bad people. I need you guys to pray for me, please. :sad:
Yes SOOOOO true. I learned the hard way this year but God opened my eyes to the people around me that i thought were my friends but they really weren't. These are people I shared my thoughts & feelings with and they turned around and used it for good :nono:. Well, as they say, you live and learn. Now unfortunetly, I trust NO ONE except my close family. I really didn't believe people could be so evil until this year. Now, my heart that was so open is very reserved.

I could have written this post line for line. As one pastor once said, "It is not everyone you count, that you can count on." So true.

Excellent thread OP.
Yes, my load has been lifted BUT I want any curses or bad wishes from these people to be dissolved. I've prayed on it but is there anything else i need to do..these were VERY jealous and vindictive people. I don't want to live in fear but I've seen the fruition of their bad thoughts for me...

Pray on Psalms 64:
1 Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint;
protect my life from the threat of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,
from that noisy crowd of evildoers....

1Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
2Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity:...

Pray on Psalms 64:
1 Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint;
protect my life from the threat of the enemy. 2 Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,
from that noisy crowd of evildoers....

1Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
2Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity:...


Thanks Lys. I just printed it out...will do. :yep:
This has been bothering me all day since I read this thread. Maybe I've been misinterpreting what people are saying. Are you ladies saying that we cannot trust other people to pray for us because they may try to curse us? If we can't trust our Christian brothers and sisters to pray for us, with us, or on our behalf, something is very wrong with our church. Someone please correct me!

If yawl don't mind I'd like to post my 5 cents worth (gone up from 2 cents due to inflation). It sounds like God has been forgotten in the mist of this. While someone may pray to harm and send bad things your way, God knows this person's motives and heart, and I just don't see a just, wonderful and loving God allowing this person's prayers to be answered. If it is a true Christian God knows that and if the person is "playing Christian" God also knows that and then they will have bigger problems on their hands.
If yawl don't mind I'd like to post my 5 cents worth (gone up from 2 cents due to inflation). It sounds like God has been forgotten in the mist of this. While someone may pray to harm and send bad things your way, God knows this person's motives and heart, and I just don't see a just, wonderful and loving God allowing this person's prayers to be answered. If it is a true Christian God knows that and if the person is "playing Christian" God also knows that and then they will have bigger problems on their hands.

Thanks for posting. This is what I was thinking and couldn't get it out.
