
New Member
I went to the dominican salon last night to get a relaxer, before I went I based my hair with petroleum vasaline. This was my first time getting a relaxer there. And the last couple of times I got my hair done I noticed they never based the persons hair before perming. They typical use a soft and beautiful no-lye relaxer but I use Lye relaxers typical Affirm, they did not have this but used Motions Lye relaxer. Well this perm was burning like crazy
When she went to wash it out
I was so through! I was on fire! She told me I was burning so bad because I put the vasaline on my scalp and had used to much and that she doesn't like to base and feels that she get more positive results when she doesn't. Is this true? At the African American salon I used to frequent I was always based and never burned as bad as I did yesterday. She also used some sort of vitamen in the perm "Salrium (sp?)" I am wondering if this has something to do with the burning reaction. My hair was so matted this morning from the open wounds in my head I wanted to cry!
Hi pbuckley,

I'm really sorry to hear about your bad experience.

I don't believe it's true that she would get better results without basing your scalp. If that's how she prefers to do it, that's her thing, but in my experience, no amount of vaseline has ever kept a relaxer from straightening my hair, and I won't do a touch-up without fully basing my scalp first. For your scalp, try rubbing some vitamin E oil on it. It's really good on burns.
Motions makes me angry!

But basing your scalp is supposed to help it, not hinder it. I don't know what that stylist was talking about.
Sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds like she added one of the Salerm ampules (sp?) to your relaxer. Maybe the Placenta or Silk Plus. I've never heard of this before...
pbuckly i'm very sorry to hear about yo salon experince esp coz that lady sounds lik she dont kno wot she means coz the relaxers themselves (at home ones) have products in them added for basin the scalp surely they wudnt waste their money includin something if it werent that useful !!